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Q: Caitlin didn't you already post this in your blurbs book?

A: yes, but it quite frankly isn't a blurb (honestly not a short either but I gotta draw a line somewhere)

Plus I think it's good so why not share it again?

You tended to be a rather honest individual. Pack life already made a certain level of privacy impossible since you were connected to everyone else on a level that made it difficult to lie and keep secrets.

It was difficult, but not impossible. Yours was fairly innocuous, but still not something you wanted to get out. Namely, that you were on suppressants to fend off your heat. Not even your supposed mate, Michael knew. He wouldn't like it one bit. He'd been waiting for you to go into heat in order to finally prove to you that the two of you were meant to be together.

Female wolves could only tell if their partner was their true mate during heat, but by then it was often too late. You'd heard too many stories of charismatic male wolves convincing females that they were their match only to find when they went into heat, that he had been lying the whole time, forcing her to either choose extreme pain by going through it alone, or spending it with a male she knew was a liar. Many often chose the latter. Technically it was an illegal practice, but it was all too easy for a male wolf to claim that he was simply confused and then didn't want to leave the female in a time of need. Many pack alphas looked the other way.

You weren't going to be one of them. No matter how genuine Michael seemed, or how sure he was that he was your mate you wouldn't budge until you were sure. But you also wouldn't tell him you were on the suppressants. He wouldn't approve, and you didn't want the fight.

(Un)Luckily, you didn't see him all that often. He was a beta and so usually was in pack offices, your pack was large and he was in charge of preventing rogue attacks which was a serious job that required a lot of focus and attention. He'd told you before that once he was mated it was likely he'd get moved to warrior training and one of the unmated betas would take over his role, but it was impossible to know for sure, and until that point he risked himself every time he went out on raids and protected your borders.

However, every Saturday evening there was a pack picnic that had mandatory attendance for all members who were physically and emotionally able, which meant you both were often there. Ever since you'd shifted a few months ago and your scent changed, Michael had been sure you were the one for him. He'd asked Alpha Hood to move your seat to be beside him as was customary for couples and the alpha had agreed immediately. So every Saturday for at least an hour, you were stuck next to him at the head table reserved for pack leadership. There you had to play nice. You let him wrap his warm arm over your shoulder and sometimes even pull you into his lap. You'd breathe in his admittedly intoxicating scent and relax into his hold. Sometimes he'd feed you off of his own plate which was a sign of deep affection, and once you'd done it back, much to the excitement of the other wolves at the table.

But you weren't ready yet. You knew he was antsy, a regular cycle was a heat every month for a wolf of your age, even with suppressants it was only supposed to be every three. You were going on your fourth. It wasn't healthy, your wolf was less aware and tense. You felt the effects as well, you'd lean into Michael a little more when you saw him and struggle to keep your focus when there was more than two or three males around.

In other words, it was becoming a problem, and Michael had definitely noticed. He himself was far more tense in the last few weeks than he had been previously. He would escort you through the buffet line, not allowing any other males near you, and never seemed to stop touching. He was always right there when he could be. You never got any space or breathing room. You found it annoying. He claimed it was necessary.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2019 ⏰

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