°° This is, by far, the dumbest thing you've ever done °°

929 30 11

· Alternate Universe · > Original Universe ·

summary: tsubaki plans kuro's birthday party. what's the worst that could happen? ...guys stop giving me that look

requested by: @GilkoNightray (32. "This is, by far, the dumbest thing you've ever done.")

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kuro stared blanky as party poppers started going off and confetti fell untop of his head

he should've listen to the voice in his head that kept telling him to rub away "how nice..." he mumbled, picking up a confetti that was on his nose with a blank face "everyone is here... can't deal" he will not, i repeat, he will NOT admit it to anyone that he was feeling an ounce of happiness because of all the familiar faces

...alright maybe not just an ounce

"oi! bastard mikuni! don't eat the cake yet"

that doesn't mean this will literally be the one of the worst party in his lifetime "tsubaki why..?" kuro asked as he turned towards his youngest sibling who shrugged innocently

"it's a party big brother!!! as a celebration of your-"

"that's not what i asked" kuro once again sighed, as licht started pestering him to turn into a cat. the party went on like how normal parties for him went, people screaming, some getting drunk, something getting broken and so on

kuro was sitting on the couch as he watched everyone making fools of themself, a drunk mikuni was chasing a very sober misono around, lily and jeje were trying to stop them- well lily did, licht was ignoring a love-struck hyde who kept whining and hugging him, hugh was telling some old story and tetsu was intently listening-the kid will probably forget 2 minutes later though- tsurugi was laughing loudly while pointing at mikuni, world end was pestering everyone for a fight before wrath whacked him in the head, now the sixth servamp was groaning in pain while seth laughed beside him

yep.. such a dysfunctional group they were, his eyes search for his eve and he frowned when he notice the go-lucky teen was nowhere to be seen. he felt the couch shift slightly and he turned his head to see a grinning tsubaki "enjoying the party big brother~?? i arrange all of it you know!!!"

kuro pointed at the bottles of whiskey "yea, sort of figure that out in a flash" his eyes were half lidded "you do know half of these people aren't age appropriate right?"

"oh~ come on big brother~" tsubaki cooed as he leaned his body towards kuro who grimace "let it.. WHISK-ey you away!!" he started laughing loudly at his own lame joke "ahahahah!!! not interesting..."

kuro frown deepen, then he felt someone else lean themself on his unoccupied side "nii-san!! don't look so glum!!" lawless cackled as he threw his arms around his brother, kuro quickly gave the blonde an annoyed look

"right~!! if you don't~ i might change my mind about the birthday present i got you~" tsubaki laughed into his hand. both lawless and kuro glanced at each other in confusion before turning back towards tsubaki

"if it's like your last present then i don't-"

"don't worry nii-san~!!! i'm sure you'll absolutely adore it!" the youngest servamp quickly cuts off kuro, grinning widely in the process

kuro suddenly felt dread settled in his stomach "what did you do..?" he asked

tsubaki smiled innocently and stayed silent, then he snapped his fingers and everything was suddenly dark



"misono~ come here~ your big brother will protect you~"

"mikuni.. no..."

"Oka~!!!! it's dark!!!"

"be calm tsurugi"

"woah what the actual fuck!?!?"

"seth!!! i can't see anything!!!"



"lichtan!?!? tenshi-chan where are you!?!?"

"stop clinging to my leg you stupid hedgehog!!!"

kuro sighed loudly at the familiarity of the scene, but unlike the last time, the lights came on shortly after

kuro choked in surprised when a large gift box was suddenly infront of him, everyone stared at the wrapped box that tsubaki had his hand on "alright what the hell is that thing!?!?" seth yelled out

with a grin tsubaki pulled one of the strings, making it open up "happy birthday nii-san~!!!"

"kuwoh hep!!!" kuro's unemotional face suddenly turned bright red, his mouth hung open and his eyes were wide open, he swore something in the back of his mind exploded

there in the middle of the opened box was mahiru. the eve was wearing a large black v-neck t-shirt and orange shorts, he also had on a frilly white apron. clothe was tied around his mouth and a red ribbon was tied around his body, making him look like a gift. his expression was pleading and his face was a pretty shade of pink

"i hope you liked the gift~!!!" tsubaki began laughing while everyone stared in shock, mahiru was squirming around and was probably throwing out curse words at tsubaki

kuro's face got redder as he crouched down with his face hidden between his knees and his hands were gripping his hoodie tightly as he pulled them down to cover more of his face "tsubaki... this is, by far, the dumbest thing you've ever done..."

((a/n: *shrugs*

be thankful for tsubaki kuro~ without him you and mahiru wouldn't have stayed as partners for this long~ xDDD

and i know it isn't kuro's birthday yet but i couldn't get this scenario out of my head))

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