34; Baby Giggles & Tiny Dancers*

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"Mommy, can me and Hope play in the pool?" Bella asks me, wearing her little swimsuit.

"Of course, make sure to leave the patio door open." I tell her and she nods.

"Come on Pip, lets go play!" She says excitedly and the dog barks and follows her.

I hear my babies crying on the baby monitor and I head upstairs to see what's wrong.

When I step in their room, Harry is already there with Riley in his arms. I go to Aspen's crib and pick her up, "What's up baby girl?" I coo and rock her in my arms.

"I think they're hungry." Harry says and we both head downstairs to go and feed them and so I can finish watching Teen Mom.

"Can you help Riley whilst I feed Aspen first?" I ask Harry and he nods, looking after Riley.

Aspen falls asleep whilst I'm feeding her so I give her to Harry and then take Riley. The twins are very greedy and eat pretty much all of the time which is not good for my boobs.

Harry rocks Aspen in his arms. Since the twins were born he has grown an attachment to Riley probably because he's the only boy, but he still loves all of his girls no matter what.

Riley also falls asleep after a while of being fed, so we go back upstairs and put them into their cribs to rest.

Me and Harry head back into the lounge and decide on watching a movie. He lays down and I lay down on top of him with my head on his chest as he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Mommy, daddy! Hope fell over outside again." Bella calls.

We hear crying as we walk outside to see what's happened. Hope is holding onto her knee and crying. "Daddy, I fell over." She says and reaches out for Harry.

"Oh Hope..." We take her into the kitchen and Bella fallows after. We set her on the counter and I take out some plasters.

Hope has grown up to be extremely clumsy and I think she gets it from her dad. Harry is always there to comfort her whenever she falls over and we've had to buy numerous amounts of plasters for when she does fall.

"What are we going to do with you Hope?" Harry sighs as he hugs our little girl.

I hand him the plasters and he takes one out, putting a little mermaid one on her scraped knee. He kisses the top of her head and she wraps her arms around his neck, "My clumsy princess." He says.

"Can we watch a movie with you and daddy mommy?" Bella asks.

"Of course but you need to change out of your swimming costumes first." She nods and runs upstairs to get dressed. Harry helps Hope get dressed into her Sully Onesie from Monsters Inc and she looks adorable.

Bella comes down wearing her grey sweatpants and a fluffy sweater with fuzzy socks and she looks so cuddly.

Pip lays down by our feet but Hope tells him to sit on her lap which he does and is pretty much the same size as her.

The baby monitor goes off and I offer to go up and get the twins whilst they choose a movie. "My little babies." I kiss both of their heads and carry them downstairs in each arm.

Harry reaches out for Riley and I hand him over, "Can I hold Aspen mommy?" Bella asks.

"As long as you're careful." I put her in Bella's lap and make sure she supports the head.

We decide on watching Trolls and I laugh when I see Harry getting so into the movie, "Enjoying this babe?" I chuckle.

"Best movie ever!" He jokes and I laugh harder.

When the Justin Timberlake song plays at the end, Hope and Bella start dancing which makes Pip start to bark.

Harry stands Riley up on his legs and starts to dance with him. "Baby, he's like the next John Travolta!" He grins and I start laughing.

Avery is asleep in my arms so I watch as my three kids and my husband start dancing. "Daddy remember when me and mommy moved into your apartment and danced to the music?" Bella asks when the song ends.

"That seems like a life time away." Harry says.

"You use to live in a different house daddy?" Hope asks, confused.

"Me and your mum lived in separate houses when we were just dating." He explains.

"So you weren't mawwied?" She questions.

"No we were just dating." He says and she still looks confused.

She shakes her head, "Ugh, love is so confusing."

"Preach." Harry says which makes me laugh.

We all head back upstairs and climb into Harry and my bed. Hope, Bella, Riley and Aspen are in between me and Harry and Pip lies at the end of the bed.

Riley starts to cry again so Harry lifts up his little shirt and blows raspberries on his stomach which makes him stop and Harry smiles down at him.

Harry does it again and it makes Riley laugh in the cutest way.

Suddenly, Aspen starts to cry and Harry lifts up her little shirt and does the same thing. She starts to giggle and that makes all of us start to laugh.

"Do it again Daddy!" Hope laughs and Harry blows raspberries on Riley and Aspens stomach. We all laugh loudly as the two twins start giggling.

I watch my five favourite people interact and fall in love with the sight.

I love my family and I love Harry. I couldn't wish for anything more than these five people in front of me.


I was going to post this tomorrow but this is a filler before the last chapter.

I cri.

Comment '🐸' if you want the last chapter today. Or comment '🥓' if you want it up tomorrow.

*Please Vote,comment and share*

-Chloe xx

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