BGM - You Want To Fight But He Won't Let You

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IT'S OFFICIAL (kinda) I think the only part of this stupid schedule I'm gonna keep is Monday Take Two updates bc I hate schedules and I forgot how bad I was until I tried to adhere to one

You were heated. It had been an awful day at work, your boss had chewed you out over something completely out of your control, and since you valued your job for some strange reason, you hadn't talked back, at all. It was a miracle you hadn't snapped at anybody all day, but you were so so achingly close.

You just kept replaying the arguments over and over in your head, thinking of what you could've said when, and how that would've changed the outcome. It was infuriating and made your mood ten times worse.

By the time you got home, you were absolutely fuming. You stormed inside and slammed the door shut behind you as hard as you could.

"Baby? Is that you?" Michael called from the kitchen, clearly not expecting you to be slamming doors like a child.

"DON'T 'baby' ME! I'M AN ADULT!" You screamed as you kicked off your shoes and flung away your work bag.

Michael, who was no stranger to your sour moods, internally sighed but kept his cool. He wouldn't let you trick him into fighting with you.

"It's just a term of endearment Y/N, didn't mean any offense," he apologized right away, sneaking away from the sandwich he was making to slowly approach you.

"Don't walk so slow. It looks stupid," you snapped and looked away.

Michael didn't dare chuckle, he had made that mistake before and it had landed him in hot water. Instead he quickened his pace, approaching you much faster now.

"Stop it," you whined as he closed in. You didn't want him to be so close. You just wanted to be left alone and maybe scream into a pillow then cry. You just felt so helpless and you needed to get your anger out somehow.

"No," he said simply. Michael pinned you against the wall, caging you in with his two arms resting next to your head. "Now, tell me what's wrong," he looked deep into your eyes, nonverbally urging you to continue.

"Just a bad day," you grunted and looked away. You desperately wanted to stay mad but you knew you couldn't if you stared at him.

"Y/N," Michael chastised you, "look at me."

You sighed, but turned your head and looked into your boyfriend's deep green eyes. Your anger quickly melted as his gaze held nothing but tenderness and concern. How could you stay mad when confronted with something so sweet? It was impossible.

"'M sorry your day was rough babe," he sighed and let his arms fall from their place beside your head down to loop around your waist. He pulled you to him and you rested your head on his chest. "Was it your boss?"

You nodded and smiled because he just knew. Michael knew what drove you nuts, he could tell when you were mad and calmed you down without getting sucked in. He was truly your better half.

"He's a dick," Michael sighed and pressed a kiss to the top of your head, "don't worry about him."

You took in a deep breath and nodded again, "I'll try. For you."

"That's all I could ask for."

SHORT BUT CUTE (lol I hope)


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