Chapter 12

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           Today was the day after Rose got her memory back. I was beginning to think she wouldn't. When she came out of that bathroom was one of the happiest days.

        We had just finished training and Rose was heading to the feeders room. When she's done we head to her first class. On the way there, Rose finds the little kitten she healed.

      " Hey shadow. You hungry?" She said pulling some catfood from her bag. She lays it on the fround for the kitten and gets back up. " Where'd you get that?" I ask

      " I've been carrying some since I saved her." She said.

She headed to her classes, she was getting bored and couldn't wait for training. FINALLY  she screamed in my head.

     When we get there, everyone has learned to keep they're mouth shut and treat her like a dhampir. After the classroom, she runs out to the training field.

     " OK, since I'm only a few months you will be graduating, your trials, field experience, and evaluation will be coming up." Shoot! Rose, I forgot to mention, Alberta and Kirova want you to do these. Really! Yes rose, now pay attention.

        They train for the trials and field experience. After that,  all moroi and dhampirs are called to a meeting.

     " So, starting tomorrow is field experience for the dhampir. They will get paired with a moroi. I will call the dhampirs paired moroi and you will go to them" Kirova says

     Wait, what will I do.   You aren't getting paired with a dhampir, you are getting paired with a moroi to protect. Ok

     They go through and get to Rose " Rosemart Dragomir is paired with Vasilissa Dragomir. She looks at Lissa, jumping up and down.

    When she get done pairing them off she starts to explain what will happen " Through this week your gonna be given wooden stakes. You will be attacked by guardians dressed as strigoi. At the end of the week they will give you your results. Class is dismissed for today"

      We head over to Lissa's since Rose will be staying there. " We've been summoned to Petrov office. We aren't allowed to be with them this week." Hans tells me. I tell Rose goodbye and leave

    Roses POV

      "How'd you get paired with me? Your not dhampir" Lissa asked " Kirova and Alberta want me to do this, the trials and evaluation. Reason being is since I already act like your guardian, if I want to they are making me your near guard. I don't always have to but, I took it"

     " AHHH are you serious!!!" " Yes, liss,  I am" I tell her she smiles really big. We go to sleep. When we wake up we head to the feeders. I talk with liss but keep her right by me at all times, 'looking around without looking'.

      When we get to the feeder, we then head off to class. On the way there, a 'strigoi' attacks. I grab Lissa and pull her behind me. I grab the stake and elbow him in the chest, then kick him in the stomach making him stumble. I take the stake and hit it over his heart. He 'Dies'.

      I take Lissa and we head on to class. After class, on the way out we get attacked by 2. I pull Lissa back and swing my elbow back hitting one in the nose, breaking it. He stumbles and I stake him. Then the other goes for Liss. He grabs for her but I yank her back. I kick him and go for the stake but miss, barely. It catches their face, cutting it. I go in for the stake.

      When I'm done I go to heal him but he jerked back. " I'm trying to help you." I tell him. "What?" " Just trust me" I put my hands over it and heal it. "How?" " I declared in spirit. I can heal people, and animals" I tell him going over to the one who's nose I broke. Surprise surprise, it's Dimitri.

      " Rose, you need to stop breaking my nose" he says " HaHa, now just hold still and let me fix it " " Rose, no. I'm fine" " Let me help" "No, I'm fine" " Dimitri, I'm not joking. I will pin you down if I have to" I tell him.

     He finally gives up and I heal him. I can feel him start to take the darkness " Stop it. I can handle" I tell him. He keeps doing it. I block him and it stops. " Rose. Stop. You don't need it i-" " I've handled it for years, I can handle it now" I tell him grabbing Lissa and walking off..

   By the end off the week, Lissa had been perfectly fine and I had gotten a little cut up and bruised. I had to heal so many people from either broken noses, or even a few bones. Oops.

      By the end of the week I was one of the 3 who had a perfect. Me, Mason, and Eddie. That made alot of the dhampir made that I was better.

         Today we where leaving for our evaluations, well one of them. Well, I'm leaving. They want me to go to Arthur Schoendborg. When we got there I was left alone.

    " So, your the Moroi I heard about. The Princess?" "Yes but please call me Rose" I told him." " I've only ever seen a person with suck great skill one, and they where dhampir. You have great potential." He said " Thank you."

    He went through and asked me questions, he then gave me a slip. He said I could look at it. I got a perfect score. I took it to Dimitri. I love you Roza I love you to Comrade

   We are just standing there staring at each other. " Oh just hurry up and kiss already" Arthur says. I look at him shocked " What?" " It's obvious, just hurry and kiss her Belikov." You don't have to tell mee twice. He leans down and kisses me, lifting me in the air and spinning me around.

      " hehe, put me down" I tell him hitting his arm. " Wait, so you're not gonna report us?" " No, I know you love each other, and who am I to get in the way of that" he says " Thank you"  he nods his head

     We head out to leave and head back to the academy. It was a 5 hour drive. I fell asleep. " Rose, Roza wake up. Where here" I wake up to Dimitri shaking me

      " I'm awake, so hush" I say getting out of the car and heading to Albertas. " ah, rose, so what was your score" I hand her a slip " Perfect score" she pulls me into a hug "I'm so proud of you Rose" she said " Thank you"

     " Now, in two weeks you finish the trials and next evaluation. Out of all the dhampir, you're the best. Rose, im not sure how this haopened but I'm so proud. Now go back to your form and rest up" she says

       I go back to my dorm and lay down, Dimitri laying down by me, putting his arm around me and pulling me close to him.

     " Good night Roza, I love you" "Goodnight Comrade, I love you to"

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