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Have this while you wait for the next chapter of My Sweet Caretaker

Kuro & Tsubaki: [dabbing on the rooftop]

[Camera zooms in as they starter jumping around]

[Hyde is in the background laughing his ass off]

Sakuya: [Out of camera view] F***... Times like this i wonder why I'm dating Tsubaki

Mahiru: [Out of camera view] [laughing]

Kuro: i killed the creator—

Creator: [Sips tea loudly] [Camera pans to him] tEll me mORE

Mahiru: [Burst out laughing]

Licht: pffttthaahahahahaha!!! Hyde no!!! Let me go!

Hyde: [Smushing Licht's cheek] [Trying to kiss him] muah! Muah!

Licht: STAPH!!

Higan: [Sipping his coffee mug] ah young love

Tetsu: [has one arm around his stomach and the other covering his face] [snickering]

(Full-sized) Hugh: [Wiggling eyebrows] [Has whipcream on his face that looks like a moustache]

Note: in this au Hugh's actor is as tall as Tetsu, but he only voices the Hugh in the show while a child actor plays as him on screen (because Hugh is so small and how he talks is so big in the show)

Misono: 'My Lily' why does our character keeps usinf 'My'???

Lily: No wonder the fandom ships some of them

Misono: [Burst out laughing]

Mikuni: six years in film school only for me to become a gay cowboy

Hyde: Mikuni(in the show) isn't gay though??? (probably)

Mikuni: No i was referring to me

Licht: but you aren't a cowboy—

Jeje: [Walking pass] I can say with confidence that he is


Ophelia: —you know that scene, the scene where my character jumped and fell untop of Hyde, we actually dislocated something when doing it

Hyde: oh yeah, something definitely popped, i heard something popped

Kuro: The black cat that my character turns into is my spirit animal, you can't tell me otherwise

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