27; Twenty Four Hours & Family?*

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One entire week.

An entire week has gone by and nothing has happened. It's as if they've disappeared off the face of the earth and haven't left any trace of themselves or my daughter.

I can't eat or sleep without her and the only two people keeping me sane are Harry and Hope. I feel sick to my stomach thinking of every scenario of what has happened to my baby girl and who would have taken her.

We've been sat in front of Louis' computers for twelve hours now and it's currently six in the evening. I'm trying to put Hope to sleep as  Harry and Louis work on finding her.

"Ma, ma." She pouts and I kiss her forehead.

"Go to sleep baby..." I whisper.

"La, la." She says, saying her nickname for Bella.

I hold back my tears, "I know, we'll find your little sister soon."

"La, mmma, da." She says and I smile, quickly wiping my eyes when a tear rolls down.

"That's right baby. We'll be altogether soon." I kiss her button nose and rock her in my arms trying to make her sleep.

When Hope falls asleep I lay her in our bed and put pillows all around her so she doesn't roll out of bed. I kiss her forehead and leave the door open on my way out.

I walk into the lounge and the television is on but no one is paying any attention to it. Harry is staring down at the computers and Louis is writhing stuff down.

"Do you boys want anything to eat?" I say quietly.

"It's okay baby. Come sit down." Harry says and I walk over to sit next to him. He puts his arm around me and me and I rest my head on his shoulder.

I can tell this is eating him alive too. He doesn't show it but I know it hurts him too. Sometimes I forget that Harry is in just as much pain as I am and I know I shouldn't.

For the past few days I've been comforting him the way he comforts me, reminding him that I love him and we're all going to be together again when we find Bella.

Louis has been amazing and has been helping us everyday since we all found out Bella has been missing. I can tell he's desperate to find her too, he loves her almost as much as we do.

Eleanor has to stay at her mom's after Louis forced her too. He doesn't want her to stay up all night and worry but, truthfully, I think he doesn't want her to be taken like Bella has.

"Have you found anything yet?" I ask and Louis shakes his head and I sigh.

"We'll get there Liv, trust me." He tells me with soft eyes.

Harry holds my hand and kisses my temple. "Why don't you watch some TV baby?"

"I'd rather sit here and help look for Bella." I yawn and we get back to work.

The morning comes and we're all sat around the kitchen island. I'm feeding Hope and Harry and Louis are doing the same they've done for the past twenty four hours.

What we've all been doing for the past week.

Looking for Bella.

Suddenly the phone rings and I pick it up, knowing it's our usual call from the police department, probably going to tell us the same thing; they found nothing.

"Hello Officer Des." I try to sound normal but my voice cracks halfway through the sentence.

"Hello Mrs Styles, we seem to have found out something about the plane tickets." He says.

"Really?" I question.

"The plane tickets were fake. Your daughter is not in London but that does mean we are back to square one." He tells me.

"Officer Des, could you tell me who bailed Cole Richards out of jail again?" I wonder.

"Ron Madden. Apparently they spoke a lot." He tells me.

Ron Madden was a name that sounded somewhat familiar to me. I don't know what it was but something about it reminded me of someone I knew.

"Could you hold on for two seconds Officer?" He complied and I walk over to Louis.

"Louis can you search up people with the last name Madden?" I ask and he nods his head.

Harry looks at me curiously, "What's going on Liv."

"One minute." I say and scroll through the page.

Suddenly my eyes meet a newspaper report on the death of Ron and Kristen Madden. I bring it up and tears prick my eyes.

My parents, it was a report on their death and what happened.

Ron Madden was my father but it didn't make any sense. My father is dead.

"Olivia, it couldn't be..." Louis whispers.

"Couldn't be what?" Harry asks.

"My father..." I stare at the article.

"B-but Liv, I thought..."

"My parents ware dead." I state and am just as confused as he is.

I pick up the phone again and speak to Officer Des, "Officer I think I know where they are. I need you to look up my file and my childhood home."

"Liv what's going on?" Harry asks.

"Remember when I said I never knew my parents? It's cause they died in a car crash when I was a year old. I've only ever known California because that's all I remember but I think I lived out of California before they died." I tell him.

"Are you saying she's there?" He questions.

"I have no clue but we have to try." He grabs my hand and nods.

"Mrs Styles, we've found an address your name was originally Olivia Madden until your adoptive mother had it changed. Your old home is in Arizona." He informs me.

"Send me the address." I tell him and end the call.

"I guess we're going to Arizona." Louis says and I hope and pray that Bella will be there....


I want mommy and daddy.


I'm going to bed.

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-Chloe xx

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