BGM - Say You Won't Let Go

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You know how some songs just make you smile? That's me @ this. AT LEAST UNTIL SOME PEOPLE RELASE SOME NEW MUSIC *cough cough* 5SOS *cough*

I picked weird lines to do but whatever

Another night, another club. Deep in the heart of another city in another country in the never ending whirlwind of the international tour. As drastically different the many places are, clubs are always comfortingly similar. A club in Australia looks nearly identical to one in America, save the whole tipping business and occasional language barrier. They're all dark, loud, and full of wasted people dancing on each other. It's nice, in a way, like I can lose myself in a crowd and pretend that I'm back home. Not thousands of miles away.

Another thing clubs are good for is meeting girls. Tall girls, short girls, happy girls, girls that got dragged there by their friends, ones with big smiles or deep frowns, long hair, short hair, dresses, jeans, brown eyes, blue eyes, hazel or green. They all blurred together too, into warm bodies to dance against and flirt with as they passed by.

I met you in the dark, you lit me up

"Miiiiiiikey," Luke stumbled out of the crowd of people dancing and back to the bar. His knees were wobbling and he looked like he was about to fall over but still had this dopey smile on his face. I smiled apologetically at the bartender as I stood up and walked over to collect my friend.

"Luke! How much have you had to drink?" I chastised. But as I got closer and looped one of my arms under his shoulders the pungent smell of alcohol on his breath answered my question for me. He had drank too much.

"A lot," he grinned and leaned most of his bodyweight on me.

I huffed and swayed, trying to support both of us, but it was clear that without help Luke's large frame would soon topple over.

"Luke!" I complained, but the blonde was too out of it to do anything more than giggle.

Just before we both collapsed onto the sticky floor of the club another arm slid under Luke's other shoulder and steadied him. My head whipped around in wonder, looking behind Luke's back to see another person there, helping me hold him up.

"Whoa," Luke's head flopped to the side so he could look down at her, "you're pretty."

She giggled, "and you're pretty drunk."

My mind didn't even register Luke's loud, obnoxious laughing. My eyes were stuck on the girl holding him up. She was stunning. I couldn't understand how someone so beautiful could exist, nothing about her wasn't enthralling. Her Y/L hair that was dyed red by the club lights; the twinkling eyes laughing at Luke's drunken incompetence; her bright white smile that made me involuntarily grin. Just her. And I didn't even know her name.

Luckily Luke's inebriated laughter was loud enough for Calum to hear from the bathroom, and he pushed through the crowd of dancing people in order to reach us.

"He's such a lightweight," he muttered, shaking his head at the tall, giggly blonde.

"You'd be surprised how heavy he is when he's leaning on you," I groaned from my place under Luke's sweaty shoulder.

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