24; I Want My Daughter & Search Party*

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"Harry," Olivia whimpers and I look over to her to see tears streaming down her face.

"It's alright baby." I take her hand in mine and hold it up to my lips to press a small kiss. Hope is mumbling things in the back and I look at her through the mirror and smile. She has no idea what is happening and that her sister is gone but she's happy and I guess that's all that matters to an fifteen month child.

We've informed Louis about Bella being taken and now we're heading down to the police station. Olivia has not said very much since when she found out and neither have I but we have each other to reassure ourselves that we won't stop until we find her.

Louis said he would get some of his friends to do whatever they can to track them down by any means necessary. I'm worried for him, I wouldn't want him to get hurt but at the same time I'm grateful that he's here for us. 

I'm not going to lie and say I'm not scared because I am but I need to be strong for my girls. Olivia has been through this once alone and now I'm here with her, to protect her and find our baby girl.

I am one hundred percent sure that Cole is behind all of this because who else would want to take Bella away?

I pull up to the police station and we run out, Olivia takes hope in her arms and we head to the front desk. "W-we have an emergency!" I say, out of breath.

"What's the emergency sir?" The dark skinned lady said at the front desk.

"Our daughter, Bella Styles, has been taken. Someone picked her up from her school and we have no idea where she could be." I feel Olivia put her hand in mine and my grip tightens on hers.

"Okay, we're going to need you to sit down sir and we'll call someone to speak to you." She tells me.

"I don't have time to sit down. Our daughter is out there with some stranger and I have no idea where she could be." I say, angrily.

"I understand sir but you getting angry won't do anything but make this situation worst. Now I suggest you sit down and wait for me to call somebody in." She says sternly.

"Harry..." Olivia whispers and pulls me over to the waiting area.

I sit down on the chair and pull Olivia onto my lap, with Hope in her arms as well. She snuggles into me and Hope looks at me with confused green eyes. "Smile for me baby girl." I rub her cheek with my finger and she grins, making me feel slightly less stressed out.

"Mr and Mrs Styles." We're called and we stand up to go to the mans office.

We sit down in front of the burly man and he sits back in his chair and looks at us. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Our daughter, Bella Styles, was taken today. We have no idea where she is but she was picked up by somebody from her school who claimed to be her dad but her dad is behind bars." I explain.

"What;s the name of her father?" He asks.

"Cole Richards. He was my boyfriend but he went to prison for drug dealing and second hand murder. He was bailed out but was sentenced again for more drugs and being part of an illegal gang." Olivia explains, shakily.

The man writes it down and looks up again, "And the name of your daughter again?"

"Bella Styles." He types it into the computer and his eyebrows furrow.

"We have no records of a Bella Styles." He says and I look at him, confused but Olivia speaks up.

"Try Bella Rose." She says, referring to her maiden name.

"Ahh yes. Bella Rose, is this your daughter." he turns the computer screen around and a picture of Bella comes up. I want to start crying.

"Y-yes, that's her." Olivia sobs.

"And you say she was kidnapped?" The police officer asks.

We nod and he writes something else down, "My name is Officer Des and I will be with you on this case. We will look through a few things and then get back to you by tomorrow morning. If anything happens for the rest of the night, please call straight away."

"So we're just supposed to wait?" Olivia asks.

"Unless you have anything else that could help start the investigation as soon as possible, then I'm afraid we'll have to look over a few things over night." He tells us.

"But my daughter has been kidnapped." Olivia spits.

"Well, is there any evidence for this?" He quirks his eyebrow.

"What more do you wa-"

"Finch." Olivia interrupts me. "Finch Reed was put in jail with Cole. You can talk to him as well." She says.

"Okay, well it's best if you two and the little one there get some rest for tonight and come back in the morning and we can see where to go from there. I know this is heart breaking and I couldn't imagine losing my son but we'll do all we can and inform you on anything, Mr and Mrs Styles." 

"Okay, thank you Officer Des." I nod and we stand to leave the station.

I come back to our bedroom and see Olivia turned on her side and Hope in her crib. I hear her faint sobs and my heart shatters at the sound. I strip down to my boxers and climb in next to her, I wrap my arms around her and hold her shaking body to my chest. "Baby, it's okay." She doesn't say anything for a while but then she turns in my arms and nuzzles her face to my chest.

"I want my daughter back Harry." She sobs and I kiss her cheek and soothe her.

Where are you Bella?

The following day, we wake up at the crack of dawn and get dressed to head to the police station. "Ma!" Hope squeals as she holds up the cracker for Olivia to see.

"Well done baby girl!" Olivia smiles but it doesn't reach her eyes.

When we get to the police station, a few police cars and policemen are parker up front. We see Officer Des out front talking to somebody else.

We get out of the car and walk over to him, "Mr and Mrs Styles, just the people I need to see."

"What did you find out?" I ask and Hope reaches out for me so I take her in my arms.

"Cole Richards was put in prison for drug smuggling, correct?" He asks and we nod. "Well overnight we looked through his file and found it to be completely clear besides his date of birth and where he's from."

I hear Olivia gasp and I pull her to my side, "What do you mean?" She asks.

"Somebody has completely wiped his criminal records of everything and last night we found that someone bailed him out." I tense up. I thought he escaped?

"Who was it?" I ask.

"Somebody under the name of Mr Ron Madden." He says and I look at him confused, not knowing who the name belonged to.

"We're sending out a search party for her and we'll be getting in contact with anyone related to any of the two men."

"So you mean there's two of them?" Olivia questions.

"Mrs Styles, whoever took your child was not alone in this. There's more than one guy out there and we'll do whatever it takes to stop them..."


I never know how to finish these chapters anymore... I tried so hard to make it suspenseful but that went completely downhill in the end.

I wrote the longest bonus chapter on Spaces and I loved it...It made me cry.

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-Chloe xx

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