BSM - Listen Closely - Gang AU pt2

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To Luke BGM? Or not to Luke BGM? 🤔

Can't decide bc he's like a total jerk but also a hot jerk.

Maybe Ashton? But he's a jerk too so no winning there

Meh I guess I'll figure it out as I go along 😆

You couldn't believe it. Your jaw dropped open and you stared at Luke in complete bewilderment. What did that even mean? You were, by association, his enemy and sworn rival. The fact that you weren't dead yet shocked you, evidently you were worth more breathing.

But as Luke drew away, you realized that you weren't out of the woods yet. This man, standing right in front of you, would undoubtably kill you the moment he was finished with Michael. You'd have to get out before then, there was no other option. The Prowling Tigers organized themselves in small pockets spread wide over their territory, you knew that. You also knew that Luke was probably in the heart of it all, so you would not only have to be able to leave the building, but manage to sneak miles through Prowling Tiger territory to get back to where Michael's men would be. It would be expressly difficult.

Before Luke was even a few paces away he turned back to look at you, his sharp blue eyes narrowed while taking in your expression. Unlike Michael, you weren't much of a liar, you probably looked just as guilty as your thoughts had been. Your eyes widened and you looked down, breaking any eye contact and trying to appear as innocent as possible.

Puppies, puppies, I'm thinking about puppies, you told yourself to try and change your internal dialogue.

Luke's footsteps were getting closer to you again, and you could just see the tips of his boots at the ends of your vision.

Wiener dogs, huskies, retrievers, labs, images of little dogs, unstable on their feet as they wobbled through the grass filled your mind. Michael's second-in-command Calum loved puppies and dogs, and was always finding an excuse to get more. He'd claim they were "guard dogs" even though you doubted his prized Pomeranian, Duchess, would do much of anything in the event of an intruder. Michael just went along with it, he liked having the dogs around too much to complain.

By the time Luke reached down and grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look up at his cold eyes, you had successfully distracted yourself. You weren't thinking about escaping, you were thinking about Calum's pug puppy, Marlo, that kept on peeing on your brother's favorite shoes.

"Oh Y/N, Y/N, Y/N," his grip tightened, and you winced. The force would definitely leave marks on your face. Luke drew in closer, his expression locked in a cruel sneer as his gaze bored holes into you. He could see it all, you realized. Luke was so powerful because he could read people. "I can read you like a book Doll, you don't have a poker face." He pulled your jaw up uncomfortably, you couldn't speak under the grip and your head was tilted nearly all the way back as he loomed over you. "You will not escape from this place, and even if you left the building, which is all but impossible, my men would find you within minutes. They're everywhere out there. You have no money, no street skills, they will bring you back here and I will show you what I do to insubordinates." The fire in his eyes made you shudder. You didn't want to know what he'd do to you if you were caught. You'd have to be careful. You gulped and your arms weakly held onto the arms of your chair. Your whole body was shaking from the exertion of holding yourself up.

Luke noticed and his grip relaxed. You all but collapsed back into the seat. His expression softened when he looked back down at you, "don't test me Doll, I'd really rather not have your blood on my hands."

You nodded at him and pulled the soft blanket closer to your still trembling frame. You were exhausted, terrified, and starving.

Luke seemed annoyed at the interaction, and leaned across the conference table to hit a button on the speaker phone, "Ashton, come get our guest and escort her to her room please." As soon as he was finished your stomach grumbled loudly, a testament to how hungry you were. Luke's golden eyebrow arched and without looking at you, he leaned back and hit the button again, "and bring food."

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