Scenario 1 - Choice 1

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

You are travelling out on the open road, the sun shining above you and the smell of manure thick about the air. After completing another successful quest as a mercenary you cannot help, but feel content with your lot in life and how it has turned out. Escorting the family of merchants through the dreaded forests of Plymouth had a been a breeze, with nothing but a few scratches to show for your effort. And now you are finally journeying home to a well-earned rest, when you hear shouts and screams coming from your left. At first you are uncertain as to whether to involve yourself in such matters, but quickly come to the conclusion that you must still investigate, if only to ensure that the road ahead is at least safe to travel upon. Steeling yourself for battle you stride up the hill and towards the sound of the shrill voices that cut through the air.

Slowing your step, upon reaching the outskirts of what you assume to be a village. You stop to take a look at what's taking place, and see a most worrying sight. For you see before a large pack of Silver wolves the size of horses slaughtering the inhabitants of the human settlement. And although most of the villagers lay dead, their life force bleeding out beside them, you do see a group of villagers in a large grey stone building at the end of town, fending off the beasts with pitchforks and spears. However the pack of Silver wolves seem unwilling to give up on any prey and have surrounded the building, clawing at the walls with their powerful paws. Each second that passes, the situation in the village grows ever more dire, with more Silver Wolves abandoning the corpses they had been feasting upon to join their brothers attacking the surviving villagers. You know instinctively that without any help these people will surely die.

As you come to this sudden realisation, you find yourself studying the surrounding buildings and notice that most of the houses in the village have thatched roofs that could easily catch on fire. You also notice a brazier that still has a few burning logs within it. Not far from the brazier you also see a human guard lying face down in the dirt with his guts spilled out beside him. The fool had probably thought to fight the creatures with fire. A foolish notion since Silver wolves, while fearing fire, will still attack if their bellies are hungry enough. However your eyes do light up, when you see a loaded crossbow beside the dead soldier. A useful weapon against such creatures, but a weapon that will take time to reload with each shot. Then there is always the option of just looting the nearby houses. After all, who is going to stop you? The villagers? In any case it's time to make a decision.

Choice 1. Do you charge in head first, brandishing a fire brand and attack the creatures head on?

Throwing caution to the wind you pick up a burning hot fire brand from the brazier, scream your lungs out and charge in head first to attack the silver wolves with furious blows from your dagger and firebrand. Slashing their legs, burning their skin, and stabbing your blade deep into their tough hides, doing as much damage as you possibly can.

The beasts surprised by your unexpected and furious assault, back away from you, before swiftly surrounding you from all sides. Forcing you to dodge and weave. Gasping for air, you fight like your very life depends upon it, spinning, waving the firebrand in your hand to keep them back, while striking out with your dagger.(-50 Health Points.)

Yellow eyes glittering with hate, the creatures leap into the air to try and bring you down. Their powerful claws and jaws tearing into your back and legs, forcing you to desperately hammer the firebrand into their faces to keep them from finishing you off, when you hear a sudden roar of fury from the stone building behind you. (-60 Health Points.)

The villagers seemingly inspired by your act of bravery, charge out of the stone structure behind you to attack the beasts, using their pitchforks and firebrands to drive them back. 

The silver wolves seeing no more easy prey, snarl angrily, before loping away, collecting the already dead villagers in their maws, and disappearing off back into the forest.

Exhausted from your efforts, you bend over breathing harshly, when you feel a hand clap you on the shoulder and a gruff voice speak to you from behind, "Thank you stranger, you've saved our lives. I was certain we'd all die here."

Looking up into the sad old face of a Redling with darkened leathery skin and pale blue eyes, you shrug your shoulders. "I fear I was too late to save your friends."

The old man smiles sadly. "There was nothing you could have done for them. Please, please come inside and rest."

You shake your head tiredly and look up at the suns still high in the sky. "No, I'd better be going. Got a long road ahead of me. If you have any supplies you could spare...?"

The elder nods his head and smiles in understanding, before turning to face a young comely woman in a blue dress with scorch marks on her sleeves and skirt. "Ellia, could you please go fetch some bread and water."

The young woman, who has been staring intently at you this whole time, blushes in embarrassment her light leathery skin becoming a bright red sheen as she notices you looking at her and bustles away into the stone house with a backward glance in your direction that makes you smile.

Waiting in the stillness and quiet with the elder, you watch the now somber villagers break apart to begin the unenviable task of collecting their dead and dragging the bodies of the wolves away to be burnt. A task no doubt these hardy people were probably used to by now. Living in the Red Lands usually meant there was no certainty of what tomorrow would bring.

Minutes pass by in the silence, when at last the young lady re-emerges and glides over towards you handing you a heavy brown sack. Giving her wink that has her reddening even further, and the elder huffing angrily in annoyance. You take the bag from her and look inside to find cheese, a loaf of bread and bottle. You also see a pouch filled with gold pieces. Feeling in a much better mood with gold in your pocket, you nod your head in thanks to the elder, smile mischievously at the young woman, before spinning around on your heels to head out of the village. All in all, a good days work for some decent gold.

Battle Results

- 110 Health Points (Remember to take into account your Resilience when calculating the results of this fight.)


+ 50 Gold Pieces

Item Acquired: Bread which restores +5 Health Points 

Item Acquired: Cheese which restores +5 Health Points 

Item Acquired: Bottle of water which restores + 3 Health Points for each drink (Can be used 3 times).

Quest Complete

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