Chapter 14

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    Today is graduation. I've spent several nights trying to get my speech ready and I'm still freaking out. What if I mess up? Anyways, Dimitri has taken the stake he gave me to give to me at graduation. Since that's when we're supposed to get one.

      Me and Lissa are getting ready. We have graduation then and after party, I guess that's what I'd call it. We're getting in our caps and gowns. It's 2 right now and it start at 4.

          We take about an hour to get ready. " So, Lissa, what do you want to do when we're done with school?" " I want to go to college" she said

      "What college?" " Lehigh" the one by court. Of course. We sit there and talk, Pyro decided to join us. At 3 45 we went down to the stage. We all sat I'm order, but it didn't matter where I sat.

         I sat by Lissa like I would. It starts, I zone out till they get to the D's  "Vasilissa Dragomir, specializing in spirit" " Whoo! Go Liss!" I scream. Then Lissa hits my arm when Christian goes up. " Christian Ozera, specializing in fire" " Go Pyro!" I yell.

      Then on to dhampir " Mason Ashford, score of 279, and his charge is, Christian Ozera" " Go Mase!" Then on to Eddie "Eddie Castile, score of 280, and his charge is, Christian Ozera" " Go Eddie!"

         I zone out for the rest of it until Lissa elbows me saying it's over " Now, I would like to introduce our, not only valedvictorian, but the first moroi to go through guardian training, Rosemary Dragomir, specializing in Spirit and a score of 299, and her charge is Vasilissa Dragomir."

      I get up and walk onto the stage, getting my diploma and stake from Dimitri. I walk up to the pedastool.

     " Some of us have been here from a very young age and dont want to leave. And some of us couldn't wait to graduate. But there is one thing that we all share. We call this a ademy home. We there we've been here since age 5, age 12, or age 15, we've been here for a long time. And we call this home. But now it's time for us to move on, and really start our lives, wether that be going to college or guarding your moroi. We can now go off into the world. We can be free. A few years ago, I couldn't wait to graduate and leave, but now. I want to do anything but that. Because this is my home. This is where I've been for the past 10 years. But, all of us will have to move on eventually. And I would just like to say, thank you. Tachers, and well, everyone. You have helped us vet where we are. Wether it be being the first moroi to go to guardian training, or being a guardian to your best friend. You have helped us get here. Thank you" and I finish.

      I get off the stage and go back to my seat " Say goodbye to the class of 2017" and with thar, we all through our caps in the air.

     I find mine. Now? Do it. I turn to Dimitri and run to him, jumping into his arms. He spins me around and kisses me. " I love you Roza" " Love you to comrade"

       " I win. You people owe me 50 dollars each" Alberta says " Wait, what" I ask, a little confused. " Rose, we've known, well the guardians and some teachers, for a long time. We made a bet, I said the moment you throw your caps your blowing the small cover you had" she says smiling

      " You've known, all this time. And never got onto us. WhY" " Because Rose, I see how much you love each other. I see how happy you to make each other." She said

      I smile and Dimitri puts his arms around me. " So, time to party!" Lissa screams. She drags me to her room to get ready. After 30 minutes were done. I walk out and see Dimitri and Christian. Christian takes Lissa hand and Dimitri take mine.

     When we get there we are bombarded with questions. Like how long, when,why, do you really love each other. I was getting mad. I just started ignoring them.

       We started dancing. After probably 4 hours, we had to get on a plane to leave for court. I had to run and get my bags and change. I changed into the jacket Christian got me, some boots and pants. I put the earpiece in and the stake in its pocket.

      I run to Alberta real quick " Hey, Alberta?" " Yeah Rose" " You owe me some of the money because it was my idea to do it then" " No, I made the bet rose. Now you need to catch you plane" " Fine, goodbye. And thanks for everything"

     "Your welcome" she says and with that I'm running to the plane. I get on and sit by Dimitri. I fall asleep about halfway their in Dimitri arms.


"Momma,momma, Andre pulled my hair!" A little girl asked. Wait, momma. Dimitri walks in. "Hey sweetie" " hey" a little boy come running in

     " I did not. Shes lying" this must be Andre. " both of you just go to you rooms" I tell them. Then two girls who look a lot alike. " hey mom" " hey Annesa. Vanessa. How was your day" " good" they say at the same time staring down at they're phone.

    " can you go get alyssa and Andre for dinner" " sure mom"

                    *End of dream*

   "Rose, Roza wake up. We're here" Dimitri says. I get up and decide to tell him about the dream " I had a dream where we had 4 kids. 3 girls and 1 boy. Alyssa, Annesa and Vanessa, and then Andre. Annesa and Vanessa are twins. Alyssa and Andre where small, and then Vanessa and Annesa where about 13 or 14 maybe"

     He smiles at me and kisses me. We then walk off the plane and head to our rooms. We find we have separate rooms. You've gotta be kidding me.

      I decide to go talk to the Queen. " Hello, Queen Tatiana" I say bowing " No need to bow Rose dear, your family and the princess." I nod my head " now, what is it I can do for you" " I was wondering if me and Dimitri Belikov could have a room together"

      " why, you're at court. There no need for your guardian to be there. " " It's not for my guardian. I want it because hes, my, um Fiance" I say " ok, but when did this start." " before the car crash" she nods her head " iw I'll get you both a bigger room together"

       I walk to my old bedroom and grab the bags " what're you doing" " Tatiana has given me a bigger room. With you in it" I say smiling " you told her" " yes" "and she had no problem with it" I shake my head.

      He pulls me into a hug and kisses me " I'm glad I can finally do that in public" we head to our new room " dang this is big" I say.

          It is all red and black mainly. " We need to go see the guardians to get you set up with Lissa" I nod my head and we head to the guardians

     " Princess" they say while bowing when we get there " stop bowing and don't call me princess. It's rose" " what're you doing here" one asks

      " this is the Moroi that's gonna be helping guard Vasilissa" " No way, she a princess" on says " I'm also as good as anyone of you in here" I told them

      " yeah right" one says " you wanna bet. Ok. Met Mr at the gym in 10 minutes. I'm not joking I will beat your ass." I say walking to the gym.

     When he gets there, we spar and I win. " How?!" " Training" I say. " okay, you beat me. It's not like you can beat a strigoi " he says. I turn around and move my hair " Mm, really." I say

      " No way, I only have 4" " and I have 8. Big deal. I was protecting Lissa" I say. We get back and get my earpiece set up and go over everything. God, this is really happening. Ha.

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