BGM - Off-Limits

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Heyo this is also technically a Calum BSM soooo just an FYI

Also I added to my collection of drafted fanfics today

Also I added to my collection of drafted fanfics today

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I'm low key pumped

(I also have 9 drafts now bc I'm unproductive)


"Ohhhhhhh Michael," you sighed and let your head loll to the side as your husband rubbed your sore feet.

"Happy eighth anniversary baby," he chuckled, continuing to knead the aching flesh.

You could barely see him over the top of your swollen stomach as you were lying on your shared bed, "hmmmmm happy anniversary."

"MUMMY! DADDY! I PACKED ALLLLLLL BY MYSELF!" Your young daughter came running inside, lugging her miniature suitcase behind her. You sat up a little as Michael released you, looking down with affection at your favorite little girl.

"Yeah? Are you excited to spend the night with your Uncle Calum?" You asked, gently combing through her thin brown hair with your fingers. She grinned and nodded, nearly vibrating with excitement.

"He said we could watch AS MANY MOVIES AS I WANT!" She jumped up and down.

"That sounds pretty fun sweetness, did you pack pajamas?" Your husband implored, trying to make sure that your five year old actually knew what it meant to pack.

"Yup! And clothes for tomorrow! And snacks in case I get hungry! And Mr. Snugglebutt! And my Elsa toothbrush! And my toothpaste and a hairbrush and a leaf," she listed items off excitedly.

"Why a leaf?" You tried not to laugh in case it was a serious reason.

"To feed Mr. Snugglebutt," she said in a "duh" tone.

"Ohhhh," you nodded. Mr. Snugglebutt was her favorite stuffed animal, a plush giraffe that Luke had gotten her for her birthday a while back that she hadn't put down since. A fact that he took pride in.

Before you could say anything else, the front door opened below you, signaling that Calum was there to pick his niece up for the night and give you and Michael the peace and quiet you so rarely got to enjoy.

"UP HERE UNCLE CALUM!" She shrieked before he even got the chance to close the door behind him.

The heavy steps of your brother walking up the stairs echoed into your room. Your little girl squealed in excitement, dropping her suitcase and running to meet him.

"You're getting so big piglet," you heard Calum groan mockingly as he scooped her up.

"No I'm not!" She protested as he carried her back inside to check in.

"Hey Calum," Michael waved before turning back to the massage.

"Sup bro?" You asked jokingly earning an eye roll.

"Hi Y/N and Michael," he sighed, before looking down at his niece in his arms, "you ready?"

"Ye- wait! I forgot my blankie!" She squirmed until he set her down so that she could run off and go find her favorite blanket.

"Wow, you look ready to pop," was Calum's first real comment to you.

"Gee thanks. I didn't notice," you huffed, earning a quiet laugh from your husband.

"I can't believe you two have been married eight years. Time really does fly," he whistled lowly.

"We've been together eleven though," you pointed out, "it just took him three years to put a ring on it."

"Three? I thought you two dated for a year and a half," Calum frowned and shifted on his feet.

You snickered, "that's because we didn't tell you dummy, Michael here was off-limits remember?"

Calum thought back to that old rule he established.


"Y/N. I'm going to say this once so pay attention," your older brother loomed over you, speaking in a low threatening voice.

His demeanor had made a startling one-eighty from how he was acting only moments before when the two of you were eating lunch with his friends. You had been sitting on the edge of the couch next to Michael, laughing about a stupid joke before Calum had excused the both of you, dragging you back into the kitchen by the arm.

"There are three things of mine that are off limits to you, my bass, my lucky jersey, and my friends," he said darkly.

You started up at Calum in confusion, then hurt. You yanked your arm out of his right grip and frowned, "if you didn't want me to hang out with your friends you could've just told me."

He rolled his eyes, "you can hang out with them stupid. You can't make heart eyes at Michael while he cracks bad jokes about chicken wings."

Calum looked serious but you were actually confused. You hadn't meant to make heart eyes at anyone, you just genuinely thought he was funny.

"What's going on?" It was Luke, who had just walked in, that made you both flinch.

"You scared me," you muttered unhappily.

"It was just a familial conversation," Calum finally stepped back, still looking at you warningly.

"About what?" Luke tilted his head to the side in confusion.

"Minding your own business," you replied sassily, not wanting to talk about what you had actually been discussing.

"Michael," Calum answered honestly.

"Ah, I guess Y/Ship/N will never set sail," Luke looked at you wistfully.

"I don't even LIKE him," you rolled your eyes.



"I also remember you insisting you didn't like him," your brother raised an eyebrow.

It was Michael's turn to snort, "she was lying to you then. It was love at first sight because I'm irresistible."

"Huh yeah right," you shifted a little, letting your hands raise up to rest on the swell of your stomach.

"What? I am. You dated me against Calum's will, married me, and now we're about to have babies two and three. You can't deny it," Michael teased.

"Hmph watch me."

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