33; Niagra Falls & The Scare*

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"Your mum is really tired right now Hope." I tell the three year old who keeps asking for her mother to play with her.

"Can you play with me then daddy?" She asks.

I sigh, "Okay baby, lets go to the play room."

I end up playing barbie dolls for a good hour with Hope. She's obsessed with her barbies and loves playing dress up with them.

Unfortunately, Bella is not so much into Barbie dolls anymore and prefers drawing and reading adventure books so she doesn't often like playing Barbies with Hope.

The twins were suppose to be born two days ago and Olivia was starting to get worried. We found out we were having a boy and a girl which made all of us very happy and we have already decided on the names.

We spent most of the last few months preparing their room. Due to our bigger house we had a lot more space for the twins' room so we had a lot to fill. We tried to make it as colourful as possible for them both and we love it.

 We tried to make it as colourful as possible for them both and we love it

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"Daddy, mommy needs you!" Bella yells from the lounge.

I walk in and see Olivia standing up with water running down her legs. "Did you not make it to the bathroom in time?" I ask and her eyes glare at me.

"Harry Edward Styles my water has just broke!" She almost yells and my eyes widen. "It's like freaking Niagara Falls!"

This time I was more prepared unlike Hope's birth and already had the hospital bags packed in our room.

"Bella can you call Grammy please?" I pass her my phone and she nods.

"Hope we need to get to the hospital!" I yell for her and she comes into the lounge with two barbies in her hand.

Her eyes widen when she sees her mum, "Mommy you peed yourself."

"Help your mum into the car Hope." I tell her and she takes her mums hand and helps her to the car.

I grab the bags and load them into the trunk. "I need to put Pip in his pen." I say to Olivia and she nods.

"Come on boy." I say and he follows me into his pen. We keep him there whenever we have to go out and can't take him with us.

"Grammy's driving down to the hospital." Bella walks out of the house.

"Okay, lets go!" I say and we all drive to the hospital.

Olivia's breathing is laboured as she struggles to stay calm. I grab her hand and kiss the back of it. "What's wrong baby?"

"I'm nervous." She states. "I don't know if I am give birth to two babies."

"Baby, you'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time and the nurses will be there to help you." I try to soothe her but I'm freaking out just as much as she is.

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