BSM - Hiccups

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Anywho countdown to Friday when I can go home

5 days

"Hic," your body tensed up as you hiccuped.

You frowned and cleared your throat. Maybe it was just a one-off thing and you'd be lucky, because there was nothing you hated more than hiccups.

"Hic," you sighed as you realized that it was not likely you'd stop after two.

"Hic," your suspicions were confirmed only a moment later.

You continued to hiccup and lay limply against the couch, no longer interested in watching TV. You had to do something about this.

First you tried getting a drink of water, "hic."

Doing a handstand for twenty seven seconds, "hic."

Holding your breath, "hic."

You even watched Hush on Netflix to try and scare it out, and you did end up freaking yourself out rather thoroughly. "Hic," alas, it didn't last.

Defeated, you were nearly ready to go try and get some comfort cuddles from Michael. You walked out of the living room and down the corridor towards Michael's music area. Unbeknownst to you, the boys had noticed your incurable hiccup problem, and schemed to help.


"She's tried everything," Ashton murmured, "poor thing."

"Better her than me," that comment landed a solid elbow to Calum's ribs.

"Maybe she didn't hold her breath long enough?" Luke suggested.

"Are you TRYING to kill my sister?" Michael asked incredulously, "No. We just need to scare her more."

"More than that movie did?" Ashton didn't seem convinced that was even possible.

"Well, I mean she did look a little bit freaked out from the movie but she never screamed, and I think that screaming is what really gets rid of hiccups," Michael mused thoughtfully.

"Screams of terror maybe," Luke trailed off.

"What other screams are you suggesting Hemmings?" Calum smirked.

Luke smirked right back, "you know exactly what I'm taking about, Hood."

Calum tensed and flushed.

Michael changed the subject, "yeah no. Screams of terror only."

"What's the plan?" Ashton asked.

"We jump out and yell really loud. Simple, but effective," Michael nodded.

"I'm gonna grab her," Luke grinned.

He was sent very disapproving glances.

"By the shoulders my God."


Their plan was put into action as Luke crept up behind you and grabbed your shoulders just as the other three jumped out from around the corner.

"AGHHHHH!" They yelled, arms out like they were going to grab you.

You didn't think you'd ever screamed so loud for so long in your life. You spasmed, and instinctively twirled around to kick the person who grabbed you.

Your foot ended up in Luke's crotch and he let go.

"MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!" He wheezed, falling to his knees and cupping his manhood protectively.

"Jesus Y/N," Calum walked over to Luke's side.

"Sorry," you shrugged, "it wasn't really on purpose."

"Did it work?" Michael asked excitedly.

You raised your eyebrows, "did what work? Hic." At the noise of your hiccup they visibly deflated.


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