BSM - Listen Closely: Gang AU

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Also I might do a purge au bc why not that sounds interesting

Requested by: @5sosfamforeveh

"Listen closely Y/N, what I'm telling you may save your life..."

Your feet slapped against the pavement as you ran, faster, faster! You had to get away! Your lungs burned and your eyes were filling with panicked tears but there was no alternative. You had to flee.

"...people will come for you to try and get me. I will protect you as much as I can, but if I'm ever not there, I want you to know what to do..."

You risked a glance behind you, they were still there. Following you, sprinting as fast as they could to catch up. You should have realized when you first saw the edge of a tiger tattoo peeking out of the man's collar. You should've slipped away.

"...if you ever see anyone with a tiger tattoo call me immediately and leave. They will try and hurt you, do not draw attention to yourself if you can, just keep your head down and walk away..."

They were gaining on you. Their footsteps were growing closer. Blood began to drip down your hand from the long cuts on your fingers where the shattered glass of your phone screen was slicing your skin. You couldn't call, you couldn't put your head down and walk away, and nobody in that neighborhood was going to interfere with a situation like yours, especially not at sunset. You had no option but to run, knowing that they would catch you. They always would.

"...if they ever see you, and you can't call me, run. Run toward our house until someone helps you..."

Nobody was coming to save you. They were close enough now that you could hear their heavy, panting breaths. At least you tired them, gave them a little bit of misery, didn't make it easy.

"...if they ever catch you, Y/N, listen. If they ever catch you, know that I will not stop until you're back. You're my baby sister and all that I have left. I love you Y/N. Do you understand?"

Fingers brushed against your shoulder. No no no! You pushed yourself faster, harder, one last magnificent burst of speed. Your legs were jelly and you could feel the sweat pouring down the back of your neck but it was worth your extra second of freedom. You wouldn't make it easy, you'd give them all you had.

"Yes Michael, I understand. I love you too."

Fading, fading, fading. You had pushed too hard, your knees began to buckle and your vision swam with inky darkness. The hand was back, now two, three, four hands pulling you back, pulling you down. You tried to push them away, push them off. They were too strong, you'd used all your energy.

"Hurry up," you heard a deep voice grunt, "we're at the border."

"Shut up Ashton."

The hands around you tightened, your weak struggle did nothing. Too weak even to scream as your head was pushed back, lolling easily at the slight touch.

"Night night Princess," the first voice chuckled.

A slight pinch at your neck, a syringe, you faintly realized.

It wouldn't be long now. The black dots grew larger, your muscles relaxed more and more until you were being held up only by your captors.

As a black van came tearing down toward you, and your eyes rolled back into your head, you realized.

They'd let you run.

"I'm- I'm sorry... Michael," you slumped against the bony shoulder and your mind went blank.

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