Scenario 1 - Choice 5

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

Unable to believe your good fortune in becoming a Captain of a mercenary outfit. You head out of the tent, oozing confidence and head east to where your company is supposed to be stationed. Wondering what sort of men will be under your command, when you bump into a well-built Minotaur warrior that glowers at you angrily. Ignoring his hostile glare you ask, "Can you tell me where I can find the Bronze Company?" The Minotaur's scowl drops from his face to be replaced with amusement. "You the new Captain?" Not quite sure how the Minotaur would learn of this news already. You nod your head, and the Minotaur bursts out laughing in your face, like he's heard the funnies joke. You open your mouth to ask, what's so funny? When the Minotaur walks off without another word still laughing, and flings up a hand in the direction of a small group of grey tents at the far edge of camp.

Confused and alittle worried by the way the Minotaur had reacted to the news you would be leading a company. You pensively walk over towards the grey tents, and see a signpost shoved deep into the ground with the words Bronze Company painted in bold black letters. Hand resting on your weapon, you enter the campsite and see a fire pit burning in between the tents, that looks like it was recently made, but everything else appears to be still and quiet. Nerves on edged, you draw your weapon, circling the abandoned campsite when you feel something sting the back of your neck. Acting instinctively, you slap the back of your neck in annoyance and find a small piece of metal lodged in your skin. Pulling it out you stare at it completely dumbfounded. What in the abyss was going on? Next thing you know, you feel your feet crumple out from underneath you and your face slam into the dirt. Then blackness...

Dreams of your past jobs float through your memories, when you feel rough hands shaking you awake. Drowsily, you look up and see an grey old dwarf with thousands of wrinkles staring down at you from above a thick, white beard. "Glad to see your awake laddie. Not many wake up, before the festivities begin." Mind still groggy with sleep, you slide yourself up to a sitting position, and gaze around you at the blood smeared stone walls. Rusted metal chains dangling from above you, metal bars and a square metal gate guarded by four tall Redling warriors wearing bronze leather jerkins and armed with spears just outside. "Where am I? Who are you?" You croak through dry lips. The old Dwarf lets out a dry chuckle that doesn't reach his sad brown eyes. "I thought that was obvious, laddie. We're in a Dungeon cell beneath Stonefold. As for my name, it's Dywin pleased to meet yah." Your mind tries to grasp what is happening around you, but it keeps slipping away from you like fog. Whatever was used on you, keeps you from thinking clearly. "I was supposed to take command of the Bronze Company." You manage to say after awhile. Dywin chuckles again, and points over towards two other prisoners in the dungeon with you, a slim female Fae'lon and a heavily muscled Orc warrior whispering furtively together in a corner. "Aye, and so were they."

That's when it finally dawns on you that, that you'd been tricked. But why? Dywin seeing your realisation, lets out a tired smile and settles down beside you on the cold stone floor, before speaking. "The Redling you met earlier is called Johnas. He's the Captain of the Silver Wolves, like those lads over there." Nodding his head in the direction of the guards, before continuing, "He was hired by Lord Darien a few months back to get rid of the demon inside of the fortress. But once the clever bastard found out he could make alot more gold by squeezing our good Lord Darein, rather than losing good fighting men to battle the demon. He came up with a plan, where he'd recruit outlanders hungry for gold, rob them blind and send them off to fight the demon in his stead. Probably expecting that they would die, and Lord Darein would be forced to keep paying the Silver Wolf Company for their services." (You'll playing most of this Chapter without any equipment. Minus all resilience and health boost items.)

"Wait! how do you know all this?" Dywin lets out a heavy sigh. "Lord Darein after suspecting foul play was going on, when alot of new recruits began disappearing sent me to investigate. And like you, I was lured out of the main camp, drugged and brought here. Been here ever since."

With the last vestiges of the sleeping dart wearing off, you feel yourself getting angrier and angrier, until your almost blind with rage. I should have known it was a trap! I should have known it was too good to be true! A whole company to fight for me! Plus gold! You get up, your blood boiling and stalk towards the Redlings posted outside the cell, when a hand grabs a hold of you from behind and pulls you back. Turning angrily, you raise your fist to strike whoever is stopping you from getting payback, and see Dywin standing behind you. His eyes pleading with you. "Think laddie, you open your big mouth to shout insults or demands and they'll gut you. They don't care if you live or die. They get paid either way." His words hammer home into you. Dam it! What do I do now? Feeling eyes on your back, you glance over towards the other two prisoners and see them both staring at you with interest, before looking away to converse with each other again shooting dark looks his way. Bringing up several plans to mind.

5. Why bother escaping at all? Your here to kill the demon after all, which is exactly what they want?   

The way you see it, there seems to be no point in escaping. After all, you are here to slay the demon and help reclaim the fortress, so why not relax and wait it out. Waving Dywin away, you slouch down on the stone wall and decide to to take a nice refreshing nap, when all of sudden there is a commotion by the gates. 

Yawning, you stand up to take a look at what's going on outside, and you see a dark robed figure walking calmly towards the gates to stop and stare right at you. Shivering uncontrollably at this strange presence, you feel something sting your throat. Horrified you touch your neck and find a tiny piece of metal embedded in your skin. Annoyed that they'd drug you again, you try to rush at the gate, when you collapse, and fall into darkness...

Hours later you find yourself in a small bare chamber with your fellow prisoners. All staring around in confusion at their new surroundings.

(You've gained three new companions on your quest, and freed yourself from the cell, sort of. Check out their stats below. You can split any damage you take between you and one other ally or take all the damage yourself. You can also select one of your allies to take the full amount of damage.)


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