21; I'm Scared Mommy & Hidden Messages*

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After spending the rest of the day at Marie's house, we were back at the apartment.

As soon as we stepped through the doors, the smell of our wonderful home immediately made me feel happy to be back here again.

Harry was carrying Hope and went to go put her to bed. It was already very late and Bella was already half asleep in my arms. Our luggage was still in the car but we could deal with that after we put the kids to bed.

"C'mon baby, time for bed." Her head rests on my shoulder and her mouth is agape as her eyes open and close, trying to stay awake.

I walk into her clean bedroom which hadn't been touched for the past few days. I grab her pyjamas and take off her clothes before putting her PJ's on. "Momma?" She hums and reaches out for me. "Are you and daddy going to stay this time?"

I kiss her forehead and hum, "Of course princess. Now go to sleep." I say. "Do you want your nightlight on?" She nods and I switch on her nightlight before closing the door but leaving it open slightly.

Harry is sat on the couch in his sweats. He's on his phone and probably replying to some people on text because we haven't been in contact with anybody besides Bella and Hope.

I go to sit next to him on the couch and snuggle into his side. He wraps an arm around me and I kiss his cheek. "It's good to be home." I say.

"Wherever you and the girls are is my home." He kisses the top of my head.

As cheesy as it sounds, he's right. Wherever him and my babies are, it will always be my home. I jump slightly when my phone goes off and Lorrie's name lights up on the screen.

"Hey bitch!" She squeals when I click answer.

"Hi RiRi." I smile, happy to hear my best friends voice.

"So... How was fucking Greece? Was it amazing?" She questions.

"It was amazing Lorrie and beautiful and just perfect!" I exclaim and I see Harry smirk which makes me elbow him in the side.

"I missed you so much. You missed quite a lot whilst you were gone. I have some pretty exciting news to tell you..." She says my heart picks up.

"Lorrie Malik, are you pregnant?" I ask.

"What? No! I want to tell you in person but I just can't wait." I start to grow impatient.

"What is it Lorrie?"

"Niall proposed!" She squeals.

"He what?!" My eyes widen. "I thought he wasn't going to be doing that for a while?"

"I know but it just happened. We were talking about the future together and we were discussing how much we wanted to travel the world together and then he was all like: 'I'd rather we traveled as husband and wife.' And then got down on one fucking knee and proposed!" She explains and I smile widely, so happy for my best friend.

"That's amazing Lorrie! Congratulations, I'm so happy for you and Niall." I say. Harry looks at me for a second and I mouth to him I'll tell him in a minute.

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