23; I Understand & Missing*

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Today Bella was at school and I was reluctant to let her go. I didn't want the creepy guy to come near her anymore because I was afraid that something would happen to her. But she convinced me, saying that she really wanted to learn and she promised she would go out the front instead of the back this time.

Hope was currently napping and me and Harry were watching TV in bed. It was a rainy day and we were planning on going to the park this morning but the clouds came over and it started to rain, ruining our plans of going out today.

Harry's head was resting on my lap as I sat up against the headboard and ran my fingers through his hair. He was fiddling with one of Hope's cuddly toys in his hands as the TV was playing.

My eyes fall to my phone when I hear it vibrate but it was just a twitter notification.This morning when I dropped Bella off I told them to call me if anything happens, which is why my eyes go to my phone every few seconds.

Hope starts to cry and I go to her room to get her. "Hello beautiful baby." I kiss her little nose and carry her in my arms to our room. Harry sits up and opens his arms for her and she rests against his chest with her face nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

I look at my phone again and huff when nothing comes up. "It's okay baby, Bella's fine. Stop getting worried." He takes my hand and brings it to his lips to place a kiss to it.

"I can't help it, I just want to make sure she's okay." I tell him and his eyes soften. He sits up and sits against the headboard beside me then pulls me into his side and kisses the top of my head.

"I understand." He says and my heart warms up.

Half way through the show, that I haven't been paying attention to, Harry reaches over and grabs my breast feeding pump. "What are you doing you goofball?" I giggle when he starts to toy around with it.

"How do you even use these?" He asks. I didn't often use the breastfeeding pump because I wasn't very comfortable with it and I was with Hope all the time so my boobs were always ready for her to be fed.

"Here." I say and lift his shirt up. I laugh and place it on his nipple and start pumping it.

He smiles and chuckles slightly, "It feels weird." I laugh and kiss him on the cheek.

"Maybe you should've started breastfeeding since you have an extra two nipples in hand." I poke the small marks under his normal ones and he laughs loudly.

"I'll keep that in mind for the future." He grins and my hear flutters at the thought of having more children with Harry and our small family growing into an even bigger one.

"I need to go pee." He says and takes his phone.

"You're bringing your phone?" I scrunch up my nose and he chuckles.

"I'll get bored if I don't." He laughs and leaves the room.

Hope squirms in my arms and her eyes start to water. "What's wrong princess?" I ask and turn to the TV to see a dead body. "You don't like it huh?" I change the channel to one with cartoons and her eyes stop watering and she smiles at the TV.

Suddenly, my phone goes off and I grab it quickly. Thinking that it was Bella's school, I unlock my phone but instead receive a text from my wonderful boyfriend who is literally in the room next door.

Harry: I miss u.

Me: You dick.

Harry: ?

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