BSM - You Surprise Him On Tour

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Requested by: AshleyAshtonIrwin

Haha I've done two request chapters in a row for this book I feel productive

You and Michael had always been opposites. He was all about playing music and being "punk rock" in his mannerisms and lifestyle while you were more soft. You liked pretty pastel pinks and flowing dresses that sharply contrasted your brother's skintight black jeans. He swore and screamed and yelled while you were very polite and soft-spoken.

Truly you didn't have a lot in common, not that that had ever hindered your relationship, you were extremely close to your brother. He was overly protective of you while you tried to take care of him, making sure that his clothes were washed, and that he ate more than just junk food all day every day.

Of course, then Michael left for tour. That was fine, it was his dream and you were happy for him, but things changed. Time passed slowly but all at once, at a pace where you changed rapidly but without realizing it until you looked back. You more and more frequently found yourself wearing clothes less pink and frilly, and more black and tight, like Michael.

You would catch yourself twirling the ends of your Y/C hair around the top of your finger, wondering what it would look like as a cherry red, or royal blue.

You quickly came to the realization that you were essentially becoming a younger, female, Michael. It was strange to think about, but when you caught yourself ready to say "shit-dick-fuck-balls" you knew that your gut feeling was correct.

Your parents found it hilarious and your friends were a little concerned at first but it grew on them.

It seemed like everyone was coming to accept the new you but Michael, who was yet to know. Most of the time the two of you spoke over the phone, FaceTime or Skypeing was more rare, so he hadn't seen any of your new outfits nor had you volunteered the information. Truthfully, it was because you were worried how he'd react. But you weren't a great secret keeper, and you knew it would come out sooner or later to Michael.

You decided that rather Michael finding out by chance on a picture of you on some social media website, you decided to tell him instead. In person. You had previously been invited to go stay with him and the boys for a week while they were touring Y/C/L of the tour. You couldn't've been more excited.

You were so giddy that you barely slept on the plane ride to the boys and made security promise not to say a word to anyone when some bodyguards picked you up.

Your flight was later, so by the time you arrived back at the hotel the boys had left. You dropped your suitcase on the still fresh bed in the room you and Michael were sharing.

"Y/N? Michael wants to know if you're coming to the show tonight?" There was a light tapping on the door along with a muffled voice.

"TELL HIM I WOULDN'T MISS IT!" You yelled back happily.

As soon as you heard the person leave you stood to get dressed. If you were going to show Michael that you were punk rock like him, you were going to need to make sure your clothes were dead on. Luckily you came prepared. Black vans; tight, black, ripped, skinny jeans; a band t-shirt for Halsey; and dramatic dark makeup.

You showered and changed, just putting together the perfect touches before it was time to go. The actual show wasn't starting for a few hours, but if you hurried you could make it in time to squeeze in with the crowd of VIP girls and maybe even trick Michael. After all, there was no way he could see you from the stage during a show so this was the next best thing.

A short car ride later, you were slipped into the line of VIP soundcheck girls and smuggled into the stadium. If any of the fans noticed that you were Michael's sister, they didn't say anything and you were grateful that your cover wasn't blown.

The big reveal came later when the fans were crowded along the edge of the stage while the boys sat and took questions.

You waited patiently through the first through. They asked normal things like, "is Cake real?", and "What's your favorite kind of cereal?". You were relieved when you raised your hand and Ashton noticed, pointing at you with a big smile.

"I have a question for Michael," you grinned as your brother's head snapped over. He clearly recognized your voice, but as he scanned the crowd of girls looking for you, he glanced right over you.

"Y/N?!" He asked, "Where are you?"

You giggled loudly and some other fans pointed you out. When your brother's gaze finally zeroed in on you, his jaw dropped.

"Holy cow! That's Y/N?" Luke exclaimed.

"In the flesh," you walked forward easily.

"But- you're wearing pants! And black!" Michael's shock turned to a grin, "And you're here already! I thought you weren't coming until the show?"

You shrugged, "I just wanted to show up early to say hi to my dearest brother, even though he didn't recognize me," you ended up being more dramatic than you intended.

"In his defense none of us did. Right guys?" Luke asked the other fans in the crowed.

They all mumbled their agreements.

"She got us good," Calum tutted, grinning a little as he shook his head.

"All joking aside, I think that it's great Y/N, I especially love the shirt," he nodded.

"Thanks!" You looked down at it, "It's yours!"

"Wait... what?!"

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When you try to type "to anyone" but mess up so bad that it autocorrects to "go antifederalists"

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