Chapter 21

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     Dimitri's pov

           Rose falls, black king out. I run to her and catch her before she hits the ground. " Roza. Roza! Wake up! Please Roza. Please!" I yell, tears falling down my face as I hold her in my arms.

         I feel her move. I look down, but she's still unconscious. I feel her pulse. It faint, but it's there " Lissa! Her pulse! It's still there!" I say, picking her up.

           We run back to the hospital. " What happened" Dr. Olendski asks.
We tell her. " There's nothing we can really do. We can hook her up to a ventilation machine, and give her fluid but that's it. I'm sorry" she says.

         They take her and put her on a bed, hooking her up. " Please Roza, wake up. Please don't leave. I need you, we need you. Lissa, Christian, Ana, Nes. Please come back" I say, holding her hand.


    Hours went by. She still didn't wake up.

         Days went by, nothing. But I still didn't leave her side.

            Weeks went by, nothing. Yet, not once did I leave Roza.

       " Dimitri, you need to go home. You haven't been back since it happened" Lissa said " I can't leave her. What if she wakes up. I have to be here" I said.

              " Dimitri, I'll stay here. Please just go. Sleep for awhile, play with Ana and Nes. Take a shower, do something. Rose wouldn't want this" she said.

           " Fine. I'll be back in a few hours." I say. Lissa takes the seat where I was. I go back to our room and take a quick shower. I head to Lissa to see the kids.

        When I get there, they are playing on the floor. Christian is on the couch witt his computer. I sit down by him. " What are you doing?" I ask.

           " I'm trying to see if this has ever happened before. What happened to Rose. Maybe there will be something that can help us" he said, never taking his eyes from the computer.

        I nod my head. I hope he does fund something. I get in the floor and play with Ana and Nes for a little while. " How long are you staying?" Christian asks. I look at the clock.

       " About and hour or 2. Why" " Idlf I leave, can you stay and watch them. Call me when you keave" he asked. I nodded my head. He got up and left.

          After about and hour and a half, Christian  ome running in with a book. " I found something!" He said. I jumped up and he went to the table and opened it.

        " It says that when a person is shadow kissed, they are brought from the land of the dead.  But, someone must take their place. If that person has enough willpower to stay alive, they can get through. All they have to do is die, for a short amount of time, and fight their way back. Because then, magic isn't bring them back" he says.

       " So Rose could make it?" I ask, feeling hopeful for the first time in forever. " Yes" he said. I told him to stay there and I ran out.

         I ran to the hospital and explained it to Lissa " So she could live?" She asked " Yes, but you can't heal her" I said. She smiled for the first time in a long time.

          I sat down next to Rose. I sat there and talked to her, about Ana, Nes. Whatever.

          A month passed and nothing changed.

             2 months passed. And nothing.

          3 months passed and, yet again, nothing. I was starting to lose hope again.

       4 months and little had changed.  She squeezed my hand, but that was it.

                   *   5 months. *

     I was sitting by Rose, like every day. Talking to her about what was going on.  I told her Lissa and Christian where expecting.

       They came to change her I.V. bag, when the thing that could change thing happened. She flatlined. They came in with the paddles and pushed me and Liss out.

            5 minutes passed, and they hadn't come out. 10 minutes and the doctor came out. He had a look on his face, the look I didn't want to see, ever.

        " I'm sorry. We did everything we could. We had her, but then she just flatlined again" he said. Lissa fell to her knees, sobbing. " Ca-can I go see her?" I ask. The doctor nods his head.

         I rush into and sit on the bed. I pull Rose into me, sobbing. " Oh Roza. Why did you have to leave? Why did you have to take my place. Why Roza, why?"

" Because I love you" I hear a voice that sounds like Rozas. Wait, what! I pull back and see Rozas eyes flutter open. " Roza?" I ask, unsure to if this was real. She nods her head.

       " Oh Roza" I say, pulling her into a hug. " Comrade, dude, you're gonna crush me" she says. I let go. I lean down and kiss her head. " LISSA!" I scream.

        She comes running in " wha- ROSE!" She says, running to her and hugging her. The doctor comes in and sees her. " How?" He asked

        " I couldn't leave. They aren't getting rid of me that easy" Rosa said. I started laughing. " So, when can I leave?" She asks.

        " In about a week. You need to rest and we need to make sure you're ok" the doctor said. " How long eas I out?" She asked.

       " Um, 5 months" I said. Her eyes got big " 5 MONTHS!"

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