chapter 11

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Dimitri pov

     Its been 2 weeks since rose was discharged from the hospital. She is slowly remembering a few things. The first was Lissa and her parents. But she didn't remember the attack.

       We had to tell her all over again. She has remembered almost everyone, exept us. She is remembering it by how it happened. She started with the memories from when she was a kid.

     She has remembered some of last year. Some things have triggered memories but not much. She has started going to the gym. She is easily remembering all the training.

     " Roza, are you ok" I ask her. She's in the bathroom. Shes been in there for almost an hour " Yeah, I'm fine comrade" what?! She hasn't called me that since before the accident

         I hear her mumbling and saying something but I can't understand it. I'm laying on the bed and reading one of the books Rose got me.

       She opens the door and runs out of the bathroom, jumping on the bed and hugging me. " Oh god, Dimitri! I remeber. I remeber what happened! I am so sorry. I shouldn't have forgotten an-" " Rose, hey. Look at me. It isn't your fault. You remembered, that's what important" I tell her.

      She looks like she is about to cry " Oh Roza, it wasn't your fault. It's gonna be ok, you remember now." I tell her, pulling her into a hug. " I love you Dimitri. Even though I forgot, I loved you from the moment I saw you" she says

          " I love you to Roza.we better go tell the others that you remembered." She nods her head and gets up. We race to Lissa's room.

      " Oh, hey Rose. How you feeling?" She asks " I remember. I remember everything" she says smiling. " Lissa jumps on her, hugging her " god, Rose! I'm so happy!"

       " Oh, hey Rose" Christian says, walking to the door " Oh shut up Pyro and give me a hug" " Wait, what? You haven't called me th-" " I remeber you idiot" she tells him.

      " thank god, rosies back. I thought I'd have to start insulting myself without you around. It didn't feel the same" he says hugging her.

      " We better go and tell Kirova so she can announce it to the school. And then we better get you ready for class" I tell her. She nods her head and starts running to her office

       By the time we get there she's a little tired " I remeber. I remeber everyone, everything." She tells Kirova. She smiles and hugs Rose.

      " Would you like to announce it to the academy." " Yes. Can I tell them the full story. From the crash to now. It wouldn't make much sense if I didn't" she says looking at me. I nod my head.

      Kirova tells her sure and says to go and get ready for the announcement. When we get there, Kirova announce that Rose has something to tell the school.

    " So, as you all know, I recently lot my memory. They have been slowly coming back. This morning, I remembered everything. It all started about 2 months. Well, sorta. Ever since I had started coming to this academy I would wake up at 5 and go to the gym and train. Yeah, I know, ' Moroi don't need to be strong. That's what their guardian is for' well, our guardians aren't always gonna be there. We could get attacked by strigoi , and our guardians not make it. We are then left defenseless because we completely relied on put guardians. Look at what happened to my parents. They relied on their guardians and they died. I will not let that be me, or Lissa, or hell, even Christian. I will not let my family get hurt because we don't know how to fight. One morning I went to the gym. My guardian, Dimitri Belikov,  went down there when he saw I was gone. After, I had asked him to train me. Help me learn to fight. After about 2 weeks he let me start training with a wooden stake. He talked to Guardian Petrov, they agreed for me to be given a silver stake"

     I pulled the stake out and then put it back in the jacket Christian got me " I was given this the day I had been given permission to leave campus and go shopping. They had also, since I posses such a rare magic called spirit, that I would start training with the dhampir. Noone could teach me, or my sister Lissa, about spirit because only a few Moroi have it. A group of students staked my door and said if you come princess, you aren't leaving alive. Guardian Belikov was told to keep me away. When we could come back, we where in a car carsh. Most of you know of this, but you don't know the full story. I had lived, but Guardian Belikov had not. I saw him and could tell he was dying. I used my magic to bring him back from the Land of the dead. This, has bonded me and him. He is shadow-kissed. He has died and come back. Because of this they have appointed him my guardian because he can sense when I'm in danger, if I'm hurt, and can see where I am if I'm taken."

     " We went shopping again, a week later, with Lissa and Christian. When we got there, we meet Guardian Spiradon. The entire time we where shopping, Guardian Belikov and Spiradon where in front and behind us. I was in front of Lissa like a guardian would be. I protect her. I don't care if I'm moroi, I will always protect her. When we got done, we went out back and where ambushed by strigoi. One went for Lissa but I jumped in front of her and pushed her behind me. I yelled at Guardian Belikov to get them to the car, speaking of Christian and Lissa. I staked that strigoi. I looked over at Spiradon and saw him struggle to stake his. I shoot a fireball at the strigoi. It caught his arm on fire and gave him the opening. I continued to stake them and when they where dead I looked at Lissa. She was attacked. I killed the strigoi but she was bleeding out fast. I healed her and we got back to the academy."

     " We told Guardian Petrov about what happened and she offered to let me get my molnija marks" I turn and show them " We then went to a Christmas party at court. When we where there, Tasha Ozera took my stake from my jacket and stabbed me in the neck. I was in a coma for a while. I woke up but had lost my memory. Just this morning, I remembered everything." I finish and walk off the stage. Things would be different now. I just know it

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