Chapter 7

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Roses POV

     It's been 2 days since I got my molnija marks. Today I get to take the bandages off. I also start Guardian training. I wake up at 5 today and put on my combat clothes that Dimitril got me.

     I ran to the gym and started training. I ran for 20 minutes, then went to the weights. After 15 minutes I went to the punching bag. At about 6 Dimitri showed up " Why do you always come up here so early?" So Noone else is here" I tell him

      " Well, fine then. I'll just leave" he said acting hurt. " Don't you dare" I say, pulling him down and kissing him. " You're not noone. You THE one Dimitri" I said.

      " you are to Roza. Now, let's spar" he said going over ot the mats. We spar for about 30 minutes and then we leave. I go to the feeders.

       When I finish we head to my first class which is Advanced Calculus. My next 2 classes go by and then its Bodyguard Theory and Personal Protection 3. Yay.

     I walk in and whispers start going around. " Princess Dragomir, why are you here" Alto asks me. I had him my slip from Alberta and his eyes widen. " Ok, everyone, I would like to introduce our new student Princ-" " Don't even start with the titles. It's Rose" I say

       One student raises there hand " What Anthony" " Why is there a Moroi, much less a princess in our class. This is for Dhampirs, who will become guardians. Moroi are to we- "

     " I'm gonna stop you right there. I may be moroi, but I am anything but weak. Every since I started coming to this academy, I would wake up at 5 and go to the gym for 2 hours every day. Every freaking day. I have been pushed around and am tired of it. I was learning nothing with the whole magic crap. I am not going to rely on my guardian to protect me. Anything could happen out there. A strigoi could attack and my guardian might not make it, there fore I am left defenseless because I didn't know how to fight because I relied on my guardian. Look what happened to my parents. They relied on their guardians and look where it got them. Dead. I am as strong if not stronger than half of you in here, so please, say I'm weak again. And I'll show you what I can really do" I say.

      When I finish i sit down. Dimitri is in the back of the class smiling. Can I put my hair up? I ask through the bond. He nods his head. I take my ponytail and put my hair up in a bun, completely showing off my marks.

     The kids behind me gasp. " Mr.Alto! How does she have Molnija marks. She can't kill a strigoi, much less eight. Shes a moroi." One kid said. Alto tells me to come forward. I do and he turns me around. " Belikov. Out side now. You to." He said pointing at me.

     " How." He asked. We told him what happened. " You have her a stake!" He yelled at Dimitri " Alberta gave me clearance." He started fuming.

    We went back in class and everyone was whispering about it " How'd you get them?" One kid asks " What's your name" " Mason. Mason Ashford"

    Can I tell them the whole thing, including my stake.   They will figure it out sooner our later so yes. Tell them.

    " around a week and a half ago, me, my sister Lissa, and her boyfriend Christian Ozera along with my guardian Dimitri Belikov went shopping at a mall. We where meat with another guardian named Spiradon. The entire day, I was in front of lissa, like a guardian would be. I don't care if I'm moroi, I. Will. Protect. Her. When we finished we went out back to the car where we were ambushed. One went for Lissa but I jumped in front of her and pushed her behind me. I screamed to Dimitri and yelled get them to the car, talking about Lissa and Christian. I staked the one that attacked Lissa"

    " Where did you get a stake, we aren't allowed them" Mason asked. " You aren't. I was given mine about 3 weeks ago." " Isn't that when the crash happened, I'm Eddie" another kid asked " Yes, Eddie, that's when the crash happened."

        " Anyways, I looked over to Spiradon and saw he was struggling. I shoot a fireball at the strigoi, lighting it's arm on fire. This gave him the opening he needed. He staked it. I continued to fight and stake them. I was severely injured. I had scratches and bruises and. Bites. But that didn't matter because my sister screamed. A strigoi had attacked from behind. It scratched her and slammed her head down. It bit her but I attacked it, staking it. Lissa was losing blood, and fast. I went over and healed her. We came back and told Guardian Petrov. She offered me to get my molnija marks done. I accepted"

    And with that questions flooded in. Alto gave me the class to answer them. " What magic do you specialize in" " Spirit" " What's that" I explain what spirit is

     " How'd you do fire magic then?" " I can do all magic, I'm just not as good as a specialized moroi" " What happened at the crash, how'd you both survive" This one hit me hard.

     I look at Dimitri  should I tell him. Go ahead, they will find out one way or another. But, what if they ask why rose we can handle it. I nod my head at him

     " I survived, but Dimitri, didnt. I saw him, the life draining from his eyes. He had multiple injuries. He was dying. I used spirit to bring him back to life. This formed a bond between us. That's why they have already assigned him as my guardian"

     " How are you so strong, and why are you with us?" " Training, and because spirit is rare, noone can teach us. Dimitri has been training me for months, and Guardian Petrov thought it would be good to put me with yall. " the bell rang.

      When the class ended, the two boys, mason and eddie, came up " Can we see you stake!?" They asked. I nodded my head and showed them. " Can we touch it" I nod my head and they touch it.

      " Dude, you are awesome" Mason said " Thanks" I tell him. " So, why you decide to train like you do?" Eddie asks. " Because off what happened with my parents. I can't let that be me. Or Lissa"

    " I'm so sorry" he says " it's fine. It happened, nothing I can do" I told him we then head of to actual training.

     When we get there I am paired with mason. I get a wooden stake and we spar. I stake him withen a minute. He looks at me shocked. As time goes on, I am paired with new people as I end up hurting the other. I accidentally broke ones nose and tried to heal it but Dimitri wouldn't let me.

         By the end, I had none left to spar with everyone and beat everyone. We have a little while left, so Alto takes me on. I. Beat. Him. His face was red with anger.

     By the end of school, I was the talk of the academy.

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