5; Lorrie's Big Plans & Theraputic Colouring*

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Hope's crying.

Harry's at work and Bella's at school.

As for me, I'm trying to stop my boob from leaking and trying to calm down Hope at the same time.

"Do you want a bath baby?" I ask Hope.

She loves her baths and they usually help her calm down. She also loves sleeping but she's already had a two hour nap.

I walk into my room and set her on the bed. I go to mine and Harry's on suit and get the baby bath ready, filling it up with warm water and baby soap.

Hope is still crying and squirming on the bed. I take off her onesie and carry her to the bathroom. When the baby bath is completely full I turn the faucet off and place her in the bath.

Her crying settles.

Her colic is improving slightly. She still cries most nights but she doesn't cry so much during the day anymore. I guess she just likes being held.

She also loves being with Bella. She finds Bella hilarious and has the cutest smile whenever Bella plays with her.

"Are you a happy baby now?" I say in a baby voice and stroke her cheek with my finger.

She gargles and I get a cotton pad and start washing the fuzz on her head. I get her a little bath toy to play with and she smiles.

I finish her bath and wrap her up in a fluffy pink towel. Her little hands grip onto my shirt as I hold her close.

I keep her in the towel for a while longer and we snuggle down on my bed. I switch the TV on but my eyes stay on Hope, who's squirming around in the towel.

I giggle and kiss the top of her head. Her green eyes look up at me. She started off with blue eyes but they seem to have gotten more green through the past few days. Her hair is still blonde though which I like.

She tries grabbing my nose and I move my face closer. Her tiny fingers trace my face and she laughs when my eye lashes flutter against her cheeks.

Later on, I change her into a pastel yellow onesie and feed her from the bottle I prepared. She falls asleep again in my arms and I let her rest in her cradle.

I change my shirt from this morning into one of Harry's and slip on some sweat pants. I clean up the house a bit and suddenly I get a phone call.

"Hey Liv, you busy?" I hear Lorries voice from the other end.

"Not at all, you want to come over?" I ask and she immediately says yes.

"I have so many ideas for your wedding!" She squeals causing a chuckle to escape my lips.

"Okay Ri, I'll see you in a bit." I say and clean up some of Bella's toys off the floor before Lorrie gets here.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rings and Lorrie lets herself in. "The queen is here!" She shouts.

"Ssssh! I just put Hope to sleep." Her eyes widen a bit.

"Sorry." She whispers and we head to the kitchen. She sits up at the kitchen island and I make her a coffee.

"How was Bella this morning?" She asks.

"She looks so scared when she goes to school now Ri. The boys put things in her cubby and the other day they ruined her drawings. It's horrible and I feel so guilty that my daughter is getting bullied over my mistake." This morning Bella was dreading to go to school and I thought she was going to burst into tears. I hugged her as hard as I could and told her everything will work out and I'd fix it for her.

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