Chapter 1

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My Name is Rosemary Hathaway Dragomir, twin sister to Lissa Dragomir.  I am 17. I am a stubborn pain in the ass but if you mess with my family, I won't hesitate to kill you.

      The Queen has assigned us both guardians to follow us around since the strigoi attack at court. She said we where to important to lose. You see, me and my sister Lissa are the last of the Dragomir line. Our parents where killed by strigoi 3 years ago.

        Today is the day we meet our guardians. We are called to Kirovas office. When we get there, there are 2 people standing by the window. " Ahh, Rose, Lissa, welcome. As you know, you are here to meet your guardians that the Queen have assigned you" Kirova says.

       " Hans" one of the men step forward " Lissa, this is yours, Guardian Hans. Belikov" the other man steps forward " Rose, this is yours, Guardian Belikov."
      I look at him, and I mean really look at him. He has these deep brown eyes. He's wearing a leather duster. Ha, wow. Just wow.

      I have to admit he is pretty hot. Before we leave I hear Kirove tell Belikov something " You'll have your hands full with her" he chuckles and continues to follow me out the door.

     I continue back to my dorm and he follows me. I get there and decide to head over to Lissa's dorm which is almost on the other side of campus.

       About halfway there I see Adrian. " Hey babe." He says walking up to me. He hugs me and I can tell he's drunk. " Adrian, go home and get sober" I say walking off.

      He grabs my arm and yanks me back. " HEY! You do not walk away from me!" He says, yanking me closer. I see Belikov start to get closer but I glare at him. He stops.

        " You don't tell me what to do Adrian. I said go home and get sober. Then come and talk" I turn around again but he grabs my shoulder and yanks me back again. I hear a crack and pain shot through my shoulder.

      I turn around and punch him in the nose. I then use my air magic to suck the air from his lungs, choking him. " Rose, Rose stop!" Belikov says. I ignore him.

      Adrian starts to go unconscious " ROSE! Stop! He's had enough!" He yelled pulling me back. I turned around and swung my elbow, nailing him in the face. I hear a crack and I turn around and ran.

      I wanted to look back but that would just distract me. I was running probably for a solid 15 minutes when someone grabbed me.

     I started screaming and kicking " LET ME GO!" I screamed. " Rose, ROSE! Calm down. I've got you!" Belikov yelled, trying to calm me down.

     I finally calm down and he let's go. I turn around and see his face. He has a black eye and a broken nose " Oh my god, I am so sorry. I panicked!" I said. I went to touch it but he jerked away

      " I'm so sorry. Let me fix it" I said. He looked at me weird I went to heal him but he moved away " Just trust me, I promise I won't hurt you, well, not anymore."

    I put my hands over it and healed it, soon it was back to normal. His chocalate brown eyes, those amazing brown eyes. Wait, what. Rose snap out of it! You have a boufriend, and he's way to old!

     He looked at me " How'd you do that?" He asked " It's part of my magic" I say " I thought you hadn't declared?" I glared at him and got uo, turning away " You don't know anything about me Belikov " I say, harshly.

      " You can call me Dimitri" he said, getting up and putting his hand on my shoulder. I flinch away, turning around and getting into my defense position. He puts his hands up.

     I relax and turn, walking back to my dorm. When I get there , there is a suitcase in there. " What the?" " It's mine" Dimitri said " and why is you suitcase in my room?" The Queen ordered us to stay with you at all times Princess Rosemary" he said, saying my name for the first time.

     " Don't call me princess. Or rosemary. It's Rose" I told him he nodded his head " ok rose" he said. I go to move my shoulder but I can't, then I remembered what happened. I put my hand over it and healed it.

     " So, what is your magic" Dimitri asked " Spirit. It's very Rare. Lissa has it to. So does Adrian." I said " What happened with Adrian?" He asked " I'd rather not talk about that." I told him looking away, feeling faint.

         I started to lose balance from the use of spirit. I start falling but Dimitri catches me before I hit the floor " Rose, Rose what's wrong?" He ask, picking me up and laying me on the bed. " It's my magic. When I use it, it takes a physical, and mental, toll on me. It goes away after awhile."

      His eyes go soft " Oh god, Rose im sorry. You shouldn't have healed me. I could've handled" " I'm the one who should be sorry. I'm the one who hit you" he chuckled

    " What's so funny? " I ask " I've just never met a moroi who could hit so hard. I swear it felt like a dhampir hit me" " Just because I'm moroi, does NOT mean I am weak. I am stronger than half of those dhampirs. So don't you dare, for even a second, think I'm weak because I'm a moroi!" I yell at him, storming off to the bathroom and locking the doors.

        " Rose, Rose! I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that!" He yelled " I'm just not used to seeing a strong Moroi" " Well duh, because most are weak, so you automatically think we all are!" "ROSE I-" " Just shut the hell up and leave me the fuck alone!" I yell at him.

    He sighs and sits down on the bed. I sit there, crying for about 30 min. Crying because of Adrian, and crying because I'm looked at as a week girl who can't take care of herself.

     I start to get sleepy so I unlock the door and grab some clothes. I change and then walk out and lay on the couch. " Rose, No, I'm sleeping in the couch, get in the bed" I ignore him and continue to drift off to sleep.


    Me and Lissa are walking through the hallways. All of a sudden we hear screaming. I don't care if I'm moroi, I protect Lissa with everything I've got. We turn around and see strigoi. "LISSA, STAND BEHIND ME!" I yell, pushing her behind me. I see a silver stake on the ground by a fallen guardian.

      I grab it and start stabbing strigoi. Lissa screamed and I turned around. One was bent over her neck, biting her. She turns around and looks at me with red eyes.

       " Oh rose, why don't you join us. You'll no longer be the weak girl who is though of as a push over" she said coming closer. They all where " LISSA! LISSA NOOO! LISSA!"
        * End of dream *

   "LISSA! NOOOO! NOO LISSA! LISSA !" I scream, slashing around. " Rose! Rose wake up! ROSE! It's just a dream wake up!" I hear this soothing voice. I stop screaming and start to calm down.

        " Rose, what happened?" I look up to see Dimitry. " Nothing. Reall, I'm fine" I say turning back around to go to sleep " No rose" Dimitri says picking me up and laying me on the bed.

       I groan in annoyance.  Every time I close my eyes, I see Lissa with her red eyes. I know I shouldn't ask this but I do " Dimitri?" I ask " Yeah Rose"


    "Lay with me. Please?" Rose asked. It takes me a minute to reply. " Uh, sure." I say getting up and laying down by her. She slowly drift off into sleep.

     I go to get up but when I do she roles over and snuggle into my chest. I freeze, not knowing what to do." Dimitri" She whispers " hmm" I ask. She doesn't answer. I look down and she smiling, dreaming.

      Why is she saying my name in her sleep?

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