BGM - Belle Of The Ball pt2

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I'm worried this is gonna end up being long as shit

Also, I'm not doing a lot of like the previous imagine refresher bc it's literally the last chapter y'all can scroll back

- Previously -
Holy Shit.

"Well. What does it say?" You were the first to get any real attention from your mother as she looked up expectantly.

All you could do was gape, looking up at her and then back down at the paper. The palace chose you? Out of all of the girls in the kingdom you were among those deemed worthy? You were going to meet the heir to the throne. You were going to go on a date with the heir to the throne.

You felt faint.

"Are you okay?" Suddenly Ashton was up and steadying you as you felt like passing out. His warm hands wrapped around your tired upper arms and used them to prop you up as your legs began to buckle.

Lauren tried to take the letter from you, but your fingers had a death grip on the paper that wasn't about to let up. You were in a state of complete and total shock.

"Hoooooly shit," Ashton must have managed to read enough of the letter over your shoulder to understand what was going on.

"What did I say about swearing?" Your mother looked displeased, but still rather distracted as she clearly wanted to know.

"But Mum, Y/N is going to be queen," Ashton protested.

You watched as your Mother's jaw dropped and she let go of her fork which fell to the floor loudly.

The entire room fell into a lull as your family all began to recognize what was happening.

Harry was the first to speak, "we'RE GOING TO BE RICH!"

"Y/N is going to meet Prince Hemmings, he's so dreamy," Lauren sighed happily.

"My daughter is going on a date?" Your father didn't sound all that pleased.

"My daughter is going to be a princess!" Your mother looked so proud already.

They all began to converge on you, excited words and bright faces, except for your father that kept a large frown. It wasn't until they noticed how all of the blood had drained from your face and you were beginning to hyperventilate did they step back.

"Oh sweetie! I know this is a shock but you need to calm down!" Your mother pulled a chair out and Ashton helped set you in it.

"Let me get this straight," Harry snorted, "she can go watch a lady give birth no problem, but she's freaking out over a piece of paper?"

"It's what's on the piece of paper you idiot!" Lauren came to your defense.

"Breathe Y/N," Ashton pressed his hands onto your shoulders and your mother held a glass of water to your lips.

You slowly began to relax, it wasn't like you really had a choice anyway. The selected girls don't get a say in whether they're picked or even proposed to. You had heard that if the prince asks, the girl must marry him no matter her opinion.

It wasn't like the courting process was long either, you expected that he'd have a fiancée by early next year. That was only a few months in the future. What if he wanted you? Could you get to know, let alone love someone that quickly?

You weren't sure, and the mere thought created a deep pain in the front of your head.

"Don't look so upset," Lauren was snippy, voice laced with jealous undertones, "you get to meet the hottest guy in the kingdom."

She was of course referring to the Prince, who you didn't mind meeting, marrying was the real issue.

"He probably won't like me anyway," you reasoned with yourself. It wouldn't be that bad, you'd never dated before so there was no way you could be good at it now. He'd want one of the smarter, prettier girls. Probably one that could sing for him and had long beautiful hair not in a giant knot all the time. You weren't the princess type, he'd have to figure it out.

"Puh-lease, you look like me and I'm smoking ho-"

Lauren couldn't finish complimenting the two of you before there were three sharp knocks on the door and a muffled voice yelling in, "ROYAL ASSISTANT! I'M HERE TO SEE MISS Y/L/N!"

"Well that was fast."

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