BGM - Misunderstanding

902 29 82

This one is cute I promise


Damn. That was a lot of explanation points, even for her. You rolled yourself off of the couch and walked toward the front door. You could see her face in one of the side windows and when she saw you, she waved you forward.

You picked up your pace until you were able to unlock the door and pull it open. 

"Oh my God," she rushed in right past you, "OH MY GOD!"

"What?" You shoved the door closed and followed her.

You found her in the kitchen, with her hand halfway down her purse. She didn't reply, just pulled her hand out and released a pile of long white plastic things onto the table. "I can't believe it." You decided that besides the shock she was experiencing, she was also happy. If she was upset, she'd be in tears by now, she tended to have her emotions on her sleeve.

"Are those-?" You took a step forward and picked one up. Flipping it around, you saw that it was a pregnancy test, and there were two lines. Wow, she'd sure taken a lot of them.

"I couldn't believe it," she sniffled from bedside you. Did you make a bad judgement and she was actually upset? You couldn't tell anymore. You looked over at her, ready to go in for a hug, but saw that she was smiling as wide as she could while wiping away the tears. "I mean we didn't plan on a baby so soon, but I just- I couldn't be happier."

You wrapped your arms around her anyway, and the two of you cried together because you were going to be an aunt! "Ashton is going to be thrilled, he wants a big family," you squeezed her a little tighter.

"I know he will," she chuckled, "he'll be such a great dad." That was true, Ashton would be a great dad. He loved kids, he loved Y/BFF/N, and he was patient and responsible.

"You're going to be a great mom," you reminded her, "have you told him yet?"

"No, I want to tell him in person, so tonight," she pulled back and laughed when she saw all the pregnancy tests on the table, "I went a little overboard huh?"

"Yeah," you agreed. You were pretty excited that you got to be the first to know, you'd have to hold off on telling Michael before she told Ashton just because that was probably the right thing to do. Or at least swear him to secrecy and make him act surprised.

The two of you stood in a happy silence, enjoying the moment that would never happen quite the same again, when her phone started to ring. You knew it was her ringtone for Ashton, and she answered immediately.

"Hey babe," she grinned but kept her tone natural.

"Already? How'd you get home so fast?" She stood up straighter and your eyes widened.

"Yeah, I was just visiting Y/N, I'll be back in like ten minutes." She grabbed her purse and held it open over the edge of the table. You understood what she wanted and began to sweep the tests back into it.

"No, it's no problem we were about finished anyway," she winked at you. You rolled your eyes and shoved the last batch in. In her haste to leave, and your haste to help, a single test fell on the tiles that neither of you noticed, or cared enough to double check for.

"Okay babe, see you soon, love you! Bye." She hung up and ran over to give you a quick hug. "They finished early in the studio, Michael will be home soon it's just a slightly longer drive."

You nodded in understanding, "alright well run on home and record his reaction so I can see it."

Y/BFF/N was already halfway down the hallway, "you know it! Love you girly! See you soon!"

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