30; Spinning Wheels & Home Time*

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Bella has been in hospital for three weeks. She was originally supposed to stay for two but because of her being a small child and being in a condition like that, they kept her for another week.

Today she gets to go home and we're all extremely happy. We've planned a little surprise party for when she gets home with a few balloons and her favourite party foods.

She's finally getting out of hospital but she doesn't look all to happy about it. "Bella what's wrong baby?" Olivia asks whilst packing up a few things into her bag.

"Huh?" She looks up at us with sad eyes.

"Why are you so sad all of a sudden?" We sit either side of her on the bed.

"I don't want to go home." She pouts and my eyebrows furrow.

"Don't you want to get home to your cosy room and be with Hope?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"I want that but I like it here." She says.

"You like it here? At the hospital?" Olivia seems confused. "Why?"

"Because-you promise you won't be mad?" She looks up at both of us.

"What is it princess?" I question.

She sighs, "I don't want to leave because I won't be able to have people bring me food and let me eat it in bed anymore."

A smile creeps up on my face and Olivia stifles a laugh. "Are you mad?"

"Of course not Bella." Olivia brushes back her curls. "You can still have breakfast in bed baby, maybe not everyday but we can eat altogether in bed on weekends."

"Really?" Her eyes light up and Olivia nods.

"Of course sweetie." She says and Bella cheers which makes me laugh.

"I blame Niall..." Olivia mutters and I laugh harder. She leaves to go an sign out for Bella.

The door opens and in comes the nurse who has been helping Bella for the last three weeks. She was around her early fifties and had helped cheer Bella up a lot by bringing her lollipops after she had her checkups.

"Hi Rachael!" Bella cheers and tries to climb off the bed but I pick her up just in time.

"Slow down Flash, you're not that healthy yet." I hold her and Rachael laughs walking over to Bella with a purple wheelchair.

"Daddy that's not fair! I feel fine..." She pouts and I resist all temptation to let her go.

"Your daddy's right Bella you still need to rest your legs." Rachael says. "Which is why you need to use this for a week." She says referring to the wheelchair.

"I get to sit in a chair and have people push me round?" She asks in astonishment.

"That's right! I even chose purple just for you." She chuckles.

"Daddy this is so much better than breakfast in bed!" She squeals and I sit her down in the wheelchair. I put her pink fluffy blanket over her.

She looks so cute in the wheelchair with her princess pyjamas on and a big blanket over her. "Looks like we're good to go!" Olivia smiles, walking into the room.

"Mommy look! I have a chair so I don't have to walk anymore!" Bella exclaims and we all laugh at the little girl.

"Well who would have thought my little Bella would be so lazy?" Olivia days and grabs the bags.

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