29; In My Arms & Scared To Be Alone*

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I look down at my little girl as she lies unconscious in a hospital bed.

This is what I never wanted to happen in the first place. I never wanted my baby to get hurt and now she's lying in hospital because of me.

She's been in hospital for three days, we came here as soon as we drove back from Arizona and the doctors took her in.

Harry held me in the waiting room as the doctors checked up on her. They came back telling us she was malnourished and dehydrated so they needed to put food, minerals and water into her body.

I hold onto her hand which has an IV attached to it, I haven't left her side since we arrived. Harry had to leave to get Hope from Marie's house and of course work with Louis and Officer Des on what is going to happen with my brother.

I hear the door open and footsteps walk over to us. "Hey baby," Harry kisses the top of my head.

"Hey." I muster a smile and he sits next to me.

"I told Lorrie, Zayn, Niall about what's been going on the past few days. They asked if they could come and visit." He tells me.

"Of course." I say and he kisses my cheek and takes my hand in his. We both look down at our sleeping daughter.

"Harry, do you think it's my fault she ended up here?" I try not to cry, I've shed enough tears the last few days.

He sighs and pulls me onto his lap, "Never. If anything you're the one who brought her here so that she could get better. All of this was Cole and Ryan, none of it was your fault."

"You've been nothing but good to me Harry and I can't thank you enough for it." I kiss his lips and he smiles.

"You have given me two beautiful children. That's enough for me." He kisses the top of my head and my eyes dart to Bella when she starts to wake up.

I climb off Harry's lap and crouch down in front of her. Her eyes meet mine and she looks confused, "Mommy?"

"Hey princess." I smile.

"W-what are you doing? Where's the bad man?" She starts worrying and I calm her down. I sit up next to her on the bed and wrap my arm around her frail body.

"They're gone sweetie. You're safe now." I whisper.

She looks up at me and then bursts into tears, burying her face in my side as she cries and cries. "He hurt me momma. I was so scared."

"I know princess but we found you and you're okay." I tell her.

"He told me I needed to be hurt because I was bad to you and daddy." She sobs and I pull her close to me.

"They're liars baby, I love you so much and you were never bad to me nor daddy." I meet Harry's eyes and he smiles at Bella trying to comfort her by holding her other hand.

"You're not mad at me daddy?" She asks and he shakes his head.

"I could never be mad at my little girl." He says and she cracks a smile but starts to cough.

"My throat is all scratchy." She croaks.

"I'll get you some water." I say and stand up to go get a cup of water.

"Where's Hopey? I missed her so much." She says as she sips on her water.

"She's coming over with Lorrie, Zayn, Gigi, Niall, Grammy and grandma." Harry tells her and her eyes go wide.

"They're all coming to see me?" She grins and I nod. "Yay!" She cheers and I laugh, kissing her on the head and happy to have my baby girl back safe.

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