Scenario 2 - Choice 3

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

While your first instinct is to escape from the fortress, and leave this place far behind. Your not so sure you want to leave without at least searching for your belonging. Losing everything you've gained up until now, would be a heavy blow. Not to mention all the gold you'd lose. With that thought uppermost in your mind, you ask Dywin, if he knows where the mercenaries have taken your gear. The old dwarf rubs a hand through his white beard thinking, before replying that he did see a couple of black robed mercenaries heading to the upper levels of the Stronghold with some equipment. Which could be your belongings.

Dywin familiar with the fortress's interior, also explains to you that you are on the bottom level of the Stronghold, and that if they want to get out of here, we'll either have to pass through the sewers, which will be heavily guarded by the Silver Wolf Company, who are famed for having skilled archers and mages. Or get moving up to the third level, which is equally dangerous if not more so with Ancients roaming the halls, and a demon hiding in the shadows. Normally you'd do all you could to avoid danger, but retrieving your belongings must be your first priority. Lorna is also very adamant in retrieving her possessions, although she won't tell you why. All she will tell you is that she is a mage of some kind with a few spells up her sleeves and that Gorrak can transform into a Berserker at the sight or smell of blood. Useful tools to remember, while exploring the Stronghold. Although it might be best to keep an eye on them, who knows what they're really here for and why.

As for Dywin, he seems harmless enough, an ancient old dwarf with a easy going manner that makes you want to trust him, but sometimes you catch this look in his brown eyes. This cold calculating look, that makes you wonder, who he really is too? In any case, you wave your hand forward and tell Dywin to lead the way, while you stay a few steps behind him.

After passing through a dozen or so barely furnished rooms, you come across a wide open- spaced room with column after column of book shelves lined up neat rows, with writing pedestals spread out all across the wide open space and mosaic an ancient Dwarven king built painted into the flooring.

Dywin after gazing around him for a moment informs you that this the library, where most of the scholars reside and keep their records. Curious to see what you can find here, you begin searching the entire library looking for valuables, while Lorna stares at you in consternation, muttering something under her breath about the greed of your kind to her companion. When you come across a hidden alcove, where you find a small chest nestled in between the stone wall. Retrieving it from it's hiding place you bring it over to a empty table and place it down, wiping the scowl off Lorna's face.

Slowly you crack open the chest, when the trap is triggered. (If you have dagger and use it to pry the chest. You receive no damage.) If not, you feel a jolt of lightning shoot up your body -20 Health Points. Inside the chest you find several spell scrolls that Lorna snatches out of your grasp, saying it would be useless for someone like you to have them. Infuriated by her superior tone, you clench your teeth to keep your anger in check and ask her what the scrolls can do at least. Rolling her eyes at you, she says one is a spell scroll called Fire Fists, which launches a barrage of fireballs. The second is a spell scroll of invisibility, and the third is a scroll for Demon's blade, which summons a wicked blade that wields black flames called forth from the pits of the underworld.

Satisfied you've searched the entire library, you continue on through the doorway ahead of you, and enter a long, curving hallway.Where paintings of great dwarven battles hang upon the walls, illustrating their many victories in battle. Gorrak snorts in derision at the sight of dwarves butchering Orcs upon a crimson field, and flexes his muscles threateningly. Causing Dywin to tug his beard nervously and back away. Rolling your eyes in amusement, you continue along the broad empty corridor, wondering where it leads, when a voice whispers through your mind, insinuating itself in your brain. "I did not think I would see you again warrior, but it seems we two are fated to meet once more. I long to see you and show you my true new form..." Quivering uncontrollably you spin around searching for the source of the voice, and see your companions staring at you strangely.

Unconformable with their gazes, you turn away from them, in time to see hundreds of feral dwarves burst out from the opposite end of the corridor to come charging towards your position. Thinking fast on your feet, you command Gorrak to stand by your side and order Lorna and Dywin back. Your formation set, you look over towards the feral dwarves and see one of the creatures holding back. Much larger, and thinner than its kin, with grey flaking skin and big round black eyes. It stares at you from the across the hall, with a keen intelligence that belies its appearance. A feral dwarf that thinks? Impossible, and yet there it was watching him.

3. Do you ask Lorna to unleash the Fire Fists spell against the dwarf at the back?  

Realising the feral dwarves are being commanded somehow by the creature at the back end of the corridor. You shout for Lorna to use the Fire Fists spell scroll against the strange feral dwarf at the rear. After rolling her eyes at you in annoyance, she reluctantly pulls out the scroll and begins reciting the spell. Nearing the end of her recitation, she snaps at you and Gorrak to get down. Before releasing wave after wave of immense fire balls that roar out of the scroll targeting the feral dwarves at the back end of the corridor. Grinning savagely, you watch the strange creature's mouth widen in surprise as it's body along with a few nearby feral dwarves are engulfed in flames, burning their bodies into a fine crisp. With their leader dead, the surviving feral dwarves suddenly turn on each other and on you; attacking each other in a frenzy. Blocking a blow meant for your face, you charge into battle alongside Gorrak. Cutting a bloody path through the enemy with relative ease, before weaving your way through the enemy ranks to launch devastating attack against distracted enemies, while fending off the occasional counter-attack. Until the room is littered with dead bodies, that twitch in their final death throes. Amazed at the destructive power of the spell scroll Lorna had unleashed, you wonder if you should have saved it for later.

Battle Results

- 30 Health Points

Companion Reputation + 2 (Dywin and Gorrak are pleased with your actions.)    


You try to search the badly charred bodies of the feral Dwarves for gold, but most of the gold is melted, + 10 gold pieces. You do however have the choice of ripping off a limb from a dead feral dwarf to consume later, if you so choose. You can carry one or two with you. + 5 Health Points for Feral Dwarf Meat.(- 1 Companion Reputation point for each Feral Dwarf Meat you choose to consume.) You also find on the dead body of the strange feral dwarf you've killed a medallion with the symbol of a fangs engraved upon it. This medallion allows you to steal + 5 Health Points from a companion once every scenario. (Traitor's Fang received, - 1 Companion Reputation point each time you use the medallion.)

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