16; Shivers Up My Spine & I Love You*

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"Come to mama Hope." I reach out for her and she gets up on wobbly legs, Harry helps her stand up by holding her hips and she smiles.

"Ma." She says and reaches out for me. She tries walking over and takes one step on her small, stubby legs but falls again. She pouts and I pull her into my arms.

"It's okay baby, you're doing so well." I kiss her chubby cheeks.

Hope is nine months old now and we're trying to teach her to walk so that she can walk down the aisle herself.  She isn't the best at talking, she can only say words like: 'ma', 'da' and 'la' for Bella but we're getting there.

"Let's try again." I give her a kiss on the cheek in hopes of encouraging her to walk over to Harry.

"Walk to daddy, princess." Harry says, holding out his hands and waiting for Bella.

"Da?" She points to Harry and looks at me with her big green eyes.

"That's right baby, walk to daddy." She smiles and I hold her up. She takes one step forward then another and I let go.

My eyes widen when she takes three steps on her own to Harry.  She stumbles and Harry catches her in time, "Well done baby girl!" He grins and holds her up in the air and brings her down to press kisses all over her face. "Walk to mama."

"Ma, ma, ma." She chants as she takes four steps back over to me until she stumbles. I pick her up and kiss all over her face.

"Well done my pretty little baby!" I say in a baby voice and she giggles. "You're so good little princess."

"Now walk back to daddy." I hold her up again and she walks quickly to her daddy.

"I'm so proud of you my little girl." He holds her close. "Do you think she'll be able to take more than four steps down the aisle?" Harry looks over at me. We have two months until the wedding, it's gone so quickly.

"We'll keep trying but we can't rush anything. She'll do it in her own time." I say and smile at my baby in the arms of her father.

"Do you want something to eat Hope?" She just looks at me and I chuckle. "I'll take that as a yes."

We get up to go to the kitchen and I open the cupboard to get Hope some of her baby crackers. "Dammit, we've ran out."

"Do you want me to go get some more from the store?" Harry asks, Hope is on his lap playing with his fingers and chewing on them which makes him laugh.

"It's fine, I'll run down and go get some quickly." I grab my purse and my phone. "Be back in ten." I peck his lips quickly and kiss the top of Hope's head before leaving the cosy appartment.

I walk down to the store and go to the baby section. As I'm looking for the crackers, I hear someone behind me. Thinking that it's just another person looking for things for their baby, I carry on searching.

When I find the crackers, I take them off the shelf but my eyes catch a glimpse of something else. My eyes widen and shivers run up my spine. I don't know whether to scream or cry or both because on the shelf lies a keychain with the letter 'B' on it and a yellow bow.

The same yellow bow I put in Bella's hair for her first birthday party.

My breathing starts to quicken and I look around everywhere but no one is around. I grab the crackers and run to the cashier. With shaky hands I hand her the crackers. "Are you alright love?" The old woman asks. I nod my head. She hands me the crackers and I walk quickly out of the store.

First the shoe now the bow. I don't know who's doing this but I can't help but think about Cole. He's in jail but he's cunning and still knows his ways to get to my head. I hear footsteps behind me but when I turn, no one is there.

Tears flood my eyes, I reach into my pocket and grab my phone, calling the first number. "Hello?" His voice immediately settles me but then I hear footsteps again. I run to a small alleyway behind a building. "Baby?"

"H-Harry?" I stutter. "H-Harry, please come and get me."

"Liv, what's wrong?" I hear Hope crying on the other end.

"Please, can you come and pick me up?" I beg.

"Okay baby, hold on. I'm coming to get you. Don't be afraid okay?" I hear the engine turn on and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Hurry Harry." I say and end the call.

I pull my legs up to my chest and bury my head in my knees. I try to calm myself but thoughts of Cole and Finch enter my mind. I hear the loud footsteps again, coming closer and closer. I pray that Harry turns up sometime soon.

I cower away when someone touches my shoulder. "Hey Liv, it's me. It's me Harry."

I immediately look up and his green eyes are staring right into mine with worry. "H-Harry!" I wrap my arms around his neck and bury my face in his neck.

"I've got you baby." He picks me up and takes me to the car. He buckles me in and goes to the drivers seat. "What happened Olivia?"

"Where's Hope and Bella?" Thoughts of both of them being taken away from me enters my mind.

"I took them to my mum's. I figured you'd want to be alone so we can talk about what happened." He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.


Me and Harry are sat on the couch together. My head rests on his chest and he plays with the ends of my hair. I tell him everything that had happened, about the shoe and the bow and he listens intently.

"I'm so afraid Harry. I don't want him anywhere near them." I tear up and he pulls me closer.

"I won't let them baby. He's far away now, in a prison cell for as long as possible and rotting away. If he even thinks about coming anywhere near you or my baby girls then I will be right beside you protecting you no matter what." He kisses my forehead. "I promise to always be there for you Olivia. Besides you're the mother of my children, I kind of have to." He grins and I let out a small laugh.

"I love you Harry, so so much." I reach up and kiss his lips.

"I loved you the minute I laid eyes on you." He mumbles against my lips. "When you were that mysterious girl who walked into a classroom with a smirk on her face and light in your eyes. Now you're about to be my wife in two months."

"I wouldn't want it any other way..." I whisper and lean in to kiss him. He cups my cheeks and groans when our tongues dance together and fireworks set off around me.

Harry keeps me safe and as long as I'm with him, I know that Cole has no way of getting to me.

Little did I know that he already has...


I may update again today.

I had the most terrible dream the other night and Harry Styles was in it and it was great at first but then I found out that he was my brother...My BROTHER!

He wasn't my boyfriend he was my BROTHER!

I cried in my dream and in real life.

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-Chloe xx

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