BSM - Paging Dr. Clifford - Doctor AU

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This was requested by @Sharz_PunkRock

I've never written a doctor!sos imagine so that's something

You're 14 and your scared of doctors and needles so it really sucks when you get appendicitis

Does that make this a sickfic?


***disclaimer*** I am not a doctor, I have only read a Wikipedia article on this so don't come for me. I'm also not an expert on what is and isn't hospital procedure and this is fiction so just let's all imagine that this is allowed. Pretend you're watching General Hospital or Grey's or something

"Mmmm," you groaned and rolled onto your back as the sunlight coming in from your window slowly woke you up. As you regained consciousness, you could immediately recognize something was wrong. You felt hot and sweaty in your cool room, and your stomach hurt really bad.

Maybe you got food poisoning again? You really hoped not, because last time your brother and his three best friends who were all doctors wouldn't leave you alone. You were able to avoid going to their practice, but just barely, and they all hovered, always making you drink water. It was awful.

So, when Michael knocked on your door to tell you that it was not only his day off, but that the whole practice was taking a vacation day you weren't excited like you'd usually be. You got dressed, careful to not wear anything too tight around your waist, and then slowly made your way downstairs and to the living room.

"Y/N! I made breakfast!" Michael called from the kitchen. The ache in your stomach told you you weren't hungry, and you were actually feeling a little nauseous.

"I'm alright!" You yelled back as you settled on the couch, laying on your back as not to bother your stomach.


-Michael's POV-

I thought that it was odd that Y/N didn't want anything to eat for breakfast since breakfast foods were her favorite. Usually when she wasn't hungry it was a sure sign she was sick, and she never liked to tell me when she was sick. I just sighed and walked to the living room to see her laying on the couch, not looking like herself. She was pale and sweaty with dark circles under her eyes. That was certainly not good.

"You feeling okay squirt?" I asked as I inconspicuously laid my hand on her forehead, trying to use the action of brushing her hair out of her face to hide the fact that I was really checking for a fever. It wasn't too bad, but she was definitely warm.

"'M alright, just a little tired," she fake yawned, "must have stayed up too late reading again!" Her attempt at being chipper was ruined by some pain that I couldn't pinpoint as her smile turned into a grimace.

I couldn't confront her immediately though, she hated doctors and I wasn't sure this was truly more than just a minor cold or case of the flu. All I knew was that I needed to monitor her, and that a second opinion would be useful. Thankfully Luke, Calum, and Ashton were coming over so we could hang out, I guess this wasn't going to be as chill of a day as I hoped.

Since I was going to need a doctor's perspective, I decided to text the guys to bring some of their equipment just in case.


To: Lukeass, Calum🙄, Ashtón
From: Michael
I think Y/N is ill but she won't admit to anything, can you guys give me a second opinion when you come over later?

Sure Michael, what are her symptoms?

She claims to just be tired but she's pale with a slight fever, refusing to eat so possible nausea, and definitely in pain, but I don't know where.

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