BGM - Break or Mistake - alternate ending

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Alright here's one for the ppl who wanted to see Y/N stay with Michael I tried to avoid the breakup part in the last one but no promises here

- Previously -

Your heart skipped a beat and you swallowed thickly as he continued, "truth is, I've really liked you for a long time Y/N, and I tried to pretend I didn't and keep my distance but I just can't. I don't know when it started but it feels like forever. Ashton found out a while ago and has been trying to help but I just can't get over you. He told me not to come but... I just couldn't stay away."

Your jaw dropped and you blushed way harder than he had. You had had no idea that Calum felt that way. It was a shock and it ran icy cold through your veins.

"Calum, I..."


" Michael." You sighed and looked back down at your lap.

It was the truth, you and Michael were having some problems, but you weren't going to leave him because of that, especially not for his bandmate. You really appreciated that Calum came clean to you and that you understood him better, but it would be wrong for you to date him over Michael even if you wanted to. You couldn't imagine how livid you would be if one of your friends dated your ex immediately after breaking up.

"Oh," Calum immediately pulled back and shrunk into himself. You could see the underlying shock and embarrassment from the rejection, and you felt incredibly guilty.

"Calum," you said softly, reaching out just to try and hug him, make him look a little less sad.

"No, no," Calum waved you off with a trembling bottom lip and expression of absolute dejection, "don't patronize me."

You nodded and moved away from him as he had requested. You tried to help him preserve his dignity by busying yourself in the bathroom while he gathered himself to go, pretending that you didn't hear the sniffles or mumbled swearing. Quite honestly, hearing Calum sound so broken and sad was way worse than how you had been earlier.

Tears of pity and helplessness began to fill your own eyes as you stared at yourself in the mirror. Your life felt like a complete and utter mess. You loved Michael but you weren't sure what you were in terms of relationship status, and Calum admitted he loved you and you had to reject him. You hoped that this personal mess wouldn't seep into their professional lives because that was literally the only way this could get more complicated.

Your mind was swirling with worst case scenarios as the front door opened and closed. You thought at first that it was Calum slipping out, but then you heard a panicked whisper from Calum inside the bedroom and Michael's loud voice.

"Y/N? I'M SORRY! BABY? CAN WE TALK?" He must have more or less known already that you were upstairs, as he was already beginning to climb up.

You rushed out of the bathroom and right into Calum.

"What do I do?" He whimpered and rubbed his face. Clearly uncomfortable and probably wishing he'd never come to see you at all.

You pursed your lips, "do you want to tell him?" That was probably the most straightforward and honest option, but also the hardest.

"No!" You understood why Calum didn't want to tell him, but it would mean lying and complicate things further. But it was his decision and you'd try your best to respect it.

So when Michael walked in with an apologetic look on his face and immediately stopped when he saw Calum, you stepped in. "He came over to check on me because Ashton's sick," you told him the same lie Calum fed to you earlier.

"Oh," Michael clearly felt guilty about causing you distress, and Calum seemed to be in luck as it distracted Michael and prevented him from commenting on the bassist's swollen eyes and bitten lips.

"I'm going to go then, see you tomorrow dude," Calum managed to keep his voice level as he hugged Michael. You however, only got a nod and the breeze he created by rushing out.

You couldn't help but look out the door in the direction he had gone, feeling rather sad yourself at how it had turned out.

"Babe?" Michael stole your attention from the lingering traces of Calum as he pulled you close and cupped your face in his hands. "I'm really sorry, I know I was being a dick earlier and that it wasn't right to leave you like that. I don't want a break, I just want you." He bent down and pressed his lips to your own, and you allowed him to pull you into the soft, slow kiss that was oh so Michael.

When your eyelids fluttered open to your favorite shade of green you smiled and lifted your hands to rest on his shoulders, "I forgive you, and I don't want a break either."

"You're the best thing that ever happened to me," he sighed out of contentment and leaned down and kissed you again.

"I love you," you replied with a light blush and dopey grin.

"I love you too."

Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!


You couldn't help but look out the door in the direction he had gone, feeling rather sad yourself at how it had turned out.

"Babe?" Michael temporarily stole your attention from the lingering traces of Calum as he pulled you close and cupped your face in his hands. "I'm really sorry, I know I was being a dick earlier and that it wasn't right to leave you like that. I don't want a break, I just want you." He bent down and pressed his lips to your own, and you allowed him to pull you into the soft, slow kiss that was oh so Michael.

The problem was, when you closed your eyes you thought of Calum. Calum who you'd just sent off with a broken heart because you insisted you loved Michael. Calum who you could be kissing right now... No. You loved Michael. Right?

He pulled back out of the kiss to breathe, "how did I manage to get someone as sweet as you?" He asked rhetorically before leaning back down.

You automatically kissed back again, resting your fingers lightly on the collar of his jacket. But really, you were wondering about the answer to his question, and that that was exactly what Calum wanted to know.

Again off track, you found yourself focused on the black-haired beauty, and that wasn't good at all.

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