8; Venues & Big Sister Bella*

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Today, me and Harry were going to be looking at wedding venues. We had different places we had listed down which we were going to take a tour of and I was excited but also nervous. I want to find the perfect place to get married that is perfect for both me and Harry.

Marie was going to be looking after Bella and Hope; it was the first time I would be spending the day away from Hope. "Ready to go beautiful?" Harry asks, carrying Hope in his arms. The two month old baby smiling in his embrace.

"Yeah, let me just find my purse." I say and reach for my purse on top of my dresser.

"Momma, can I take my barbie to grammy's?" Bella asks with a cute little pout on her face.

"Of course you can baby." I kiss the top of her head and her pout is replaced by a big grin.

"C'mon babe." Harry leads us out of our apartment and we go to the parking lot. Hope starts crying when I put her in her car seat so I sit next to her on the journey to Marie's house.

When we get there, Harry takes Hope out and brings her baby bag whilst I help Bella. "How are my grand babies?" Marie opens her arms and Bella runs into them.

"Grammy, I brought my barbie!" Bella shows Marie her barbie and starts telling her about how she wants to make an outfit for her.

We set Hope down in her play pen that she plays in when we go to Marie's house. "All of her things are in the bag, if she starts crying just rock her or feed her and she'll be fine after a while. I made a list of everything that you ca-"

"Liv," Marie interrupts me "I'm not that old. I know what I'm doing after raising you and Bella."

Harry chuckles and I sigh, "I know, I just love my babies." I poke Hope's button nose and she giggles.

"It's okay, this is an important day for you two." She says and I nod.

"Okay, we'll be back by five or later. Bella, Hope be good for Grammy okay?" I instruct them. Bella nods but Hope just looks at me with innocent eyes.

"Bye momma, bye daddy." Bella hugs us both and I thank Marie for looking after them.

Me and Harry get back into the car, "I'm going to miss my babies." I sigh.

"Livvy, baby, it's only a couple hours." Harry chuckles.

"I know but I hate being away from them." I tell him.

"The honeymoon will be fun then." Harry rests his hand on my thigh and I put mine on top.

"Hopefully they'll be able to come with us." I smirk and he looks at me with raised eyebrows. "I'm kidding babe."

"Good as much as I love our kids, I still want my alone time with you." He kisses my cheek and I smile.

I like it when he says that.

Our kids.


We pulled in front of a huge mansion and the windows were massive so you could see inside. The rooms looked very elegant and posh. Basically the whole thing was the complete opposite of what I wanted.

Harry helped me get out of the car and I could tell he wasn't a fan of the place either. "Harry," I whispered. "I don't like it."

"Me neither but we might as well look around in case it's any different." He says and I scrunch up my nose to which he laughs and kisses the top of my head.

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