Chapter 22

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Roses pov

       " I was out for 5 fucking months!" I screamed. They nodded their head." Rose, at least you did wake up" Lissa said. True. I lean back.

       Wait? Where are they?! " Where are Nes and Ana?" I ask " At Lissas house, Christian is watching them. Wait, he doesn't know does he" Dimitri said.

      " I'll go call and tell him" Liss said. She left to call him. Dimitri site back down and takes my hand " Roza, why did you do it?" He asked. " Because, I love you and I couldn't let them take you" I say

        " Roza, promise me you will never do anything like that again" he said. I shake my head " Dimitri, I can't do that. If it ever comes down to me, you, or the kids, I'm saving you and the kids."I tell him

     He shakes his head. " Roza, pl-" " No Dimitri. It's always gonna be you and the kids. You will always come first" I tell him " Roza, it's you who are supposed t-"

      " I don't care about what's supposed to happen, or how it's supposed to be. I mean, if I listened to that do you think we'd be together?" He shakes his head.

         " And don't ever think it'd your fault. It was my choice" I tell him

    *4 days later*

       We finally got to my apartment. Moroi where swarming us, wanting answers and pictures. I had a whole group of guardians surrounding me.

       I see Ana and Nes and go to play with them. After a few hours, I had to leave for a meeting with the council.

    " So, we need a vote on the Moroi fighting with their powers" Lissa said. " Who votes yes" I say. There are 11 council members, since Noone to fill Dragomir council.

         7 of them raised there hand. We got it. I smiled. " So, we need all signitures" I say, signing the paper. We pass it around and everyone signs it.

        " I would like to propose a new order. I want to ban the term blood whore. Anyone heard saying it will be punished" Lissa said. Everyone but the Lazar and Zeklos family agreed.

       " Ok" I said. We had our assistant to write uo the order. We sent it around for signing, but when it got to Zeklos, we had a problem.

             " Why should we do this? It's a term used to describe the people who do taboo things? If they do it, they deserve to be called it?" He said

         " But, it's gone far from that. Kids are using it as a term to call people. People who didn't do anything. People they just don't like and want to feel worthless" I snap at him.

        " And plus, you're outnumbered" I say. He sneers and signs the paper. Once it's done, we call the meeting. I walk back to our apartment and play with Nes and Ana.

          I make is dinner and feed Ana and Nes. Lissa comes in and Mason and Eddie are with her. " Hey Rose, we heard what happened. Are you ok" Eddie asked.

        " Yeah, I'm alive aren't I" I said. He laughed and hugged me. " Where have yall been, u thought you where Lissas guards" I asked " We are, but they wanted us to go through extra training" Mase said.

         We sat down and ate dinner. Liss, Mase, Eddie, and Chris left. I went and put Nes and Ana down to sleep. I go into our bedroom and change, putting one of Dimitri shirts on.

       He comes in and lays down " Why do you have one of my shirts on?" He asked. I shrug my shoulders " It's comfy, and it smells like my favorite scent in the world, you" I say.

           He smiles and pull me into him, kissing my forehead. " I love you Roza" " I love you to Comrade" I say, starting to drift off to sleep.

      Finally, I have all my family together, and nothing will change that. Or, well, I hope.

       I am making a sequel to this book. I don't know when I will start it but I will. It might be a few weeks though, I want to finish some of my others first. Thank you all for reading!!

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