Scenario 6 - Choice 1

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Choice Results are at the bottom of the page. Goodluck!

(All of your resilience has been restored.) You wake up from a nightmarish dream filled with demons chasing you in the darkness, when you feel hot blasts of wind pressing against your cheeks and bare skin. Eyes fluttering open, you look up and stare around you in horror, as you begin to realise where you are. The walls, floor and ceiling emit thin trails of black smoke that scorch the air, warming the stone blocks beneath you. Hastily getting to your feet, you stare about the vast circular chamber with columns that reach up to ceiling, and disappear into a cloud of dark smoke. Making you wonder, what could do such a thing. The columns beside you depict strange scenes of battles between demons and the creatures that inhabit Coroleya. And as your eyes further adjust to the gloom, you see your companions tied up not far behind you, their mouths gagged staring at you in blind terror, with Dywin shaking his head up and down, as if he's trying to warn you of something.

Trembling a little at thought of what he could possible be so scared of, you slowly turn back around and immediately see the reason for your companion's horror stricken faces. For sitting upon a throne of purest black obsidian stone is the most gorgeous woman you've ever seen. Her long red hair draping her perfect skin, and her tight fitting black armor complimenting her well-formed physique. But that is not what terrifies you so. It's the thousands upon thousands of mangled corpses that lie piled up right behind her in great big heaping bloody mounds that have washed the stone floors in a tidal wave of blood that sends a quiver of fear down your spine. Not to mention the huge, muscular demon with wide shoulders and forearms the size of tree trunks standing by her side. It's bare red skin glistening with sweat, and penetrating yellow eyes glaring at you maliciously with evil intent.

Steeling yourself for battle, your hands instinctively move to the weapon at your side and to your surprise you find that they have not disarmed you. Unsure what game she is playing with you. You draw your weapon and you see her smile in response, revealing sharp white fangs. You also see the large demon behind her, unfold his leather wings and draw a smoking black blade of deepest midnight. Still smiling, she speaks softly in a light lilting tongue that entices your every sense, "There's no need for that my warrior. I have a proposal for you that I think you'll find most pleasing. Put your weapon away, before Kralzark becomes angry."

Having felt her power and what she is a capable of, you sheathe your weapon, and pray that you've made the right decision. Kralzark's eyes flare blue in disappointment. "I'm glad to see, you are not as foolish as your brethren here." Waving her hands behind her to the disfigured corpses of your people. She then slowly stands up and glides over towards you, her bodyguard not far behind you. She lays a smooth hand against your cheek, heating your face. "Here is my proposal warrior. My brother Tazrael has begun gathering an army of goblins in the Mountains of Caldasher in the hopes of unleashing the blood-storm. But I cannot allow that to happen, so I find myself in need of a champion, who is both willing and able to slay him." She pauses and gazes deep into your eyes, her yellow snake like eyes burrowing deep into your soul. She then leans forward to whisper in your ear, "Will you be my champion?" Her hot breathe warms your neck and shoulders, bringing a flurry of odd emotions to the surface.

Coughing abruptly to rid yourself of this strange feeling, you ask her, "And what would I get in return?" The demoness chuckles at your boldness and whirls away from you, before replying over her shoulder, "Why power of course, more power than you'd ever imagine, and all the gold you can carry." Seeing your eye's glittering with interest, she throws back her head and laughs again, and sits back down on the throne. "As a show of faith, I will even return the equipment that was taken from you, and allow you to leave with your companions. However I will warn you, one of your so called friends plans to betray you." At her final words, you spin around to stare at your companions, her words hitting you hard in the chest. Was she toying with him? If so, what had she to gain by dividing them like this? And why not just tell you outright, who it was? But if she was right, you would need to deal this problem right now. For having a traitor in your midst, could seriously hamper your efforts, and put your life at risk. Which is one thing you cannot abide.

You glance back over at the demoness, who simply looks at you, a playful smile on her red lips and nods her head in the direction of your companions. This has to be some type of test, you just know it. You walk over towards your kneeling companions. 

1. If you believe Gorrack to be the traitor, do you draw your weapon and cut him down?

There is so little that you know about Gorrack, whether it is because he is distrustful of you or not. You believe him to be the most likely one to betray you. With that thought in mind, you draw your weapon and position yourself by his side ready to strike. The Orc seeing your resolve smiles from behind his gag and gladly offers up his neck to you. Without any hesitation, you swing with all your strength to chop off his head, when your stopped by an invisible force that stills your arms. 

You look up and see the demoness, shaking her head side to side. "Maybe you are too foolish, to be my champion after all." She then gestures her hand forward and the demon at her side, speeds towards you. Black blade poised to strike you, stepping back swiftly you block the blow and counter with a slash towards the demon's hate filled eyes. Too slow to avoid the attack completely, you cut a wide gash in it's red skin. The demon growls furious, exposing razor sharp teeth, hammering you with devastating blows that ring down your arm, battering you with its leather wings. Two of his strikes manage to slip past your guard to slice into your chest. Luckily for you the cuts aren't too deep, but your starting to lose blood, which will gradually weaken you, the longer this battle progresses.

Drawing upon all your skills as a warrior, you break the creature's constant attacks and go on the counter offensive, forcing it back with blistering stabs of your weapon, searching for a way past it's defenses. The creature retaliates with heavy swings of it's greatsword, that shoot black flames along the sides of the blade to lick at your skin. 

Leaping backwards, you wipe the sweat beading upon your brow, and try to come up with a strategy, when the demon comes at you again. Black flames spurting from the blade to scorch your skin, and warm your body. Tiring quickly, you realise you must throw everything into a do or die assault. Gritting your teeth, you launch a feint attack to draw the demon's blade out to your left, before spinning around swiftly to come up behind the creature. The demon quick to react, spins around to block the incoming blow to it's back, but you never intended to stab it in the back. Instead you slam your weapon deep into it's throat, spilling it's lifeblood. The demon stares at you in disbelief, blood pouring down from it's gullet and collapses at your feet. 

Breathing harshly, you turn towards the demoness and see her softly clapping. "Well done warrior. It seems I have chosen my champion well after all. Not many could face Kralzark and live." Feeling angry and confused, you advance towards her, when you feel your body go stiff again. Unable to move, you stare at the demoness furiously. "Now, now, there's no need for that." As she speaks, you see Dywin stand up, his bonds vanishing to kneel in front of demoness. "My lady, I've done what you've asked of me. I have brought you a champion."The demoness smiles seductively and nods her head. "Yes, you've done well my pet. You will be rewarded as promised."

Shocked you stare at the dwarf, so it was him? It was him all along? Dywin stands back up to face you. "Sorry laddie, but I had no choice." You stare at the Dwarf, utterly dumbfounded, and ask, "But why?" The old dwarf gazes away off into the distance. "Why laddie? Why you ask me? You've seen why! Our race has been condemned to lose our minds! For no other reason, than a demon's need for vengeance! I will not become like those filthy abominations that wander through our halls! I will not!" 

Angered by his betrayal. You try to break free of whatever spell that demoness has upon you, when you feel a surge of tiredness wash over you.  The last thing you hear before you fall asleep is the Demoness's voice whispering in your ear. "Remember our deal champion." 

Battle Results

- 30 Health Points

Remove all Companion Reputation Points


You wake up hours later, back outside in the field where the dwarves have begun mobilising their army. Beside you are your two companions Lorna, and Gorrack. You also find a chest with your equipment inside (Restore all equipment), and the decapitated head of the demon you slew.(You may sell the demon's head for 2,000 gold pieces)

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