7; Going Nowhere & Family Home*

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"Harrrryyyyy!" I yell and he comes running to my room.

"What's up baby?" He asks and I open my arms out for him and he chuckles.

"I want a hug." I pout and he walks in to my arms falling onto the bed. He wraps his arms around me and I nuzzle my face into his chest.

"I will gladly give you a hug." He says and kisses the top of my head.

"My boobs hurt." I whine.

"Shall I kiss them better for you baby?" I lift my head up and see a smirk on his face.

"Shut up." I playfully hit his chest. "Where's Bella?"

"She's watching TV in the lounge." I nod and we stay wrapped in each other's arms for a while longer.

"Daddyyyyyy!" Bella yells.

Harry groans, "You two are just the same." He gets up and leaves me cold.

"Come back." I say.

"Sure thing baby." He kisses my lips and goes to help Bella with whatever she needs.

I sigh and fall back on the bed. I've been feeling really weird lately, I always have this need to hug or kiss Harry and I don't know if it's after pregnancy hormones or something but I know he enjoys the affection.

My phone buzzes and I look and see Gigi had texted me.

Gigi: Mind if I come over?

Me: Sure babe x

Gigi: thanks I'll be over in ten xx

Me: c u in ten x

Me and Gigi have been talking ever since Zayn introduced her as his girlfriend. We get a long really well and actually have a few things in common. Me, Lorrie and Gigi are all best friends now.

"Harry, Gigi's coming over. Can you look after Hope if she wakes up for a while?" I ask him and see him laying down on the sofa with Bella on top of him.

"Sure thing baby." He says and I lean down to kiss him on the cheek and then Bella.

Ten minutes later, Gigi is at the door and we head out to the balcony with tea and sit and talk for a while.

"Why did you need to come over?" I ask and she sighs, placing her cup on the table.

"I don't think Zayn likes me anymore." She says and looks like she's about to cry.

"What do you mean he doesn't like you. The guy doesn't stop talking about you." I exclaim and she shakes her head.

"I feel like we're going no where and he's afraid to take a step in our relationship. I don't know what to do." She starts to tear up and I put my cup down next to hers and pull her into a hug.

"Hey, Zayn's like my older brother and I've known him for years, he likes you a lot Gi, hell he loves you a lot and I can tell by the way he looks at you. He's not the best at opening up so all I can say is that you need to talk but give him time. Tell him how you're feeling and he'll know that he needs to step up his game. He's an ass sometimes but he loves you Gi." I advice her and she nods.

"Thank you Liv." She smiles and hugs me again.

We head back inside and Harry, Hope and Bella are all snuggled up on the sofa watching movies.

"Auntie Gigi!" Bella squeals and jumps us to hug Gigi.

"Hey bug, how are you?" Gigi asks and hugs Bella.

"Good, we're watching movies. Are you staying?" Bella pulls on Gigi's hand.

"Maybe another time Bells. I have to go see uncle Zayn." She explains and Bella pouts. "I'll come over another time."

"Oh! Can you give this drawing I made to Uncle Zee?" She grabs the pink piece of paper with the scribbled picture and hands it to Gigi.

"Of course. He'll love it!" Gigi says. "I should go."

"It was nice catching up." I say as she puts her coat on.

"Yeah. Thanks for the advice Liv." We share a hug and she says goodbye to everyone before leaving.

"Everything okay?" Harry asks and I nod.

"Zayn's being a dick." I whisper in his ear so the kids can't hear.

"I see." He nods and I take a sleepy Hope from his arms to put her to bed.

When I get back, Bella is resting on Harry's lap and I sit down next to them, my head resting on Harry's arm.

As Bella is watching Mulan, I see Harry scrolling through houses on his phone. "What are you up to handsome?" I kiss his shoulder.

"I want us to move house." He says.

I look up at him, "Harry, we still have to plan the wedding."

"I know baby, I know but if we're gonna spend the rest of our lives together and have more kids, then I want us to live in a bigger house instead of this small apartment." He explains and my heart flutters at the thought of us spending the rest of our lives together.

"But we still have the wedding budget." I tell him.

"Baby, this isn't for right now but hopefully some time in the future. We're young so we have plenty of time." He says and kisses the tip of my nose.

"Okay but make sure the house has a balcony." I say, he knows I love the balcony at our apartment.

"Anything for you beautiful." He kisses the top of my head and I snuggle into his side more.

I think about our future together and how I will have him by my side for the rest of my life.

Me and Harry spending the rest of our lives together.


I haven't updated in a while and I'm sorry but I kind of took a break/ couldn't be bothered to write.

I took a break at first but when I was going to update again, I couldn't think of anything to write so the break was extended a bit but I promise I will update more often now.

This story is quite slow moving at the start until the whole plot starts to happen so are with me bubs.






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-Chloe xx

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