BGM - Beary Much

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Hahahahaha I promise I'm working on your requests this book has three drafts of them that I'm working on. Also smut so expect some of that.

Your cuddly boyfriend had been gone for a grand total of three days and you were already in a funk. You had no idea how you were going to survive him being gone so long. You were so used to his nighttime cuddles and daytime shenanigans that you constantly found yourself anticipating them only to realize he wasn't even in the country. You were still in the phase when you'd do something impressive like catch a piece of popcorn in your mouth and turn, expecting Michael to be there with a grin and high-five only to be greeted by an empty room and quiet house.

It was already driving you crazy.

What you didn't know or realize was that Michael anticipated this. Your thoughtful boyfriend felt incredibly guilty he was leaving you for so long, and even though he couldn't be there in person he wanted to send you his love. So he sent you a gift on his first day gone.

When the package showed up on the porch you were a little confused at first since you hadn't ordered anything, but it was addressed to you, and you were naturally curious so you brought it inside and cut it open. Inside the cardboard box under a layer of packing peanuts laid a stuffed bear and a note.

You first pulled out the teddy bear, initially thinking it had been sent to you on accident. The plush toy was about the size of your arm and very soft. It was the color of a sandy beach and on its stomach there was a big red heart.

You picked up the letter next, immediately recognizing the handwriting as your boyfriend's.

We went to the mall and there was this big-ass build a bear workshop and I thought of you so I made this even though Calum said I was whipped. (Fuck you Calum) I didn't name it because I figured you'd want to. I hope you like it and I miss you so so much babe.

- Your amazing boyfriend ;)

P.S. squeeze its tummy

You felt a smile growing across your face as you read the short letter that was oh so Michael. When you got to the last line you found yourself intrigued by the request and immediately picked up your yet-to-be-named bear.

You squeezed over the heart and Michael's voice came out of the insides of the bear, "I love you beary much babe."

You laughed and squeezed it again, reveling in the voice you missed so much. You love it. You loved Michael. It was perfect, even the slight background noise of the boys giggling and making whip sounds.

When you hugged the bear tight to your chest and closed your eyes, it almost felt like he was there with you, and that's all you really wanted.

So even though he wasn't there to hug you and make his own corny declarations of love, you were at least happy he sent you some company.

Caitlin you're gone for 3 days and then come back with that?



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