BGM - Belle of the Ball pt1

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Kind of like Christmasy Cinderella vibes also if you've ever read The Selection kinda like that

Like low-key Cashton (more funny than serious)

And yeah I got a bunch of Christmas requests but I already started this, so they're up next

In some places, royalty doesn't interact with the commoners over which they rule, in others, they intermarry. Your country was the latter. It was a simple idea really, one meant to drum up nationalism, you didn't need to have a royal family that married with others to form alliances because you were strong, and by marrying commoners, your monarchs were always more in-tune with the population and better rulers. This practice was a sense of national pride, and it was about to begin another cycle.

Prince Michael was officially of age, soon he'd find a non-royal, but probably gorgeous wife and be coronated as the next King of Summerinia. This just meant until the big royal wedding everyone would be going crazy trying to figure out who she's going to be and where she'll come from. The exact way that Queens were found varied from ruler to ruler, some walked the streets, others sent our servants, some conducted interviews and you'd even heard that once there was a King who had disguised himself and worked in the city nightly for months until finding a girl he desired.

You sometimes wondered how Prince Michael would find his Queen, especially since you were close enough in age that he could theoretically choose you. But that's crazy, you lived on your family's farm in the middle of the country, they probably didn't even know you existed. You couldn't imagine leaving your quaint little town for the hustle-and-bustle of the capital city. Here you had everything you needed, and you were even studying to be a midwife in the community.

You had just come home from assisting at a birth on a farm a few miles away meaning you were exhausted not just from the entire process, but from walking there and back. The little boy you helped bring into the world was his mother's first, which meant it was also extremely difficult and messy.

By the time you finally stumbled in the door it was dark and you were covered in dirt, sweat, and Lord knows what else.

Your whole family was eating dinner as you tiredly shuffled by, heading for the washroom to freshen up and change before eating.

"You look like Hell," Ashton commented as soon as he saw you.

"Language," your mother chirped immediately, not looking up from the salad she was eating.

"Sorry," he mumbled and looked back down.

"Boy or girl?" Lauren asked excitedly. Her and Harry had a friendly competition going where they would each bet each other about the sex of the babies you helped deliver.


You watched as Lauren lit up and stuck her tongue out at your younger brother who scowled.

"Y/N this came for you today," your father held out an official looking letter.

Your interest was sparked as you crossed the room to grab it. The envelope was a thick white paper embossed with the seal of the palace. Your name was written on it in beautiful calligraphy, the return address being an official address in the Capital. A letter from the palace? What could that mean?

Without a further thought you edged the envelope open, careful not to rip it, and pulled out the letter.

Before you even began to read you saw that it too had the seal of the palace watermarked on it, and was marked as an official document.

You eagerly read on.

Dear Miss Y/N Y/L/N,
As you know His Highness Prince Michael of Summerinia is of marrying age, and it is custom for our royalty to marry into Summerinian families without rank.

In order to help him find a wife amongst so many beautiful and intelligent young women, the Court has taken it upon themselves to locate twenty-five women that are lovely inside and out for him to choose from. You have been selected as one of these privileged women, and after meeting with all His Highness will decide which one is most suited for him, if any at all. We congratulate you on your unique ability to serve your country in this way and the best of luck in your endeavors.

Your meeting date with Prince Michael is December 24th, you will be accompanying him to the annual Ball. The theme this year is Starry Night, a Royal tailor will make you a dress and you will be transported to the palace on the twenty-third and spend the night to ensure you will be fully prepared for the Ball when it begins.

Keep in mind that you are now officially representing the palace in your daily life, and acting in a inappropriate way will automatically disqualify you. You are free to tell whomever you please about the meeting, but cannot bring any guests with you. A royal assistant will be with you shortly to prepare you for the event.

We will be in touch,

The High Court Of Summerinia

Holy shit.

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