chapter 9

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Roses POV

       Today is the Christmas party. I get up and change. I run down to the gym and start my running. I run for 20 minutes. I then lift waits and head to the punching bag. When I'm finished I head back to my room.

     When I get there the door is open.  "Hey Dimka" I hear someone say.    "What do you want Tasha" Dimitri says " Oh, I just wanted to come see my Dimka. I haven't seen you in forever. I've missed you" she said. YOUR DIMKA! HE'S MINE BITCH!

      I start to walk in but stop " Tasha, I am not and never was yours. Now please leave me alone" he said " What's wrong Dimka. Normally your thrilled to see me. I hear your grading the princess now." She said " I never liked seeing you and yes, I am guarding Rose. Although she doesn't need it"

       " Well, Dimka, I came to give you an offer. Since she doesn't need you, would you like to come and be my guardian. I could give you a house, a family, I could give you anything" i. Cant. Believe. Her!

    " No Tasha. I'm perfectly happy. I don't need you, nor do I want you. Leave" " But Dimk-" " He said leave bitch" I said stepping in. " Oh, hello Princess. How nice to see you. I was just talking with my Dimka, so you can leave if you don't mind"

      " Hmm, how bout, no. This is my room so how about you leave. Because I do mind. I don't want trash in my room." She glares at me " This is not you room, it's my Dimkas" she said

     " And mine. So get put of OUR room." " You can't tell me what to do bitch" " Well, let's see. I think I can. I am the princess Dragomir, and I said leave. Now." " Why you little bitch!" She said, going to slap me. I grabbed her hand and twisted it back, pushing it up.

      " What was that" she cried out " That's what I thought" I drag her to the door and whisper in her ear " He's not yours, he mine" I then throw her out.

     I go and lay down on the bed. " We better get ready for the party" He says. I nod and get up to go change. When I get back I grab the bags with the gifts.

      I got  lissa a emerald tiara with I love you sister ~ Rose ingraved on it

I got Christian a bracelet with the Ozera crest, it is a replica of his fathers

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I got Christian a bracelet with the Ozera crest, it is a replica of his fathers.

  And then I got dimitri several things. I got him a stake with Comrade♡Roza on it along with the Dragomir crest, a new leather Duster with  To Dimitri, the love of my life~Roza impressed on the sleeve, a whole bunch of wester books, and then a chotki. It a bracelet that has been in out family and is always given to our guardians.

When we get there, we all eat and then we start with the gifts. I gave Lissa's hers first " Oh my god, rose I love it" she told me. She handed me mine. I opened it and almost fainted at what I saw. It was a picture of our parents and a ncklace. " Lissa, what's this?" I ask her " It was mom necklace. I want you to have it. I found it awhile ago. Please take it"

       I nod my head started to tear up. I give Christian his. " Rose, oh my god. Thank you. Thank you so much" he said hugging me. " Your welcome Pyro" he handed me a box and I opened it.

          It was a leather jacket. On the back it had Rose Dragomir with the Dragomir crest." It's custom fit for a guardian. Take a closer look" he said. I looked at it, and by the pocket I saw a secret one for the stake "Christian, thank you"

     Then, on to Dimitri. I gave him the giant box of the western books. He opened it and started laughing. I gave him the duster next. I told him to look at the sleeve. " Rose, thank you"

     I gave him the stake next " Where'd you get this?" " I have my ways" I say looking at him. I gave him the chotki next " What's this?" He asked. " It's a chotki. It's been in our family for generations. The wearer always give it to his or her guardian, not just any guardian. The one they think is the best. The one that has made a difference." I told him

    " Rose, thank you. So much" he said.

He handed me 3 boxes. The first one had some certain clothes in it. I look at him with my mouth open " Dimitri!" I whisper scream at him. I put the lid back on and sit it down.

     Next is a. It's a guardians headpeice. " Why are you giving this to me?" I ask " After how you did in training and with the strigoi, the Queen has offered you something. You would become Lissa's guardian. Kinda. It's the same as you do now. It's no different, exept you will have a headpiece. You don't have to though" he told me. I nodded my head " I'll do it"

      The next was a necklace I look at him" it's a necklace that's been in my family for a long time.  The eldest some gets it and gives it to his charge. His permanent charge. And that's you Roza" he said.

      Then he pulled out a small box. He opened it and it was a small ring with and emerald on it " Roza, this is a promise ring. I promise to someday replace it with a engagement ring, and then a wedding ring. I promise to love you, and hold you, and be there. I love you Roza" he said, putting the ring on my finger.

       " Oh, Dimitri I-i-i, thank you. So much. " I say, hugging him.

     Just then, Tasha come and yanks me off him. " What are you doing with my Dimka!" She yelled at me " He isn't yours." I tell her. I walk over to him and sit down, putting my hand on his.

     She notices the ring " Oh my god! You slut! He's 7 years older than you" " Well at least he loves me." I tell her. She glares at me and see my stake. She grabs it, yanks it out of my pocket, then she stabs me in the neck with it.

    "  ROSE! ROSE! WAKE UP! STAY WITH ME! ROZA!" Dimitri screamed as I black out.

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