26; What If's & Don't Leave Me Harry*

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"Haz, wake up." I hear a deep voice and groan. My arms are still wrapped around Olivia and Hope as they lie asleep.

"What Louis?" I open my eyes and he's crouched down in front of me.

"I've gotta go and check up on Eleanor at her mum's house. I'll be back in an hour." He tells me and I nod. "If anything happens then call me straight away."

"Okay, Louis I get it." I smile, lazily.

He scoffs, "I know what you and Liv are like."

I chuckle and he leaves, shutting the door afterwards. I sigh and close my eyes for a while longer.

Olivia woke up twice last night from a dream. I held her close to me and whispered constantly that I love her. I kissed her many times to calm her down and she held onto my hand for dear life the rest of the night.

I feel Hope turn over and I open my eyes to see her green eyes wide open. "Da." She smiles and nuzzles her face into my neck.

"Good morning baby girl." I smile and she giggles when I tickle her sides.

Olivia stirs but doesn't wake. She probably won't be waking up for a while, "Wanna go make some breakfast?" I ask her and she smiles. "I'll take that as a yes."

I pick her up, her body adorned in a nappy since she gets hot wearing her baby grows, and we walk to the kitchen. I take out the eggs and bacon and put them into the pan. "Da, da." Hope points to the pan and I smile.

"That's your breakfast Hope." I say and she just grins. "You're sister loves it when we have bacon." I whisper.

Whenever I made bacon in the morning, Bella would wake up extra early to come help even if it was a school day. She would always want to have the first plate because she loved it so much.

Suddenly my phone goes off and I see Officer Des' name come up on the screen. "Hello?"

"Good morning Mr Styles." He greets.

"Any news on Bella?" I ask desperately.

"We've tracked down many destinations and have found two plane tickets to London, England. We've made a few connections and have informed the English police department about your daughter. I'm afraid that's all we've got so far." I close my eyes and sigh.

"Thank you officer." I say.

"No problem Mr Styles. We're doing all we can to find her, I assure you." He tells me.

I end the call and throw my phone onto the couch. I cover my face with my hands and breath in deeply. Everyone is trying to find her but nothing is working.

We've all been searching for days and the only thing we've found is a few number plates and some plane tickets.

At the same time, I've been trying to keep Olivia sane and look after Hope. I don't want either of them to loose hope that Bella will never be found.

"Da, da, da." Hope grins and has ketchup all over her face from her breakfast.

"Enjoy that princess?" I chuckle and pick her up trying to avoid getting ketchup on my white shirt. I look around for something to clean her up but find nothing. So I put her into the large sink and put the hot and cold tap on so the water doesn't get too hot.

She smiles and waves her arms around. "What is my daughter doing in the sink?" I hear someone behind me and turn to see Olivia.

Her body is wearing her silk robe and my t-shirt with grey sweatpants in her legs. Her hair is up in a messy bun and her face is pale. She has dark prominent under eyes circles but a smile is on her face.

I open my arms for her and she walks into me, her face nuzzles into my chest. I kiss the top of her head,"Morning beautiful."

She hums,"Good morning." Her eyes are shut but she opens them again straight after.

"Ma, ma, ma" Hope splashes in the sink.

"Hey pretty princess." Olivia kisses the top of Hope's head. She turns to me,"Now are you going to answer the question of why my daughter is sat in a sink?"

"We made breakfast and she ate hers and got ketchup all over her." I explain.

"Do you know what a bath is?" She quirks her brow.

"The sink was closer." I shrug and she laughs, the first proper laugh since she found out Bella was missing.

I smile at her and she starts helping wash Hope in the sink. I watch as the two interact and start putting her breakfast onto a plate.

When Hope is finished getting cleaned up, Olivia puts her into her clothes and then sits her in her play mat.

She walks over to the table and I give her her breakfast. "Here you go baby." I say and she kisses my lips before digging into her breakfast.

We make conversation for a while until I remember about her nightmares last night. "Are we gonna talk about last night?" I say straight forwardly.

She stops eating and drops her fork on the plate. She looks up at me with worried eyes, "What?"

"Liv, you were scared to death last night and woke up twice." I move my chair so I'm next to her.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles.

"Please tell me Liv, don't shut me out baby." I hold her hand and see tears well up in her eyes.

"They were horrible Harry." She shakes her head. "I kept dreaming that they had her locked away and were starving her and hurting her in ways that no six year old child should. She had blood covering her little face and it-it was just so terrible." She sobs and I pull her close to me.

"What if, what if all that is true and she's hurt? Harry what if my baby girl is hurt and in pain and she's calling for her mommy and I'm not there?" She cried harder and I felt my heart drop at the nightmares and the questions she asked me.

"I can't help but not think that something has happened to her. I have no idea where she is Harry, I have no idea whether or not she is safe and-and-"

"Sshhhh..." Her face buries in my neck as she cries. "It's not real baby." I tell her. "It's not real. We're gonna find her and she's gonna be okay and if she's not we're gonna fix her up. Whatever happens she'll be okay one way or another. It's been three days and we won't stop searching for her until we have her back in our arms and we're a family again."

She sniffles and looks up at me with tear stained cheeks, "I love you..." She whispers.

"I love you too." I kiss her cheek and she wraps her arms around my neck, nuzzling her face into my chest.

Where are you princess?


This is a filler and I feel like it was bad but idk.

You know I said I will be updating at least two chapters everyday this week?

Well thats all failed but there will be another chapter up after I finish watching a few episode of the Walking Dead.

It is so goooddddd.

I'm going to go through both Better and Greater when this has finished and add some stuff and just improve some of the crappy grammar and stufff.

*Please comment, vote and share*

-Chloe xx

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