BGM - You're Both Famous

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Alright tomorrow y'all can expect a Bleeding Hearts pt2 and a new book about how to write fanfiction just bc girly1014 and I thought it was a fun idea

Sometimes it felt like you and Michael were too ships crossing in the night. You'd be off shooting somewhere only to come home and find that Michael's working twelve hour days in the studio. Your days off were his all-nighters. And when he could get time to himself you weren't even in the country anymore. It was hard for the both of you, being famous entertainers, working diligently for your fans at the expense of your personal time.

Of course your work was your passion, and your dream, Michael felt the same way, so neither of you regretted a thing. You loved your jobs and each other, but you needed some quality time.

So when you both got the same week off, a minor miracle really, you decided to spend it on a vacation together, somewhere warm and remote. Just Y/N and Michael time, nobody else invited.

"Hmmmm," you flipped over on the California King mattress, reaching out a hand to try and find Michael. The mattress was a vast wasteland, and you wanted a cuddle.

At last your fingertips brushed against Michael's warm arm, and you poked him lightly, "babe."

"Mhmmmm?" He hummed, adjusting himself so that he was on his side and could look at you. He gently took your hand in his and rubbed up and down your knuckles with his thumb.

"C'mere," you tugged him closer by the arm he was holding, pulling him forward just a little.

"Only if I can be big spoon," Michael said sternly, even though he was already moving toward you.

"But you're always the big spoon," you pretended to pout, not yet moving so that your back was facing him.

"Because I'm bigger, I'm the better big spoon," he argued, trying to flip you around so he could cuddle you from behind.

"Hmph," you complied anyway, allowing him to tangle your legs together and press his chest against your back.

"See? Isn't this nice?" He asked, hooking an arm around your waist.

While you tried to speak Michael pulled back and pressed kisses to your back and neck. "Yeahhhhh."

He chuckled and nuzzled his face into your hair.

"I love being here with you. We don't get to spend enough time together," you ran a finger up and down the arm holding you.

"No. We both work a lot," Michael agreed, "not that I don't like to, I just wish that you were there."

"I feel the same," you nodded.

"When I'm recording in the studio I like to pretend you're there. I always play my best when I'm pretending that you're listening and that I'm playing for you," he admitted.

You smiled bashfully, "you're my inspiration while I'm acting. Who else would
I visualize but you?"

"You're my muse," you both said at the same time.

And it felt like the world stopped turning. It was just you and Michael, laying in bed, exchanging soft touches and softer whispers. Mumbling against each other's lips and skin as you lazily spent the morning in bed, just spending time together. No pressure to do anything, you could just catch up on all of the time you missed. You loved your jobs, but you loved each other more, and sometimes you just had to get away and spend time off the red carpet, away from the flashing lights and prying eyes. Time to just be yourselves, with each other.

Y/N and Michael time, was your favorite time. When you were with him you were whatever you wanted to be, no acting required.

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