11; What are Friends For? & Drunk Styles*

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"Momma, I need help!" Bella says and I leave the kitchen to see what she needed help with.

Harry is at work today and Hope is asleep. "What's up baby?" I ask my five year old.

"We have to do a project on family trees and I don't get it." She pouts and looks down at the colouring pens and paper in front of her.

"A family tree is a huge tree that tells you all the different people in your family." I tell her briefly.

"So it tells me about Grammy?" She looks up at me.

"Yep and Hope and all your uncles and aunties." I say.

"What about you and daddy?" My heart stops at the mention of her daddy being Cole but then I remember she only sees Harry as her dad.

"Of course me and daddy are in it too." She smiles.

"Will you help me mommy?" I brush the hair in front of her eyes out of the way, revealing her crystal blue eyes.

"Of course I will help you princess." We start glueing the papers together to make a huge piece of paper and then we draw out a tree with her markers.

"I can't wait to see my family tree." Bella squeals.

Suddenly, a series of knocks come from the door which make me jump. I get up and go to see who's at the door.

"Liv I'm having a major crisis!" Lorrie says and her face is flushed.

"What's wrong?" I start to get worried, I've never seen her this flustered over anything since eighth grade, when William Nickel asked her on a date.

Her eyes look at Bella and I realise that this is a conversation she doesn't want anyone hearing. "Bells, Mommy and Lorrie are going to be in the kitchen okay?"

"Okay, will you help me with my project after?" She asks.

"Of course baby, take a break for a while." She jumps up and goes to her toy box.

We head into the kitchen and sit at the kitchen island. Lorrie looks at me with fear in her eyes. "What's wrong Ri?"

Her mouth opens then closes again. I wait for her to start talking, "I think I'm pregnant." She states and my eyes widen in shock.

"Are you sure?" Is the first thing that comes out of my mouth.

"I skipped a period but I haven't taken a test. Liv I am so scared, me and Niall are not prepared to have kids. I'm not ready to raise a child yet." Her eyes brim with tears and I get off the seat to hug her.

"Hey, it's okay I know how it feels." I rub soothing circles on her back as she sobs into my shoulder.

"I'm not ready to be a mom." She cries.

"It's okay Lorrie. I know how it feels to be so doubtful of yourself about raising a kid. Everything will be okay though. You haven't even taken a test." I say to her and she grabs something from her purse.

She pulls out a pregnancy test and hands the box to me, "I didn't want to do it alone." She mumbles.

I hand her the box, "Girls gotta do what a girls gotta do." She gives me a small smile and walks to the bathroom.

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