BGM - Belle Of the Ball pt3

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I reread the last two and I was like okay might as well write another

So here we go

Lauren couldn't finish complimenting the two of you before there were three sharp knocks on the door and a muffled voice yelling in, "ROYAL ASSISTANT! I'M HERE TO SEE MISS Y/L/N!"

"Well that was fast."


"It's only December third? He's going to be here for like three weeks!" Harry's face contorted into one of displeasure and you knew exactly why. Your house didn't have any extra guest rooms, so whenever someone came to stay over he had to sleep in Ashton's room on a pullout mattress, it wouldn't be that bad if Ashton wasn't a notorious sleep farter. Your parents had even taken him to the doctor, evidently it was completely natural and not even really treatable. You had no idea how he was ever going to find a wife with an ailment like that, but he claimed that it not only "wasn't that bad" but that "I've got it under control now." You remained a skeptic but didn't care enough to investigate further.

"How wonderful! Y/N will be so ready for the Prince when it's time for the ball!" Your mother seemed unbothered.

"I'm going to go let him in," Lauren was the first up, walking toward the door.

"I'm not sure I'm fit to meet anyone," you hopelessly looked down at yourself. You were still filthy and exhausted, not at all dainty and clean looking like a Princess.

"Hi! I'm Lauren!" The front door opened and your sister greeted the assistant regardless of how you felt. She was probably more excited about the whole thing than you, if you won she'd get a noble title, and access to more money, more popularity, and more boys. You couldn't really blame her, your town's choices in men her age were few and far between.

"Pleasure to meet you. Is Miss Y/N here?" The assistant replied. He sounded no-nonsense and to the point. Hopefully he was also patient because you were a klutz and had no idea how to act anywhere near royal.

"That's my older sister! One second. Y/N! COME HERE!" And suddenly you had no option but to go greet the man who would be tutoring you for the next few weeks. You supposed it was inevitable anyway.

You made the journey from the kitchen to the front door, and over Lauren's shoulder you saw a man in a nice suit with dark eyes and darker hair glancing down at his watch from the porch.

You already felt underdressed. Evidently even palace assistants wore expensive clothing while you couldn't wear anything you didn't immediately want ruined.

You took your place at Lauren's side just as he looked up. It took a second for him to react, but you saw his eyes widen in shock, or perhaps horror, and his lips draw back into a near-grimace before he composed himself. Almost immediately his expression snapped back into a polite neutrality and he stuck out a hand.

"My name is Calum, I was sent by the Palace's Committee of Royal Matchmaking Affairs to ensure you are prepared for your meeting with His Royal Highness Prince Michael at the Annual Christmas Eve Ball," he said formally.

You laid your, thankfully rather clean, hand on his and firmly shook it. He seemed slightly relieved from the gesture and peered inside the house.

"I trust you got the letter informing you of the agenda?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, we got a letter yeah, like this afternoon," you shrugged and scratched the back of your neck, "it usually takes mail a while to get here, this is kind of the middle of nowhere. I'm surprised the Committee found me at all."

Calum didn't look surprised by what you said, but he did seem mildly irked. "Well expect more letters to arrive in the coming days. That's why I'm here so early, it's going to take forever to get your gown made with such a long delay. As for your being chosen, there are of course records from your schooling on file, and they try to make sure to vary where the participants are selected from to ensure no suggestions of partiality to a certain region." You nodded slowly, accepting Calum's explanation. Perhaps your senior photos from when you graduated were better than you thought, and your teachers had written kinder things in your records than they told you. It was possible, and the most likely explanation in terms of finding and choosing you.

Calum shifted uncomfortably on the porch and your manners kicked in. "I'm so sorry! Come in!" You moved out of the way and allowed him inside.

"Six minutes and sixteen seconds," he muttered as you closed the door behind him.

"What?" Your eyebrows furrowed.

"It took you six minutes and sixteen seconds to invite me in even after I announced my position and introduced myself. We're going to have to work on that," he hummed lowly.

Lauren choked on her own laugher as you flushed in embarrassment. Oh this was never going to work!

"Don't make that face either," he frowned.

"What face?" You reached up and cupped your blushing cheek, trying to hide it from his scrutinizing eyes.

"Like a kicked puppy, royalty is refined, and always calm and polite. You can't let people read you so easily or you'll be eaten alive," he sighed and shook his head, looking almost sorry for you.

Just then your parents and brothers finally came in after picking up the kitchen best they could.

"Mr. and Mrs. Irwin! I'm so looking forward to working with you and your daughter," Calum charmingly approached them, and firmly shook both of your parents hands.

They seemed rather at ease from that and the three of them immediately slid into a conversation. A minute or two later while your parents were glancing at each other Calum looked back at you and winked. That bastard! He was one upping you to your own parents.

You had a lot to learn.

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