BSM - Homecoming

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This is a request from Ziplocbag basically Y/N is in her schools marching band as a tuba player and they're going to perform in the homecoming game's halftime show and all the boys are there.

"HURRY UP Y/N! OR WE'LL ALL BE LATE!" Michael yelled up at you as you were just finishing buttoning up your jacket.

"COMING!" You yelled back. You couldn't be late to the homecoming game! That was like, the best noncompetitive performance of the year! You scurried about your room, grabbing your hat and case that held your instrument, and then ran down the stairs to meet the boys.

They had all insisted on coming to watch you, much to your own confusion. You hadn't thought them all that interested in marching bands, or all that interested in watching school football games. Yet there they were, decked out in yellow and black, waiting for you.

"BUZZZZZ! GOOOOOO HORNETS!" Luke cheered, doing his best impression of a bee. He pulled his arms tight to his sides so that his elbows were poking into his lower abdomen, his hands were the only things sticking straight out, horizontal to the floor, and flapping wildly like wings. His stinger was his butt pushed out as he squatted a little and waddled instead of walked around while buzzing. The yellow and black tutu clinging to his waist bounced a little with his movements, making him look more like a confused ballerina than a hornet.

Michael snorted as Luke waddled around him, "the mascot isn't even a hornet, it's a bee." He crossed his arms and rolled his eyes, but there wasn't a doubt in your mind that he was amused by the show Luke was putting on.

"I thought they were the wasps," Calum frowned and shifted on his feet.

Unlike Luke, his spirit was confined to double black and yellow lines under each eye. He was the least decorated among the group as Michael had a "Y/N's Biggest Fan!" shirt that the marching band sold every year to raise funds, and Ashton had on the same paint as Calum but also an antenna headband that you suspected he took off of Luke.

"And I thought they were the Yellow Jackets so the point really is that there are too many yellow and black insects with the ability to sting people," Ashton mused before checking his phone, "but right now our focus should be on getting there."

The rest of you quickly agreed and walked out to pile into the car. Luke and Calum sat in the far back, with the former still occasionally letting out a quiet buzz and the latter a deft, "shut up bee." You sat in the middle, and your case took the seat next to you much to Calum's dismay.

"Why do I have to be in the back and not the stupid tuba?" He grumbled, glaring at it like it was it's fault for occupying a middle row seat.

"I need it to be easily accessible," you shrugged as you went so far as to buckle it in.

Calum let out a harrumph but did no more than cross his arms and moodily stare out the tiny back row windows.

"Buzzz," Luke said softly. He extended his pointer finger and used it to make loops through the air before aiming it toward Calum's shoulder like it was a stinger. This did not improve the bassist's mood and he smacked away the finger before it could touch him.

Michael either didn't notice or didn't care as he settled in the driver's seat, Ashton his passenger. They noisily buckled in before Michael started the car and backed out of the driveway to begin the journey to your school.

"So," Ashton cleared his throat to prevent any silence from occurring, "Y/N, how was band camp?"

Before you could answer Michael added his own question with a mocking tone, "meet any boooooooys?"

"Do band geeks have pickup lines?" Calum asked gloomily.

"I'm sure they do," Luke nodded thoughtfully, "I mean aren't we just overly glorified bandgeeks?"

"Oh shut up Luke," Michael scoffed, "I'm punk rock."

"No you're not," Calum rolled his eyes.

"Well have you heard any marching band pickup lines?" Ashton refocused the conversation with only a single sentence.

You were about to say no when Calum again interrupted, "OO! OO! I HAVE ONE! IT'S EVEN TUBA THEMED!"

Michael nodded, "say it then."

So Calum lowered his voice and wiggled his eyebrows, "girl, let me give you the tu-bone tonight."

Luke choked, you spluttered, Ashton's eyebrows raised, and Michael nearly swerved off the road.

"That is NOT an appropriate pickup line," Ashton said pointedly looking at you. It's not like you could use it on anyone though, that wouldn't make sense.

"Yeah!" Michael agreed nonetheless, "and if someone says they want to tubone you, just say no."

"Can we please talk about something else?" You begged as you buried your face in your hands. It couldn't get worse than this.

And luckily it didn't have time to, as Michael had arrived at the school. He pulled around to the entrance, giving you time to hop out before going off to park.

And later when you were marching and glanced out at the stands, you couldn't help but internally smiling when you saw all four boys up and dancing along.





Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting!

P.S. A certain Take Two may be coming your way soon

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