BGM - Break or Mistake

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Will I actually finish and publish this one?

LeT's SeE

This could've been in the Calum book but it starts out Michael so it's here 🤷🏼‍♀️




You sniffled and blindly stretched out an arm to reach for your vibrating phone across the otherwise empty bed. Your fingers bumped against the cool plastic case and you shakily grabbed it to bring it up to your face. It was difficult to read the name through your watery vision, but you ascertained it was Luke and hit the accept button.

"H-hello?" You stuttered, trying to at least seem calm.

"Y/N? What's going on? Why are you crying? Why is Michael sleeping in my guest room?" Luke sounded genuinely confused and maybe a little upset as his tone continued to grow more and more high-pitched.

"We had an argument earlier and he said he needed," you had to pause to choke back a cry, "he needed space."

Luke was quiet for a few beats, listening to your ragged breathing through the phone, "break? Just a break?" He finally asked.

You whimpered and tiredly dragged a hand down your face, "that's what he said. I- I don't know for sure."

Luke sighed loudly, "I'm sorry Y/N, I'm not even going to ask about what you fought about because I'm sure if it was serious Michael would've ranted to me already. He's really tired and drained and I know that's not an excuse, just something to keep in mind. I'll talk to him for you and call you back tomorrow okay?"

"Okay." Your heart sunk as he didn't sound all that optimistic.

"Bye Y/N," Luke said softly.

"Bye Luke." The line went dead.

You dropped your phone back onto the bed and rolled onto your back. Your eyes traced the perimeter of the ceiling where the cool blue shade of the walls melted into white. It was soothing and gave you something to focus on other than the fact that you were going to have to sleep alone in the giant bed with the knowledge that Michael chose not to be beside you.

Your eyes were again overfilled with tears that ran down the sides of your face and stained the pillow. You cried because you were lonely. You cried because you wanted Michael. You cried because you weren't sure you'd ever have him again. You cried until your eyes dried and began to hurt because there was nothing left.

Somewhere below you, the doorbell rang. It was heavy in your ears and your heart soared for a moment as you thought it was Michael. Then you remembered that this was Michael's house and he'd never ring the doorbell, furthermore Luke would've called you if he thought Michael was coming.

It rang again, loud and clear, echoing through your head. You didn't care anymore, whoever it was should just go away because you weren't going to answer it.

A key slid into the lock and you heard the door open. There were a very limited number of people who had a key and even less that lived close enough to be using it.

"Y/N?" It was Calum who had come to check on you. Maybe Luke had told him. "Y/N? ARE YOU OKAY?" He sounded worried, you should probably answer.

"HERE!" Just the single syllable made your voice crack out of emotional exhaustion. You were a mess and you were sure you looked terrible.

Either way, Calum's loud bootprints made their way up the stairs and into the bedroom. You picked your head up to look at him, saw his big, sad eyes, and laid back down.

"Y/N," he sighed, "don't look at me like that."

"What am I supposed to look at you like?" You huffed, "Why are you even here Calum?"

Indeed out of Michael's three friends you knew Calum the least well, and probably Ashton the most. He just didn't seem to enjoy your company or talk to you that much.

He didn't answer your first question, "Luke texted Ashton and I what happened and Ashton told me to go check on you because he's sick and can't do it."

That wasn't exactly comforting, "so you're here because you have to be?"

"Well I wouldn't say it like-"

You cut him off, "well tell Ashton I'm fine and go. Wouldn't want to inconvenience you. Oh, and tell Ashton I'll go see him tomorrow."

You fully expected for Calum to agree and walk out the door, instead you heard him slip off his boots and walk closer.

"Calum what are you-"

"Shhhh," you felt him slide in next to you. His warm arms went around you and pulled you to his warm chest. Calum held you gently like you were delicate, which was pretty accurate to how you were feeling.

Normally, you'd be pretty weirded out but Calum was warm and comfortable and you were just so sad. So you curled into his chest and let him hold you as you began to cry again. Calum shifted so he was on his back and you were laying completely on top of him. One of his arms ran up and down your back soothing you, while the other combed through your hair.

"Shhhh, don't cry Y/N, it'll be okay, I'll make sure of it," Calum said soothingly. "You're too pretty to be this upset."

You stiffened a little at the last comment and Calum froze.

"I- I uh meant," he stuttered.

You just shook your head, "don't finish that sentence because it would imply that I'm not too pretty to cry."

Calum chuckled, "okay then."

You also let out a breathy laugh and sat up to wipe at your eyes. Calum handed you a tissue from your nightstand and you thanked him as you cleaned yourself up.

It was then that you realized you were still sitting on his lap and you were pretty horrified at. You tried to scramble away, but your ankle got caught and you would've fallen headfirst off the bed if Calum hadn't caught you.

"Geez Y/N," he shook his head as he used the hand wrapped around your bicep to pull you back up, "you could've hurt yourself."

"Sorry, sorry," you panted as adrenaline ran through your veins, "and thanks for saving me."

"Well I wasn't going to let you smash your face on the floor," Calum snorted.

"Then would I not be too pretty to cry?" You teased him.

Calum blushed which was not at all the reaction you had expected and let out a quiet, "no."

"Calum are you-?" You reaches out a hand and touched his warm, pink cheek, "blushing?"

"Can't help it," he mumbled and laid his hand over yours, "you're gorgeous."

Your heart skipped a beat and you swallowed thickly as he continued, "truth is, I've really liked you for a long time Y/N, and I tried to pretend I didn't and keep my distance but I just can't. I don't know when it started but it feels like forever. Ashton found out a while ago and has been trying to help but I just can't get over you. He told me not to come but... I just couldn't stay away."

Your jaw dropped and you blushed way harder than he had. You had had no idea that Calum felt that way. It was a shock and it ran icy cold through your veins.

"Calum, I..."

Thanks for reading, commenting, and voting!

Ik Ik I ventured out of the cute fluff

(Tell me if you want a part two, and if you do, if you want Y/N to end up with Calum or Michael)

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