Scenario 6 - Choice 1

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

Piling together some branches and tying them up in a bundle. You light up your makeshift torch and enter the dark, cold tunnels. Weapon and torch ready in hand you slowly make your way into the cave. The long narrow tunnel stretches out before, widening ever so slightly the deeper in you go in. The rank of odor of desiccation and decay tickles your nostrils, causing you sneeze. A sneeze that echoes for miles, before fading away into the impenetrable darkness ahead of you. Nerves on edge at the overwhelming sense of evil that pervades every inch of this place, you creep forward, lightly stepping upon the stony ground. When you hear something crack beneath your feet. Warily you look down and see piles upon piles of bones; scattered throughout the tunnel. Reminding you that beasts must dwell here. You look back the way, you've come in the hopes of turning back, but the entrance to the cave has disappeared. In it's place you hear a harsh, ragged breathing that grates upon the senses.

Controlling your rising panic, that something is behind you, blocking your way out of here. You press on ahead deeper into the cave. All the while hoping that whatever was behind you has already had it's fill of meat for the day. Almost immediately, as if to deny your wish, the groaning behind you becomes louder and closer. Heart pulsing rapidly, you speed up your pace, until eventually the underground cave widens out, and you can no longer hear the harsh breathing. Heart still racing, you pause for a minute to calm yourself down and look around. Hanging above you from the ceiling are thousands of pointy stalagmites, that look just about ready to fall off and kill you. You also see some type of drawing scrawled into the side of the cave wall. Bringing your torch closer to the wall to examine the drawing, you come to the conclusion it must be a Dwarven marker. Placed here to guide would be travelers to their city. Unfortunately for you most of the marker has faded away overtime. However you can make out Dwarven words engraved at the top that could prove important.

You step away from the markings on the wall, glance back the way you've come,before putting your head down and setting off once more; using the makeshift torch to guide you. Minutes pass by within the deathly silent tunnels, the smell of desiccation growing stronger and stronger, the further in you go. Worried by what's ahead of you, you notice the torch begin to flicker as it nears the end. Instinctively you stride forward even faster, almost running, when you trip over something and slam into the ground; your arms and hands grazing the rough stone floor. You looking back to see what had tripped you, and see four skeletons huddled together upon the cave floor, their arms wrapped around each other with a fifth skeleton, small as a child lying in the middle. Not sure, how these creatures had died, you quickly dust yourself off and get back up. No time to dwell on what happened to them. You pick up the torch, you had dropped, burning your fingers and continue on until you reach a massive, open-spaced chamber that is eerily filled with a pale white light.

At the far end of the chamber you see another tunnel that probably leads deeper into the underground cave system, but between you and your goal is lies a group of maybe twenty to thirty creatures dressed in ragged clothes worn out through age sleeping pressed against each other upon the cold hard floor. Dwarflike in appearance and stature, you realise these must be the feral dwarves. Rabid creatures that have lost all sense of themselves, they will be difficult to face in battle without seriously getting wounded. You look about the chamber hoping to see another way forward and see a crack in the chamber's wall. Big enough, that you might be able to squeeze yourself through. You also notice that the creatures are sleeping directly beneath stalagmites that look ready to fall. Lastly at the edges of the chamber you do see some decent places, where you could hide as you creep your way around the chamber to the other side.

1. Do you try and slip through the crack?

Careful to avoid stepping on anything, you edge your way towards the crack in the wall, when a feral dwarf as if sensing your presence. Wakes up and gives a high piercing shriek, that wakes the rest of the Dwarves. Their eyes blinded by savage hunger, the creatures race towards you. Adrenaline pounding, you make a mad dash for the gap in the wall, and push yourself into the crack. Skin,and muscle scraping against the wall, you manage to you squeeze yourself inside. Before a rush of angry Dwarves swarm into the gap coming after you with their filthy claws. Stabbing your weapon rapidly, you cut and slash at the creatures, killing and wounding them. The creatures oblivious to their pain, press in after you. Throwing themselves at you in a fit of rage. Your movements hampered by the tight confines, you try to work your weapon faster, but too many are slipping through the crack to slash at you with their claws. With nowhere to go, you fight hard and long, until the last feral dwarf lies dead at your feet. Exhausted from your exertions, you rest for a moment, before searching the Dwarves for valuables and looking around the chamber. 

Battlefield Results

- 40 Health Points


You find 24 pieces of gold upon the feral dwarves, and two large chunks of meat in the main chamber that still have skin on them. If you consume the meat, add +5 Health Points, after all meat is still meat, right? You also cut off the right ears of the feral Dwarves, since you've heard rumors that Dwarven lords pay good gold for them. 27 Dwarf ears will get you 135 gold pieces once you reach the Dwarven stronghold. 

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