Chapter 3

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Roses POV

     I woke up at about 5 PM, about 2 hours before anyone else would be up. I felt some arms around me and I turned and looked. Dimitri. I smiled and then I slowly got up, putting on my clothes. I got a sticky note and wrote 'Gone 2 gym" sticking it on the bathroom mirror.

     I slowly opened the door and shut it, trying not to wake up Dimtri. I ran down to the gym. When I got there I ran for about 20 minutes. I then went to the punching bags and started hitting them.

      All while letting all my anger out. After about 30 minutes, I realized I had forgotten gloves. I look down at my hands and see they are cut up and bloddy.


    I woke up about 5:20. I looked down and realized I was still in Roses bed, but she wasn't there. I got up and knocked on the bathroom door to see if she was there.

     I got no answer. I opened the door and saw a sticky note on the mirror, it was in Roses handwriting 'Gone 2 gym' I smiled and put on some different clothes, running down to the gym to get her.

      When I got there it was about 5:30. I opened the door quietly. I see rose at the punching bags. I just stood there and watched her.

      She stayed there for another 20 minutes, never stopping to take a breathe. She stopped and looked down at her hands "Shit!" She said, walking away and to the bench.

     I saw her hands and ran over " god rose, what happened?" I asked " forgot gloves" she said, getting some bandages.

     " here, let me do it" I said taking her hands. I cleaned the cuts and then bandaged them. " I've never known a moroi to come down here" I said smiling at her

       " Because most Moroi rely on there guardian to protect them. When they are out there. We don't have one in here to protect us, because none thinks there are any threats. But, to be honest, there are threats here. And even out there, I don't wanna be a weak girl who has to rely on other people to protect me, because we can't gurrentee that they will stay alive. We can get attacked by strigoi, and out guardians not make. And then we are left defenseless because we don't know how to fight. We are weak because we relied on them to protect us. My parents relied on the Guardian to protect them and look what happened." She said

     I don't know if she realized it but by the time she was done, she had tears streaming down her face. I went to wipe them away, but she jerked back. She wiped them away and then got up.

       She ran to the track around the training area and started running. She ran for the next hour, until she stopped to head to class.

      I didn't know a moroi could have such sttength, such endurace, such a resistance to pain. But I guess I need to learn, font underestimate Rose Dragomir.

      I got up and ran after her. She walked to the Cafeteria and went to get a feeder. I really didn't want to leave her after what happened last time, but I had to. I went and sat down.

       Vasilissa walked in with Hans. " Petrov wants to see you in her office. I'll stay with Rose for you" he said. I got up and went to her office.

     " We, um, never got to finish our conversation yesterday. But first of, what was with the princess?" She asked.

     " It ties in with what I was gonna tell you. We where on our way to the feeders. She fell and couldn't get back up, she was to weak. I could see the light going from her eyes. I had to. I made sure no one was around and I let-i let her, feed, from me. I thought no one was around but I was wrong. Adrian Ivashkov was videotaping it. He threatened rose and said if she didn't let him, bite and feed, off her, and other things, he would show the whole school. He then punched her in the phase and called her a blood whore" I told her. By the end I was ready to go and kill that Ivashkov kid.

   Alberta mouth was wide open " He did what!" She screamed. She stormed out, and I'm guessing to go get Ivashkov. I went after her and she turned and said " Get back to the princess. NOW!" Then turned and ran off.

       I went back to the feeders and they weren't there. I looked around and saw Hans and Vasilissa. I ran over " Where's Rose?" I asked

      " When she got out and saw you weren't there, I told her what happened and where you went. She ran off. When she started running, I went after her, but damn she's faster than I thought. I'm sorry Dimitri, I have no idea where she is" he said

     I automatically knew where she was " I have an idea" "where? I looked everywhere" He said " Did you look in the gym?" " well no, now moroi goes there. Why would she" I shake my head at him " Rose isn't like any other moroi. You don't know her" I said turning around and running to the gym.

        When I get there I see Rose over by the wall. Shes punching the wall and screaming at it. I run over and grab her " LET ME GO DAMNIT!"  She started screaming and kicking" Rose, calm down!" " I SAID LET ME GO!"

     I felt her start to get hotter and hotter. When finally I couldn't hold her any longer. When I looked at her, she had flaming eyes. " WHAT DID YOU TELL HER! WHAT DID YOU TELL PETROV!" She screamed at me

    " Rose, I ha-" " I HATE YOU!" She screamed at me and punched me in the face. She broke my nose again. Damnit, what is with her and breaking my nose. I turn to grab her, thinking she gonna run off.

    Instead she runs to the weights and gets on the bench. " Rose, stop you're gonna hurt yourself" I said when she went to lift the 50 pounds " You don't tell me what to do, your not my father!" She screamed

    And with that, she lifted it. I went to grab it, but I was to late. She lifted it and kept lifting it. How, moroi aren't supposed to have that type of strength.

     Then again, she isn't like most moroi. Hans and Vasilissa run in and see her. I'm just standing there, letting her do it. " What the hell Belikov! She's gonna kill her self!" He screams going to take it from her.

     " I wouldn't do that if I were you" I warned him. He took it from her and sat it back down. She stood up and punched him in the face to, breaking his nose. He grabbed it and groaned it pain.

     " How the hell did you do that?! Your not supposed to be strong, you're moroi?!" He yells. That did it. " Damn it! Why, just because I'm a moroi, does everyone think I'm a weak little girl!! I can be strong if I want to! I can fight if I want to! And I don't need some damn guardian to take care of me, I was doing just fine by myslef!" She yelled at him, going back to punching the wall.

   I run over and grab her again " Rose! STOP IT! Calm down!" I say, trying to get her to calm down. " Rose, Calm down!" She was still kicking and screaming " Roza! Calm down!" And when I said that, she did.

    " Ha, Roza, I like it" and with that, she blacked out, again.

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