Chapter 19

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Ahhhhh!!! 259 veiws!! I would like to dedicate this chapter to Pipigrin.

Roses pov

I'm running through the woods. Victor Dashkov is right behind me. He kidnapped Lissa so I went to save her. Now he's mad at me.

I keep running, trying to get back to the academy. I trip and fall over a log. I look behind me and Victor is right there. " I'll make sure you never get a happy life." He said.

What? What does that mean? " Roza, Roza wake up" I hear someone say shaking me. " Roza, wake up" they say again. Dimitri. I'm dreaming.

I wake up and yawn. " I'm up, I'm up, I'm up" I say, pushing him away. I get up and go take a shower. When we get downstairs, I smell food.

I walk to the kitchen and see some bowls with something in it. It looks like a type of porridge, or something like that. " It's kasha" Dimitri said. " Still no idea what it is" I said

" It's kinda like a poridge made from different grains" he said sitting down and eating. I sit down and take a bite. It's not that bad. We finish and Dimiti decides to take me site seeing again.

We go to the Winter Palace first. It was amazing. He takes me to several more places like Saint Basil's Cathedral, Red Square, and Church of the Savior on blood.

I always though Russia was some snowy tundra. Man was I wrong. It is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. Dimitri takes me to this restaurant and orders something.

" What's that" I asked looking at my food with a worried face. " It's borshch, pirozhki,blini, and shashlyk. And the paskha for dessert." He said. " Um, your sure they don't have a burger or something" I say

He laughs " I always like to see what worries you rose. Strigoi, no. New food, yes." He said smiling. When he kept saying they didn't have burgers, I have up.

I tried a bite, and it wasn't as bad as I thought. It's actually tasted really good. We finish eating and head back home.

*Time skip to end of honeymoon*

We are on the plane back to court. I had the best time at Russia. I wish we could go back. It's only 3 weeks left till the babies!!

I fall asleep in Dimitri arms. I'll never get used to it.

'' Rose, Roza wake up" Dimitri say shaking me. I get up and see the plane landed. We got off and swarms of moroi crowded us. Asking us questions and ting to get pictures.

We ignored them and continued to walk to our rooms. We got their and I decided to go see Lissa. We slipped out the back and ran to her room.

" Rose!" She said when she opened the door. I hug her and step in. " Roses back" Christian said.

" Shut up Pyro. I can finally make you" I said. He scoffed " How" he said." I'm queen, you have to do as I say" I say in a snobby voice.

We all fall down laughing " but seriously pyro, don't call me that." I told him.

* Time skip to due date*

Lissa and Christian got married last week. They just 3 days ago got back from their honeymoon. I'm walking to the kitchen to get some water.

About halfway there, it happened. " DIMITRI!" I screamed. He comes running in " What, what's wrong" he asked grabbing he stake.

" I think my water just broke" I said his faced paled. I grab my phone as he grabs the bags " Lissa speaking" " Get to the hospital now" I say, walking down to the car.

" why, what happened" she asked in a worried voice " I'm having the baby, we're heading there now" she squealed " we will be there as soon as possible" she said and hung up

We got their and they brought me to the room they've had prepared for 2 weeks. It's the biggest delivery room in the hospital.

They checked and said I was 4 centimeters dilated. They gave me some medicine and said they'd be back in a few hours.

Just then, Lissa and Christian run in. I go to say hi, but a damn contraction hits. After 2 hours, the doctor come back in an checks

He says I'm now 6 centimeters dilated. They say it shouldn't be long. Another 2 hours, a very painful two hours, pass and they check again.

They say I'm now 10 centimeters dilated and am ready to push. They get Lissa and Christian out of the room. " Ok, on 3 I want you to push, 1-2-3" they say. I push. " ok good, now 1-2-3 push" they say again.

This goes on for about 10 minutes. " ok, first one is out. And it's a girl" well no duh, we already knew that! He hands me the baby " Vanessa Vasilissa Vika Belikov Dragomir" I say.

And then another contraction hits. I hand the baby to Dimitri and he gives it to the nurse. After another 10 minutes, shes out.

" Annesa Olena Erica Belikov Dragomir" I say. I give her to Dimitri and he holds her for a little while. They then take her to the nursery to clean them up.

Lissa comes in after about 30 minutes. " Sooooo, what's their name" she say jumping up and down. " The first one is Vanessa Vasilissa Vika Belikov Dragomir, and then Annesa Olena Eric Belikov Dragomir" I sat

" You, named one after me" Lissa sked like she was about to cry. " Yes Lissa, and Erika, from dad. Well, a girl version" I said laughing.

Lissa runs over and hugs me. That's when they bring them in. I hand Lissa Vanessa and Christian Annesa " Do not set her on fire" I tell Christian.

He starts laughing. Lissa sits down and start playing with her. She starts laughing. After Annesa hit Christian on the head, he handed her to me.

I looked at her and she had Dimitri eyes, my hair, and my nose. I switched with Lissa. Vanessa has my eyes. She doesn't have either of ours hair. It's a blond color. She has Lissa hair.

I smile at her. The doctor came in and said I could leave in 2 days. I smile at Lissa with Annesa and look and Vanessa. I finally have the perfect family.

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