32; Heart Beats & Little People*

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"Harry, I look terrible. My bump is so big already that none of my clothes fit." I pout.

"Baby, we're going to the hospital not the Met Gala. You look perfect." He kisses the top of my head.

"You have to say that, you're my husband." I mumble.

Today, I'm going to be having my second scan since I found out I was pregnant. Hope and Bella are excited to have another brother or sister and everyone else was also very happy with the news.

"I say it because I love you." He grins and kisses me softly.

The symptoms throughout my pregnancy so far have been twice as difficult as they were when I was pregnant with Hope and Bella. I've been feeling a lot more sick in the morning and my cravings are off the scale. My bump is also a lot bigger than it usually is within this time which I thought was strange.

"Mommy, do you know where my dolly is?" Hope asks.

"Did you leave her in the kitchen this morning?" Her eyes lighten and she runs downstairs to find her doll.

"Ready to go?" Harry asks and grabs my bag for me. I nod and we head downstairs.

"Can we stop at the store to get some popcorn?" Harry laughs and nods his head.

We all climb into the black Mercedes and drive to the store closest to the hospital. "Please can we have candy daddy?" Bella pleads.

"Okay." He huffs and heads into the store.

"I'm so excited to see the baby." Bella says causing me to smile.

"What do you guys think we're going to have?" I ask them.

"Girl!" They both say at the same time.

"You've already had two girls mommy." Bella explains.

"If you have another girl I can play dollies with her!" Hope holds up her dolly for me to see.

"Well it could be a boy..."

"I wouldn't mind having a brother. I think it'd be pretty cool." Bella shrugs.

"I guess I could show him my barbie Ken." Hope pouts and I chuckle.

Harry comes back with the popcorn and a lollipop for Hope and Bella. "Lets go see our baby." Harry says and we drive to the hospital.

"Will Rachael be there today?" Bella says that Rachael is one of her best friends and she's now become a friend to our family. She has a son called Mitch who is twenty three and offers to help look after Bella and Hope when me and Harry want to go out. Her husband is also very sweet and a few years older than her. 

"Maybe, we can go see if she's there if you want to." Harry smiles and Bella and Hope cheer.

When we pull up to the hospital, Harry helps me out of the car and we make our way to the maternity ward.

I sign in and we are asked to wait in the waiting room until we are called in. "I'm so excited!" Bella cheers and Hope claps her hands.

When we're called in, Harry sits down with Hope and Bella and I lay down on the bed. "How have you been feeling so far Olivia?" Doctor Alison smiles.

"I've been good but my symptoms are a lot more extreme than the last two pregnancies." I explain and she nods.

"It could be because the baby is bigger but we'll take a scan and see what we can do." She says and asks me to lift up my shirt so she can put the gel on my stomach.

"Momma." Hope tries to wiggle out of Harry's grip to be by my side.

"It's alright Hope, mummy's just having a scan to see the babies on the computer. Look." He points to the screen.

"A baby?" She points to the monitor.

"That's right." He kisses the top of her head.

"Okay Olivia... There is your-" she pauses.

"What, what is it?" I start to panic.

"It's nothing to worry about Olivia but there seems to be another heartbeat." My eyes water when I see the two heartbeats come up on the monitor. My hand covers my mouth as I look at the screen in shock.

"So the baby has two hearts?" Bella asks confused.

"No princess, you're getting two siblings. We're having twins!" Harry explains and Bella and Hope cheer.

Harry walks over to me and kisses my temple, "Two?" I questions, still so shocked at the news.

"Two babies, twins." He grins.

"I love you." I kiss his lips.

"I love you too." Harry kisses my forehead and Doctor Alison hands us the printed scans.

"Congratulations!" She smiles.


We're all lying in bed watching some animated movie that Bella and Hope wanted to watch but they've fallen asleep.

Harry's hand rests on my bump which carries two babies. I'm still shocked.

"I can't believe we made two of them!" Harry chuckles and I run my fingers through his hair as his head rests on my chest.

"I never thought I would be pregnant with Harry Styles' babies..." I tell him.

"I never thought I'd have four kids at the age of twenty six." His eyes widen.

"You're an amazing dad." I pinch his cheeks, teasingly.

"You're an amazing mum. Seriously you've been through so much and still managed to raise these kids in the best way possible." He murmurs.

"We've been through so much and we raised these kids the best way possible." I remind him.

He moves his head so he's looking up at me, "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I kiss his lips and he shuffles down, pushing my shirt up. His hands on my bump and he kisses it.

"I love you little people too." He whispers.


I thought this was published but it wasn't and it really annoyed me.

Four chapters left!! I'm publishing another two today. I was going to show you my next fanfic cover but decided to show you in the last chapter.

*Please vote, comment and share*

-Chloe xx

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